ALL EDITIONS The Arizona RepublicThe Phoenix Gazette CL6 Apr. 12, 1990 To Place A Classified Ad Call 256-91 1 1 Pws receive one FREE bonus ad in the next available neighborhood RepublicGazette Classified section of your choice. The Arizona RepublicThe Phoenix Gazette Classified In the Greater Phoenix area call: 256-9111 Elsewhere in Arizona call toll free: 1-800-352-5095 Monday Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 6:30 a.m.
to 6:30 p.m.. TheRepublicTheGazette ACTION ADS PLUS limited to noncommercial advertising. Blind box ads do not qualify. ACTION ADS PLUS limited to items for sale priced under $2,000. Each item must be priced.
No rentals, help wanted or services. ACTION ADS PLUS may be charged to Visa, MasterCard or American Express. mm 3 LIMES i ir Mm MS) 4210-Medical 4250-Yard Sales 4265-Yard Sales 4310-Yard Sales 4333-Misc For Sale Central Phoenix Glendale Scottsdale Area Equipment and Suppliet LOTS OF SKATEBOARDS! QUALITY SALE furnaDO hshTd 504 New 3 wheel elec cart, rwheel drive $2475 must sell for $1600 Garage Sale Much mlsc turn, 3 dsks. 2324 Betty Lra Norctak China se laclorv warranty vvi-5089 $1500. 6) W.
Vernon (S. of bivse. aat, April 14, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Huge Moving Sale, Clothing, accessories, furniture, sm appl's, hschold Items 8. much more. Sat only 6319 E.
Kinas Thomas N. ol Encanto) Sat. Coffeeend tbls $79. Cash reg NIKON Labophot bl-ocular 47, 7am-6pm. 254-2822 4270-Yard Sales microscope tux 40x mux oil, ister av.
Ketiiner i clubsbaa $195. Aral Ave, Just S7f Bell Ri helmet like new $55. 493-8346 4252-Yard Sales Weit Phoenix RASCAL heavy duty motor zed cart RW drive whasket BABY Clothes, NB-2 yr, wom- North Central Phoenix 2 nu battchrtir $1050 840-9612 ens ciotnes yiu, dooks, toys, FRISAT, closed antique shop, cleaned out attic, furniture, rocking chairs, glassware, lewelry, collectibles misc. 6520 E. Indianola, Sam, no early birds, cash only S04-S600 port, dryer, new briefcase.
RASCAL 3-wheel elec cart. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CARPORT SALE long frame, rear tola basket. Sat dnlv 7-1. Anfioues: Worn. i upconu 1 1 mn, amiu.
yqz-zaup ens, girls, mens clothing, piummng fixtures, Jacuzzi a RECLINING wheel chair with extension. Cost $650 will sell $250. 995-4380 FRI Sat 9-4pm 16426 Trevino Fountain Hills. Building Items, tools, mlsc Items. null oU4B n.
zna at. miSC 261V NJ4 Or. 6 blk of Thomas. FrSa earn-? EVERYTHING must be sold this weekend, 3 truck loads out of storage locker. Refrig, Schwinn lOspd bike, dishn, cookware, baby clothes, toys.
FriSatSun. 4152 W. Plnchot (1 blk N. of Thomas) AAAAAA Gigantic movinges 2 Reflotron Cholesterol Machines. New $4100 each.
Will tate sale. Saturday 45V N. 1) Ave. Dishes, small appl's, ra- Ave. small aMMi la- Furn, toys.household fyrnlshgs 104-S30 Sat April 14th 8am.
6502 E. Mackenzie Classified Telephone lane $zuuu ea 24I-V6I iv msg Garage sale Sat-Sun: side by 2 WHEELCHAIRS, TENNS GIGANTIC yard sale Sat. April UIU3, IV 3, Clirt-H II. IVMCWIIIUI, books, linens, cameras, old lewelry, furn, sewing mach, rowing machine, mens, wom- utn -I 3zii w. Lamar I dik So.
of Glendale. unit, waiKer, waxoatn, etc. BO 274-261 2 ens, teenage gomes HUGE YARD SALE. Frl-Sun. 3 Llq Oxy systems by Cryo-oenics, 75 lb capacity (2 ea).
gciiics, 75 lb capacity (2 ea), April 13 14. Refrlg, strg cab, siae reirig; irpic ioois, manne, large, lockaMe van top carrier; chan link gates; TV; cooler wstand; ama-eur radio; photography; mo-orcyclo pelmets; camping; raller icebox door; Iresrlms; Ice Hockey; mlsc E.Cholla az4y w. wusnire ur. wise car oart. tools, clothina 50 lb capacity (lea) AH for lurn.
nair saion cnrs, pryr, snks, mirrors. 14440 10th St. $750OBO household Items. 0VV-4UVB Not I -Bird, Moving must sell 4 bar stools, 2 Earth tone couch, 7ft $75, 4222-Clothing Uniforms, etc. dinette iuc real oiue jiau, goo retngs, exercise pikc, upnoi-stercd rocking chair, dbl bed, houseolants.
coffee table. PURE bronze tableware cages, plastic mete etai $au a serving pieces extras, sve $4U, Lb camper snen waterbed $100. 997-8263 BEAUTIFUL wedding Items, never worn. Wedriina hat ft. push lawnmower, mlsc worn-ens clothes shoes sz 5-9, mlsc Frl-Sat 8-5pm.
6038 W. HIGHLAND. 648-8410 ESTATEgar sale 3fam Fri-Sa Classified Hours Are Now 6:30 a.m. to 9 D.m. tor a (irom inaiiancu smj, picture frames, table lamp, push lawnmower $35 lots goodies 8649 El Charro Ln, Sat Only 8-5 b-i, till pr.
(in urange veil, 3 floor length dresses: peach; black while halter satin; pinkred satin. aire vinas on citrus) 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Monday thru Thursday FRSA, 8am-2om. Piano, bar lun-siza. t-riaav-aaiuraay, a ane nyyi-aiuy ozu w. torn ur.
SAT ONLY 10am-4pm. Furn; clothes; household; much misc. 54-S400. 10835 111th PI pies, coiieciiDie pens, ioys much misc. 7142 N.
17th Dr. CLOSET SALEI I QUIT! Need to sell worklna ariies 4275-Yard Sales W5-1BB3 apparell Betty 265-9813 4325-Estate Sales MOVING SALE, Sat 14th Onlyl FORMAL DRESSES, worn SW Phoenix 7n 10. beautifu only onci waierpeas, color iv washer dryer, clothes, toys, tires 8. rims, tools, shotguns, ALL furniture car must an SaT-Sun April 14-15. 9am-3nm Luxurious full lenoth fawn col norses supplies, misc.
All Must Go! 6230 N. zuuiNjtnur. ored mink coat wfox sleeves 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Friday CALL 256-9111 Outside Metro Phoenix In Arizona Call Toll-Free 1-800-352-5095 5530 W.
Almerla Saturdav. $iuuuoBO. cvu-vii I6in ur I iyin AveMaryianai AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA pishes, linens, misc. furniture, bookcase, hlde-a-bed, color tv, microwave, beds, much much more. Desert Harbor Subdivision 91 Ave T-BIrd follow signs to Lennar HomesHarbor View.
14956 N. 85 Dr. Friday-Sunday Sunday 8-7pm baby clothes, SAT 7-3 only. Furniture, com- ig appliances, misc, su-jiuu hen ware. pact disc KI1CI 4400-Musical 4450-Pianos, Organs 4450-Pianos, Organs 4500-Stereos, Radios, 4520-TVsVCRs Initrumentt, Accestoriet, Soli ond Service Solet ond Servk ReCOrdSTS Sole and Service ELECTRrtirYamaha 'np Call BID at 74-7713 -Kimball, Like New! NEC K700-E dual cass deck cond $250 OBO 964-1957 itfWnfr SB MffiW MAGNA VOX VHS video cam- SARioPNHOLE fem iffe Am0 StelnwIviIwaTOanos Sfif RMAN cLAY Ivory up- PlONEERlio-me stereo sys- SlBOOOBb.
836-6601' $85XC e9n3d-940n6 Since 19loVKaWal "00 Hght TGenc oPd. XL100 26" color remote "SilBw CSS ANT sn mEtowst- 7. 274-7713 835-0060 excellent condition 973-8524 $500- 247-0388 Satellite-new Unlden 7700 sots Mas "saspr fess isfs 'ict nana saa tE55oBo 274- 35-060 PIANff, NEW $2000 TEAC X10R R2R, Sony 8mm Camcorder CCD- 873-0141 alter 5pm BABY GRAND upright piano, ianu, LiKb New, $2000 technlq. RSB48R cass, deck, V8AF, 5bs, 6X pwr zoom, VT W6' piano with matching SriT! SoM lr Wf. $400; 946-4 71? 2 iKbSWlH1 am? Vt' RfSSH $17o0new, Sell $86839-1923 Ovation Electrical Acoustic Piano with bench, walnut Spectrum pre amp $50, MGT TV 19" COLOR wcase.
firm $150. Classical exclntcond. w.fJPL'lZE? crossover $60, 2 Image acous- Ape, excel cond! $110 Gultarwcase $75. 834-7824 BALDWIN console piano, 5vrs" 9W55-672C2h' X'ent Cnd' "A $50 a HtSrt 006696 to' o'enewfco. yaha Clavlnoya elec piano mM0.
WoCWl ffi mUXAct fM lWmWL Mlsc equipmenf S0" YmAo fWlllW ldA SELMER TENOR SAXI Ba'aw, l.C Orga rt, 24 993-08 Rubin Jr. ppsltloner motor. $560. Excellent cond, $1300. SSSi.
tnoobo497 1898 UPRIGHT Chase tii unn 943-3245 anytime 561-0873leave message JJt ltnn 4520-TVsVCRS r-Mitiublshl color TV PSSi 1-76-0193 Sale, and Service A -bmi plavCidbvHR8c1eNlerset'nB bXlDWN SPINET PIANO RadiOS, AAA color console works COLORTRAK CON- fffiVanHn FIS 780 9510 with bench 5vrs old like new great $110. Color portable with SOLE, cable ready remote SlQOOeaobo Call 780-2510 wiin oencn, ayrs 01a, iixe new. Rprnrflprt nice picture $75. 846-4171 only 4 yrs old $200 943-3834 M.SMER JUBILEE W. 954-6746 fc AAA 25" Color TV-Excellent WlnfTCOLpR TV WVCR, RFT Pianft Rotlta Solet and Service condftlon, $125 cash, near both wremotes 8, oak cabinet Tp riur 0 nenWIS ALPINE 7374 lyr old, top of the Metro center mall.
995-7006 $1000 obo must sell. 272-4539 "SWSrB: BWMM aRfdPeSw03l2'IsT)lSfwS ID Rfel-tSeel $75 STereo $50 A beautiful color table model Service, Supplie, mint rnS GOOD Horupal Practice piano. Disc player $95. 230-4193 $65. Color console $100.
Ask ARCADE GAMES; Double MfrM oTTnM kmmMtPsowjco, ssxmwum vamaua ircvnnADn dcH $2000 5611.3405 wcros, Collins Sin wco ils, A Sony 8mm video camera Haraiy played. 86-BBB4 Tony Porta Tonebook? Uke few ulTJ, a nor am i Rich 942-9737 Incl. extra 2 hr batt, video If, Jack The Giant Killer, arcade Mbox fOT "cowAakerflWo" Cerwin Vega 18" woofers $200. case, sve wrnty $700 248-8788 version, worts perfect, nJr I mT oIi. nH best offer 966-1 Peer sprk 15y' woofer, 2 A 8' Dish wHcavy Duty Stand $250neBOtlable.
784-1680 mk1- Nintendo Games stands clarinet $50 Mint conaltlon $600 or best COMPACT disk player Ya- Vu J17 c'sa' 878-7010 or 643-4009 offer 916-1197 maha, CD-3, like new, 4yrs BRAND new Symphonic 4 435-2412 KBALL Baby Or 1903 muslcqegglp.Ca943-1014 JSSi' hM 11 4450-PianOS. OrMnS HOME stereo JBL speakers, One! 230-2896 dTr NINTENDO SYSTEM(u ipiiuo, vi uito new with iranswrrable war- P0neer Tcchnics, Fisher Commercial 34' portable VCR wSuper Mario III ft 7 other Solet and Service wcabinet, $515 obo. 949-8262 $250, Character Gen $400, great games, $350. 992-9495 A AAAAA AAAAAA A A AAA A Xwtt Pecan fTnlsK Pertecl KTiPSCHORN loud speakeTI jpgeeffects gen S200 230-4133 UPRIGHT games: Centipede, SiAUftC tno DruT condft'ion $1100 obo 931-20sf oil walnut finish, xlnl CONSOLE TV, Fisher, dark Gallaoa, Chopllfter. PIANOS FOR RENT conaiiionMUU OPOVJl-2U5B (ion.
$1900 pr. obo. 830-5442 wood, Magnavox, walnut $250 269-2136 or eves 936-7139 $19 A month llotiAT60 4560-Electronic Washburn Muslcland SS00. obo 835-6162 Lv msg UNDINGTtereo color TV H3U aaaaIa a a a a a a a aaaaI LOOKING FOR A MARANTZ stereo system, VCR' Comp0nentt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bllm, stack rack with 2 speakers vhs, 14 CB Base, Tempo 1 with llme- HiBhest pr ce paid for used GOOD USED PIANO? case, $450. 246-8114 JVC VHS Camcorder, model terliand, Palomar 350Z linler, WaJehsefi'e-O? See our fine selection of qual- NAD 8.
BOSTON ACOUSTICS' pSfKiW aeA'o00 Iwifi okerbeam Ity used pianos. Most come Separates: CD, pre-amp ft call 438-1163, alter 5pm. antenna. $975. 242-2158 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA with our famous warranty.
50W amp, spkrs A-400's $820 JVC VHS-C Camcorder, GR- Complete Satellite System, jmm mrpaaNrcsodai-88oo ROCKFORDfiF207s2g2ate Powcr Mmmi 6,001 Jish-6bcstofer! ANTIQUE PIANO NEW Kimball Piano 27" CONSOLE TV yhaffuhff! w276m $250 247-5912 $1500 obo 246-9454 changer. 931-2706 Exc cond $225 OBO 279-5074 1 500. John 991-5928 after 5 1333-Misc for Sale 333-Misc For Sale 4333-Misc For Sale 4333-Misc For Sale 4333-Misc For Sale MENS CLOTHING hardly used, trousers 40" waist, 29 Inscam; dresssport shirts, X-L. Nearly new white 4045 N. 16th Av flwfs misc, Z5-Corncr of 4290-Yard Sales 16th Ave SAT 7-5.
SUN 1-5. FURN. unacr snons; socks, etc S1-S25. 942-6612 by appt only Tempo Area Housewares, en raren items, AAAAAA Estate sale. Saturday 4597 N.
17 Ave. Furniture, dishes, linens, tv's, radios, MUCH MUCH MORE! VERY elegant wedding dress, cost $850 will sell for $200. A Huge Moving Sale! Furn amps, wall units, ectronlcs 1 blk $100; 18217 16th Way S. of Union Hills on 16th vl The Arizona Republic worn once, ysj-uuu ay) toys more.50-$35Q Sat Only CLASSIC Mercedes Sedan for aw oiti w. magoaiena ur, restoration, sanooat, lurniture, sleeper fable, jia, lauic wtaaing uress- size 8 witn rr uj ol veil, Train hoop.
$150 4Z5D-YarU SaleS FRI-Sal 7-lp. 13201 37 PI, f-alrmount Anwaiuxee. Kapp caoes. I l-TUJ wiener, etc. mi Tempe.
Sal only 8 The riioeinx Gazette Classified Advertising North Phoenix pins Dorm set clothes, some WEDDING-GOWN by Murray kios games. si-35u ESTATE Sale April 13-14 7am-3pin. Antiques; glass Baby cilhs new-5, bed equip; HarpDurger, sprinpsummcr, white eyelet wmtch picture Gagage SaleGoing to Europe! ware; turn; 8, much more nsenuia misc. 3-uu aai 322 Harmon! (5AvNrthrn) nat, size 12. 5.
wh-iiw i-urniTurc, aisnes, i vs, dikc, iou. i ,25 6 Ave, Mesa new town ots of orea Octagym 8 position exerciser, Kids clothes, toys, furniture, WHITE Satin wedding gown, hand sewn pearl hnnire. fin stuffno iunk' Sat 14th allday. ESTATE Sale, 14818 Cameo misc. nsnoia nems.
5-siuu. 3K-i5u. uu t. waison oun capinet, water pea mattress baffle king sz. ur.
n. on win av to cameo ti ain from waist $250 938-0950 hri-sat -3 iB2UN.znqsi i-ri sat. Bam-1. Furn, Klrby GARAGE sale Sat Sun, 7-? ao-4oo NSA water filters below whole appis, antiques, lots misc. t-yrp, swing set, patio turn, 4233-Jewelry OLEG Cassinl quartz diamond sale, price, mooei sul.
sbo ea, QUALITY SALE reirig misc. Z5-I23. 2609WSummft. 491-0504 QOei lUUb Wl ea 264-22U5 Ofc furnaDD shsliTd 504 watcn, reian $iys selling $125; Evante skin care retail $397 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DONT TAKE LESSl 3 FAMILY SALE! Great buys $1500. 61 W.
Vernon (S. of GARAGE SALE Sat 414, asking $300 497-8972 un awn equip; ipuib, nuusu- i nomas n. ot bncanto) sat. 47, 7am-6pm. 254-2822 POOL table, 4ftx7ff 3oc slate- am-jpm, zsh-j5 IV44 Buena vista.
Tempo noia nems; eic. zm-s i 5. elry, estates vintage Plonccr stereo system. $400- 15th AveBell Rd. sat April 14 $650.
V62-BJ4y Or V56-5 I ly waicnes. rvtoney to loan Western jewelry 990-3739 4333-Misc For Sale Relocation sale. Small items to large Hems 8-4 Sat 4260-Yard Sales PORT dlshwash, dinette, refrlg AAAAAA Jewelry Buyers oniy. i 1: Loyola ur. I empe AAAAA 8' Showcase $175.
4- 14 tires Top Cash Price 8ZU-II2Z Yard Sale 1115 Bluebell Lane NW Phoenix row macn, trampoline, Harie- I win oookcasc-oeo, complete crl appraisers Phone est LI qumpooKS iuq-io. BJ-264I aat oniy y-5 com i arauing JO J5-145 AAAAAA Huge Rummage BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND taoie $uu more REALIST Police Scanner, i-r -aar oin Ave Sl-J color appr $4300, AIR CONDITIONERS (3), used fires tools, 5500W Genco 300 Ch, 1300 MgH, IVi yrs. oicnaaie, bb corner, an-sau 4295-Yard Sales asiung vzuuu zy-uzi aon. pistols, btrv chra. Kareiy useu.
jau vi-flooa AAA FANTASTIC sale. Furni BEAUTIFUL hand made silver pane Pacer. Meta Area $450 3637 Taylor 272-5415 antique coral turquoise zuni ture, domes, tools, 4917 Crocus Dr. 439-0177 Ruger 22 pistol, Tru-Cyt Tiff Lawnmower, Ralkcs Bears, over 50 Precious Moments necklace. $650 obo.
991-5109 Answer mach, baby furniture, Aluminum awnlno. heavv AAA Huae Garaae Sale Sat- CASH SiS CASH r-igurmes. ia-wo. aqa-uyjo snaue nxu. wn te.
new a n. ciotnes, toys; qn uax wtrDeo, rocker, plumb 8, bldp supplies fers, 3 decorative columns, ooia silver Buy sen jun, coiiectioies mucn misc. AvJohn Cabot bet. Bell 2028 Cameiback SECTIONAL Beige sofa, $300, glass sofa tab $100. Encyclo 242-6310 complete, $35u opo V56-By2v pixe, tools, ciotning, scrn oallo doors, etc 954-S300 union Hills, DIAMONDS PRECIOUS ANTENNA TOWER 30ft Sat only 8-4pm corner Home AAA 67th AveUnion Hills.
Jewelrv wanted. Aso Rolex pedia Brlttanlca with a child set $75, lawn mower $25, Atari w25 games $80. Oak $300, UTILITY cranxuo Hampton a. ot soutnern aesKs, sewing macn, ciomes, wanted. Bob Wyatt Jewelers TRAILER $450 cash.
582-9364 antiques, i-ria. aat, Clothing, some furniture, nat map case $juu. ya i-jb: i mi tz. main wesa V61-I44 1 ANTIQUE 1920's kitchen stove AA Big Sale Sat 414 8am-noon SODA POP. ran 8, hnttle ma iikcs, mower, etc.
iuk-sju. 8am. 2209 Emerald Clr. Engagement ringwed. band, 3ct.
center stone, let total wt. only 2vuy Nortnview uiav cllner, misc. 253-5721 chines canav macnine nr DoosonSouthern pet waiurangcwa) B6-4WU Marquis cut $1000. 863-421V Appliance shop equipment for Fri-Sat, 3-FamMy Garage Sale. AFFORDABLE INSIDE SALE Soda 1 JEWELRY WORK TABLE Pop Machine, large 288 Excellent condition! $300 Dressers.
Par siools, bar can. 1. lurniture, misc. orcat stutt! 1708 E. Hackamore.
saie tnciuaing noist tor loaaing unloading washers dryers etc.from Dickuus, 2 large hand line new $25; ioois 924-7116 lights, dishes, pans. Fn a sat. Bjy-yjiu up to $150.4144 Marletle LARGE SALE FRI-SAT-SUN TO BF MOVFD trucks. Appliance Repair Clr, 6816 N. 56th Ave, Glendale ka wtrbed, shwasher A Moving Sale, Wed thru Sat Must sell 3br 2ba block house, misc, 1901 2ndSt.
bracelet, 72 cut dia. Wgold safety chn 17J Swiss Mov GIA yj-v6 (won-batyam-12, Bam-spm. ah must go, 5 uuii, iiiepidce, an me guuuius, l-4p or call 265-2398 for appl Dorms, apps. tvs. vlr.
I EAVING USA MUST SFI I yyz-BoBB app $J35SCII $V5VV4-4BI5 BASKETS with liners, living dining rms, pictures, antlaue unusual glassware TWIN. BED with brass head- Sunday only 8-5pm. $3000 sectional-only $950; entertain MAN'S 18K-Y w4ct emerald iiamcter. y-rcat tor planters. ooard ft, trame 1125.
Aauar- solitaire, $800. Lady's 14K-W ment center; computer aesx; -JUU. $100 UUO. BB-U2I aisnes, antique turn, clothes, etc. 50J-J200.
um, 55 gal wequlp, custom cluster, tct. total, s5u. offer, must sell 246-8114 BEVELED olass riinlnn tahle punt witn stand sau yB-44UJ 5941 W. Pasadena, Glendale Always excellent results VVaiVI l-U, MII3V. II9.IIU1U 2929 Broadway 55 (between Gilbert Val Vista) East Mesa.
924-3838 Water purifier treatment sys MENS Movado watch, lizard iuiiv n. ui aroie pase zau. 4 arawer cab nets 459ea. Pitnev Sale 7am new in oox, cost $, tem, removes chlorine, pad tasfe, odor. Above counter, Bowes oostaac machine 1 nana, sell $225.
242-7017461-1675 sold the freezer" G. Anderson, Scottsdale AJinUIKin AAnct cr.ll scale $200. 3 Glass display BR suites pictures China cab.mlsc 4719 China 4719 Have 12 new units $50 each. SATSUN 5459 E. CAROL capinets, tivaea.
eB-Bya V56-V6JB MUST SELL Ladies diamond ring, 37 points, asking $450 snaw Butte, 2DI ot cactus AVfc (HigicyBrdwy) Water purification svstem- A 1 l.n.11,. CI nnK.llrnr BOOKS About cars, trains, war, art, movies, Indians, OPO. VJB-645 ,7 1 -i i 1" I MULTI Family Sat only-Furn, ioiiiiiv saty rii viny.ii, 1.3, oun aystems iompiete nouse tICrvl A-CC. An.nlk.irl turn, taster initios. mucn more.
921-1745 unit izuu yB-yzy nsenia items, oapyKias ciot hes lots of mlsc, 2901 Blwa pearl 'cultured pearl jy45 W. BtrKKIUOb LN. l-i WEDDING gown size 5. Queen w. curry i dik t.
ot price Ka O'Wmm. V46-46U2 BABY adult clothes, small CABOVER camper, wrought Iron stairwy railing, used oak flooring, roof tile, old wagon size oeo mattress. appis, Bbu, toys, patio turn, a Our ads bring proven results 3U-B5 leave message. RARE yellow diamond wed set diamond chips, paid' $2000, sell $1500 OBO 990-0121 nay raKes. B2U-2U3I misc.
au-iuu. r-r s. aat, uuv wjuu-ldru od KS W. Brown. South of Peorfe.
1 01 18,000 BTU air conditioner, Chew Fna. 350 16ft trlr 1475 East Phoenix oniy usea 4 months, sauo. Cement mixer $175. Pool fable Wood burning stove $165. Un- BICYCLES, SS Waterbeddlng, books, clothing, electric fans, ROLEX 2-T0NE AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA light tixture $ioo.
9BB-3V3 aer counter micro, biai by side refrlg, $400 869-602 ESTATE SALE gents, like new $1700. 935-1010 2 Shelf gas grill, 3200 BTU, all mower, eager, trimmer, turn, rock grinder, skateboard, vise, multi-family. 1G4-S1 10 Furn. antiques, pictures. CLEANING UP Low Prices! 1 Ladv's ICt pair shaoed soli To place your ad call 256-91 1 1 The Arizona RcpuHicTlie accessories, iikc new hsehld Items fi.
misc. 4522 E. Lafayette, Sat 8-4. taire dia. $1900; 1 Tudor man r-ri aat 46io in 2y Ave.
V4J-2B22 '77 Pinto, needs work, '62 VW runs, Nimrod Camper, foam sailboat, riding mower does watcn py kqicx $5uu; 246-buu clothing 2 swivel rockers, top cond. $40 tiuiim AAA 4 Fmly Sale! FrSa 6a-7p mucn morel iobuv ina-55n. inRn9 not run m-nio 1.01 CT. round brilliant diamond clarity II, color l-J a sau. incw nome ntness gym, Soloflex style $200.
Arcadia mues, toots, oaDy ciotnes, iys, bikes, tv's, misc. items. 65AV0. t-rl Sat BAM 2PM l25UBU.yV6-BI44 screen goorsiu 87-0163 COCA-Cola; Pepsi, 7-Up, Orange, Roofbeer, RC, Crcme, CARPORT Sale, Frl 11-6, Sat 5C-S500 2902 E. Palm Lane 21cf refrig $350.
9.5cf frig $200. J.ty'i.?Mcy fetDr (1 blk Antiques, lamps, furn, stereo of actus) Miuquev lauip, iuim, mcicu, 6-7-12oz bottled soda for pop 2 unique gold rings lots of turquoise 8. silver lewelry, 254-S700 toys, mfsc. 411-414 uprigni piano $450. un trame.
machines va-va. 345-2 oo matt a poxsprg siau bu-jbj Bauy, exec gesxs, camper, ii-spm. J4I6 b. t-iimore. 50LB baas of MESQUITE siu-sjuu, yaw 'jw 4244-Pools, Spas, Closeout of new cost lewelry APPT ANYTIME OR SAT Collectibles: old lewelry, books, mables.
Trolls dolls, frog, rocks, AZ Highways. 3637 W. TAYLOR 272-5415 eaves. sne wuuu, (smati logs) ALL DAY MOV NG SALE Luonn plnecones 50ea. Girls clothes zaj-y464 furn, fools, RV seats, misc.
to sz 4. Many wondcrfuf Items Hot Tubs, Saunas ji4 so Z5U im szna St. API 75 Cadillac Coupe De Ville; 6 ft. Crib, Ig clothes Ids-men, pla' men, play t-Ki jbui laiavar 102, 840-4704 Or V41-8450 ifrvpSia pen, golf clubs, roll tvolno. computer FRI Sat-Mlsc.
Furn. hsehld. satellite aisn; Lixe new uowex water softener; Rem 22 rifle; More misc. $5-5900. 438-1361 BLOCK SALE FRIDAY.
Lots Supplies and Services AAA KRFEPY KRAWI Y. Kitchen, linens, KniK KnaKS. quilt, 242-1677 goodies! 254-J75. block of McDowell. 3200 Almerla.
3V26 w. wood Drive Very gooa condition, new DRAW Poker 54 slot machine IGT, Red, xlnt cond, $1200 FRI-SAT 7-2, hshld Items, end noses inCI 45U OBU 4B2-64BB FURNITURE, Soft back books 1 person therapeutic Jacuzzi, Klngslze softside tube waterbed, freezer, couch love-seat, recllner, 973-5051 tan os. ocks. man set. otn- t-irm witn capinet.
bji-554 cn tarens dooks, cnairs. Ing i more 3125 W. Elec parts, some tools, misc. shoes ABOVE GROUND POOL 18x4 new sand filter, xlnt shape, ind all Indscping, rafls, chemicalsaccess, needs liner. Will wianzanna, im Northern vsfl-sso.
aivi -414. 3913 purses, rocKing cnair, ciock, stereo 831-6121 aft 12 4377-Misc Sell Clarendon FRI 7-1, microwave cabinets, ciotnes, aropin stove witn Garage sale, Furn, appis, DRINKING fountain, like new IV, liuuu, uintr, laii, iiiulii iiiuic. or Exchange neip remove sauu quo iii-sim ABOVE 16x4' pool, sand filter, J4 horse, ladder, no liner, $275obo 944-2085 ciomes, uapy items etc. 3031 E.Yale SAT-Sun. 5038 w.
Desert cove. Halsey Tayloi kl ch sS sink hdwr, sma at FULL figured ladles clothing, 990-0717 BAR-TOP TRIV. GAME $1500 HUGE carport sale, Frl, Sat, sun 7 am 2022 N3Vtnst value, sen $1200 or trade tor home computer. 956-8929 tots ot misc. aat oniy am.
3701 Rose Lane. 504-S300 231-BB56 or 275-7057 GAME table, solid oak chrs. Comb, pokerbumper pool, xlnt cond. $1000. 463-1593 IF YOU sell or service swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, or saunas your message should Jacuzzl-Kingslze waterbed, Double oven stove $250, 4UGE MOVING SAI Lett fOUZ, fviZ.1 vou I TMlMK itu VcOMMUNfty CME6T'' JUST WOM 4 MIUION THERe's NO CARP I AjtStL )v POLUARS F(20M UKE THAT I SHOULD BE HOTELS 1 PIUS, vDU MAV T4kE All Of Wr Vtx) OPfDNEMT'5 MOWEV AtJP Nfc rF-K i WOPeW, 5EWPMIM1DJAIL ws 5-riJpiD was' Spiderman I SHUPPUP, LAMBBRAIH )J I A FEW I THf? MPORTANr wsweU.
I'MMOTBUNP tATeJL2 minutbs seweeH i mxs couch, loveseat, freezer, Mon-Frl at 256-9111 Items. Frl-Sun items, i-ri-: high quaTfurn.compylcr Items ski equip Sat-Syn 9-5pm 4727 Lafayette Blvd camper snen $25, oany stroller $40 padded or wood closet doors $5 a set, double many misc GE 1.7CE COMPACT refrig $80. Electric Trooper scooter wcharger 7-4, 7318 34 AVC, HhX JACUZZI Carcssa portable LOTS of mlsc Items Frl ft, Sat. porcelain sinktaps $25, Italian lo brass marble scales best MOVING SALE- SAT APR 14 lounger wniripoot spa, iyr oia, asking suuu. jhu- i J4y GOLF Car 71 Pargo, good cond, strct legal, great for mini storage.
$495. 972-6463 offer, Doulton character mug 1V233 N. 47th Ln. Btwn union Hills 8. BeardsTcy) uuanty goods 8am-2.
5934 B. Calle Del Norte POOL 18' above ground, filler, tor juu rj-o 1 iu Moving Sale, 5720 Laurie Ln VERY nice 1985 Honda Fill A-Bed $75, waterbed SKimmer, pump access, 2vrs. Xlnt 582-2845 4305-Yard Sales t-n-aat v-4. turn, small appis. HIDE-A- $105; Ker best offer lers scooter, low mi, $boo or trace stereo juu, or 942-8480 ur pan, tuuib, misc ai-au.
Portable spa, 4 person with tor nice a i k. or ooat. vy-BBJ NE Phoenix RUMMAGE Sale.5-$100. 7- lounger, iiv neater. Excellent 4388-Misc Wanted ANTIQUES, primitives, furn.
ICE MAKERS Ncw-Used-Sales-Rentals EDWARDS CO 994-4776 jpm Loncoraia Lutneran Church 4901 Indian SchT Rd condition! $650000 Bo-44tu Silica Sand filler. oumD. IMP. wicker, bikes, keyboard, il 'ereo. Hi SATURDAY 7am-3pm.
Prom tixtyres, punas, cntna, sti BATTERIES Junk batteries motor, compl cleaning syst, used 3mos $350 OBO 842-2730 oca. tow ,900 FriSat. ciotnes, toys 254- aresses, turn lots more. lougnt Any quantity, INDIAN PottervS, Baskets Fine Private Collection! 990-9407 10236 N. 43rd St.
(S of Shea) lOi-SJUO. 5334 Becker Lane 4ja b. van buren 2j- aj ANTQS, ktchnwrs. horscskl SAT only 7-4, mlsc house SPA Brown marble, scats 6-8 excel cond. 3 yrs old.
Red-wood siding $1500. 979-3228 CASH for Gold, Silver rare quiP4 101s more, an-stau 01ns, JUKE BOX, 200 selections, looks and sounds good. $395. 234-3044 garape, za-juu. iyu 4tn Ave (North of Union Hills) 3122E.ACOMA KlaA 1 2510 3HP SPA PUMP for therapy FRI-Sat.
Furniture, guns, SAT ONLY 8-12 Antiques.furn Downdraft cooler gas tools, old pumps, clothes, lot! coiiectioies, cratts auo-siau. range; retrigerator. fay casn ot misc I5JI Anaerson ur KING Wavelcss waterbed complete $40. Lrg sm cages for rabbits, birds etc. $5-420.
9x12 braided rug $30. 934-2579 3144 Las Paimantas pickup-furs. Morgan 23- 16BB lets, UKe new i a. 4y-jaa 4x16 Doughboy with sand filter, 2vrs ola excellent condition, 1st $450 takes It. 581-8432 eves 01 Bell 8, I6tn bt SAT-SUN.
Household Items, FRI ft, SAT 8AM-3PM 4400-Musical oapy items, turniture -t more Furn, dishes, etc. 504-S150. rum, uisnui, 32jy w. ivtanaaiay Ln 4950 E. Laurel Scottsdale SATSun 8-5.
3437 St. Morltz 4' 16' ABOVE GROUND POOL. Pump filter. $250. 935-5793 Instruments, Accettories, Inttructlont, Etc.
Garaae sale Sat only 9-3. Furn Ln. clothes, ladies clothes, etc 104-S950, No i man spa with gas heater, szs 8-10, much mlsc 104-S100 off 35Av bewtn GrnwyT-BIrd tariy Birds. 3B42 wmarosc. AAA-CASH FOR PIANOS Guitars, Musical Instr Equipment.
Call 242-9866 HOW DO YOU APPEAL TO TYPICAL PHOENICIANS? There Is no 'typical That's why there's 'Inside Phoenix 1990, a complete explanation of current trends, employment statistics and demographic population analyses. Household, electrical suoolles. elec guitars, Sal 7.30- ALTO Saxaphone 4 sale. Less 4. 2vu Hcrswng, ol Shea man 1 year pia, paid jbuu will sell for $375 OBO 375-0902 Large Yard Sale: couch, many misc.
Fri-Sun 8am-6pm. 2647 E. Beverly Larie ALTO SAX. Yamaha, used years, new $1695, now $651 LOTS of baby Items, bikes, V3B-105B Consulting market statistics and demographics enables you to reach the targeted misc draperies, etc. Sat 8a-2p.
SHOE.Waltann. A BUNDY CORONFT like new, with case. $350. Call auaicnce ana to snape your MOVING Sale. ADDllanres 256-jjy Animal Crackers furn.
antiques, misc. 11-4500. Dusincs5 plans witn confidence. A-75 Telecaster. amnilfier.
Tucs-Thurs, 8-? 569-6761 i V802 32ng at, space 1 AKG-mlke 957-228(5 MOVING sale 8-2 Sat. 2949 Turn to 'Inside Metro Phoenix 1990' for the latest facts aboyf Phoenix and other fast-changing Valley Communities. Be eocH a BASS cstm made pre amp Shangri La. AssF ktchn Items, Lrest luuamp V70use laspxr, toys, lamps turn. i-s lao cstm conts, saau.
zu-v4 MOVING Sale: collortahles Copies of 'Inside Metro CLARINET, Vlto, very good books, some furn, misc Items, Phoenix 1990' are available for $10 each at the from condition, nstruction dooks iu-o aat-aun i mi im 4U pi. case inciuaea iza. 4vb-joj RELOCATING: everything counter ot me Kepuoncine Gazette, 120 E. Van Burcn and at all RepublicGazette must go tnis ween; Couches, beds, dressers, ta DIGITECH GSP-5 $400. PV XR400pwr head $250.
(4) PV 1210 cabinets $100 ea. 831-5953 bles, dinette, dryer, refrlg, bunkbeds, tools, power DRUMS Comolete set mower, foys, bikes, motorcy whardware. Good condition. cle, ciotnes, dooks, aquarium, too much aqi list orancnottices. RepublicGazette branch offices located at: Scottsdale Office, 7701 E.
Indian School Road Glendale Office, 5140 W. Peoria Avenue, 106 Mesa Office, 106 E. Baseline Road If Its not attached It doe: DRUMS Tama, 5 piece set, high hat cymbols rotos. Lots of hardware, like new UU. 4V3-3U4t 13642 N.
34th Pl Condition, 870-4948 SAT. 6431 Bethany Home -TT7TT. 'Zr. Furnclothesapplsmore. 4249- Handmade Gifts l-Vbo-, r-Trir52 SAT-9am, toys, play kitchen, Pratt Itomc air hockey, Barbies, 1815 W.
ttdll lieillj Tonto Ln. 869-9218. Boutiques, Salei, Etc. Spring Cleaning! Thur8, Frl AM Misc. turn, offls clothes; 6-12, DEALER SPACE AVAIL iksaWNihAv.
Daily, weekend, monthly THURS 10-2pm, FRI, SAT 9- ralesVava7hlgh tr'affl? count; Vmi bike' indoor air cond. Inquire Black Atari Canyon Flea Market Antl- items! 6147 15th Dr qucs, 2728 W. Peoria. 789-7400 YARD SALE: Bike, scooter, EASTER CRAFT SALE' niany like new toys, clothes, Hand decorated baS. bar stools, hshld items kcts more.
Fri Sat 8-4. 3925 ELTON Dr. Near 56th Ave Peor la. Sat.4-14.8am-ll:30amonly HAND made Bunnies zrzof, t.i. with candy 8.
tos 242-0557, Immed Liquidation everything aje, 1 day only SAT. must go, 50 off all imported N- silks, baskets 8, collectibles, 77th Dr. Furn 8, kids stuff. Space 248, 2726 W. Peoria Fam sale Frl-Sat 8a-2p Baby items, Barbies, Bikes, Birds, 4250- Yard Sales eunk car top darner, 1.JO IdlU oaic Crafts, Egg Roll Recelpe, Central Phoenix Furn, Kennel Carrier, Tovs, Cash.
14000 N. 6tst Av. ABSOLUTELY Cule! Easter -tttt-t rz. gifts, some antiques, lots of aloe toys, foldable desk Frl HtOJ-ldlU OdIKi Home' Gl.ndol. "ABUNDANT BARGAINS" Sa(.
Antiques, old plank scat 99f-05 chairs, glassware, books, de- Wms, SOPls, TV's, JVC canters, dolls- Indian, lamps, Plnlr0 rms, pictures, lewelry- costume I ster ing, lapidary stone, material, kids clothes, candle wick, lots mlsc 2J, Frl-Sat 7-4, 2016 Denton Ln VV- Glendale 1 block of Missouri on 20th (lblk N. of Cameiback). Ave. 254-S1 500 cash only. A BACK Yard Sale Sat 6a-3p.
frldav Sat 413 14th. Everything must go! 6am-5pm. Mlsc Items 3322 N. 17Dr(16AveQsborn) rm. guel.
(So. ot Bethany S1-S50 FRI-SAT 136 ALMERIA cbi ci 7ooi uu Mcpowell3Av 19" color TV; Exercise AC unit; Panasonic phone fthJ ans mach; furn; mirrors; lots, kitch Hems, tent etc nice mens clothing (Med) SAT ft SUN. 9-, baby clothes, shoes (sz 10), misc. toys, clothes, piano, '65 mo- MOVING Sale! Everything tffl 5845 must go. Rattan brass, t4lh Pr (s-01 futons, microwaves, much SUNDAY ONLY 8am.
Better-more, Thurs-Sun ladies clothing, co*cktail table 8-4 1405 EEdoemont 1 blk So. misc household Items 10209 of Thomat 16th St. 277-1905 53rd Afe SAT 8-4: furn, clothing, toys more, vtu -tarn, biw in- DRUMS Tama Grand Stars. 3 piece with some hardware. chcomb(T-blrd62st) Or, order by mall by enclosing pearl pink, $300.
973-3846 eves TERRIFIC Yard Sale, lots of si per copy, to cover nan- DRUMS 3PC wcvmbols, $175. tools, lawn equip Iro fully enclosed trlr. rovers. 2 1 t. iro wise neaas, parts cases, 992-8006 FrSaSu 493-1813 Andy Capp WASHER, gas dryer, ladders.
oiing. aeng oracr to: Inside Metro Phoenix 1989 Promotion and Public Relations The Arizona Republic The Phoenix Gazette 120E.VanByren Phoenix, AZ 85001 tivv-n uiiil, Cost I35M DRUM SET, professional asking $2000 961-1321 pressure wasner, misc nouse-yyares. Sat Sun 2429 E. Sweetwater, 3 Mi (y imacAia, nmux ot DMMCA SvMMCAII MC Drum set-Tame electronic I WISH SOU WOUCtaNT WORfiCV SO MUCH, it CAN'T 1 Why Yard Sale? Come to the leenstar 1 ajua, witn new amp, cymbols $350 256-7339 MERLIN Phone system, 2 (or, IN OTHER WOKCaS, ArK i nin store, au on most clothing thru April. 2716 East Bell Road ocsks, reirig, oeep treeze mlsc Items, 993-5896 Electronic Piano $250 OBO or IT fdOrHtTR MM WITH BEC30QC FORVOUR win trade tor sax or upper level flute 84 1-8805 NUTONE central vac, radio- PEFOREVOU 1 rr 1 HtALlM Y'KNOvV 4310-Yard Sales intercomo, tooq center, iron center.
$159 each. 582-3485 FENDER BLACK FACE" GO, I'VE 11 super reverb ami ipcr reverb amp. Absolutely GOT A BIT Scottwfote Area mi int: jau. vaj-viu PHOENIX PARK SWAP OF A ESTATE Sail FENDER H.M. Series Strat, Bargains ga- PROBLEM THE UNCOMMON MARKET -S.
lore: n.1 1 4350 Jokake Rd. 423-1213 Wed. Kahier $325; Hush HBX $15; Randall stereo rack guitar power amp $200; Genz Benz 6 space rack $100. 931 -0094 FRI-SAT. Pool pumpmotor, Arneson mtr.
ciotnes, ircezcr, Baint pot, 1000' CATV-I8awg, 519 McDonald Dr FENDER twin reverb $27S. PV The ticket office Is open Mon, Tucs, Thurs. 9-3pm; Wed. 2-9pm; Fri. 8-3pm.
For morc6ifocal273-125S. t-za eiect guitar szuo plus misc. $10-! Call 482-0758 FURN. rnllertlhles. misr 5 In II Flute, Clarinet, Sax, Trumpet, $500.
Sat. McCormlck Ranch.J POOL heaters, lights, hydro-6318 E. San Salvador (followf, zone, etc, pvc pipe fittings. TlnnTtl 1 rompone, i-rnc-iorn, UDoe Baritone. 841-8805 signs, Hayden of Via Linda, $1-1300 obo.