10 THE SYDNEY MORKIXQ HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1911. J. IT Bride. Im aos: O. W.IU.r 1 .1 lots of stone have coma over In this way.
Queensland sapphires, yellow variety, are also offered. Stones of 1. 8. and un to 5 dwla are Irallan relieved matters aoinewhai with OA and XI, and DfwUv flight. nit Ah Tliimrfav nnmliw ka i ii.
Vlilw, w. Taylor, o. Rtririuon lorn mi up hla only btg break ot tho In town and rilitrl.4 Imlu wm m-Anfari --Jiin-i-. BAIN AND SQUALLS. SPORTING.
THE TUEF. la dealers' hands here. i COUNTRY NEWS. ton points Goontngoola t3i, Ht. Olirc 8W, ltroke I'H.
Ilium (. It la llll bowery. ni. i- l. iii II.
rion-140-wlil Uiiilriini emulatnl hy aoliif lo hla s.f, Ida: O. Srailb. with 11 iinnnlabrd. ThJ hmM 1. T' Tho nonius'.
ilay Dot a. Iiitrrratlnt aa uaial, IIP liandllHI. fo. IhM II.1I..II u.J I.il!. I.
il in.HA. Uurlng the (mat tH hours SU points of rain nae fallen. There la uow a vlorioua outlook for the BRITISH BROKEN HILL MINK. innl inn. ii.
i- iiiiir. IW.H mi.rii-ii i.iiiiik hi iiiiuit man nilliu, Wlllin a tlin Day pnil). him 4 Iwlilnil hia points Tho avrnmra 1c tho morrow allrmnoti, Tho scratching, rocordrd yralcrday at Iho rinK. rain Ml on Wrdnnday nlehl l-oatro, arnti-h; I. cloy won ai anil ai.ll Limlriini, 26.5 and EROKRN HILL, Thursday.
Miser. HTirlii.1, sew: I. Itohrrts. Ira MV The mill of Ilia Urilish Ilrokeil Hill nilno' "mr" A.J.C. worn Klavadoro, Jedburgh, HEAVY SEAS RUNNUIO.
MANV VKSSKl BHKLTKRINQ. Tlio unsettled wet weather was still periling during yesterday in parts of western llBtrlctH, central western in ntlt. Un nn. iw.tri fnP.niai.. I aild MurMnn mil iK.
II. ..7 ii eniai, -hi 1 K. 1.1 minim (in play) mo. II. W.
Kti'vcimrtti r.ui iumiik iier win. kihoTiT sm Plav will he ftintiimed ihi nf.rn.oon at 3 and at p.i.1. 7.KOR silver, and 13.1 per cent. ilno, for a Stakes, HUD. Jedhurgh wsb hIho wlim Ifri piiiiiM wcro n-corJi-J.
good rLii8 I MHiiirH. and faniirra are jithilunl. WU.I,OS(;n(.-Kir.lit,nally lir.vv rain again trll hrn on ami Tliurwlay i.ij(ht, and aa a re-tuill all Inw lylng IhikIh arc now uiulcr walrr, Owinti to I In- mouth of Tom Tliiiiuh Limuon rtoartl lor nomi iiioiiIIih, all Dim IrcAlt water from llit- IowUiiOh Imrkni up an to tin- land nf people who live in the production of tons of lend concentrates, out of tho V.K.C. Horny, mil, and St 'ontnlnlnir (lift nf i.m.i 91 uik.i. mJ Leger, I 2.
pontli-eastern. and In iho HuntPr nn.i MMnninv 01TY TATTKRMM.L'S TOI'RNAMKNT. fitv Tutii'riri Itiiiiartl IWti.mrni metropolitan arc as. n.Ki,inn. MOTOII eveuxn.
Tho soonnd nm tor Iho flip lor mnahora il Iho Mnlor yi lo I lull o( Now Ronlli Woloa II In ho hold loinnrniw ulloriioon on lladon Hill, foniiro, Tho haiidli-apa uro tho aaino aa on III' lHl lllll 1-lllllhiHn I. 73 tons of xinc, also Dftu tons of zinc concen-' ltcglstrallon has heen granted by tho A J.f. (rates, conlatnlng SI tons of lead, MfiOo silver in Hnrhant Picnic Unco Club's race mcet- III Id 383 tons Of Zinc. mine mnirer re- October II. Ui liiRlit, wiVn II.
Woolf (rec. inn forMled to J. lro cloudy to nv.fn.ui tiiiiiiy. m-vera mmwora feu on mummy, aim incrv wiu a very heavy and r.mcli ea then ninninii. "Mom rii flr" (rrc.
tiji. Tlie Wuu'Tor to-nilThi had also reached an far north on tho ports that good progress Is helng made with' wiihrtrawals notified yesterday In con WKK WAA.A heavy 1hunilertorm at noon on Wrdrvmtiy, S3 pointa rain fallintf in altout halt II. Fitrp4tnVk (rrc. 7.1) J. Unroll ias, as Nambucra.
I mitt nv ikn H0BPITAU1. Maaonlc Hall on Tuoada, nliht couple, being In H. Kaatmen, waa SSSSJjf: 0r under iu food. Act on a charm ol which wna below Iho standard a uS JIU lertBhy eyldence Bench dlam Inrormatlon. on tho uround.
that S' Tho death ww fur the new winding engine. noi-tlon with the Hoi-ond liny ol tho MnoronelJ non. mTolury nl tho tlnh. Mr. II.
R. l.ndE-tpr. AtlRllnt Mi-otltiR worn Hod Ktiiicl*t and Horn-I Vr- haa J.w-t hoon annnlnlod hnn. trra- arlcj- ,10 w- Vnnt (rec. l(VS).
MINING. 8hveb shares slightly OTHKR SECTIONS UFELKSS. Marhot a eh ado firmer" was the footnote to i ho bvokors' comblno cablo message, received thiH morning, showing tbo sMito nf tho l)niloa Stock on Wednesday. A glanro nt the lint of quotations showed that lit rem ink applied principally to silver shares, though it slightly belter feeling was noticeable in tho caso of Mount Klllott. (ireat lobar, and Mount -Lyell copper propo-Pitionn.
Tho fact that the price of lead nisde further advance of a6, bringing II to Hft!) per ton, wan pood news to holders of silver scrip, and tended to stiffen them In quoting firmly. Tho market responded to tho more cheerful view preacnted by the london Stock Kx-r nun go figures. The response, however, was not In tho shapo of a largo business. Aa a mat I or nf fact, speculation was rather quiet, a llstJeas feeling both In tho Adelaide nnd Melbourne Stock Kxchangctt, so lei eft rams slated, cans in local operators to adopt a cautious attitude, until another day or so shows what line the London Stock Kxchangc will follow. In tho ti Ivor division, the sales recorded ph.
wed a recovery in British Broken Hill told from 529 to B.H. Proprietary from At Ihnmntton HPI.M. No. Imre nt Kn. 3 an nonr.
it win no mum phhi. VAI.WAlk Diirinir lite nasi tew dara tJiowrrv wea dill" out ot Iho KlylnE Mllo: PI. Anlolnt) Olll vilo lnh nl Sow Snnlh Waloa. part of the coast and tablelands wero fresh to strong and squally. The form of gales level, gotmt In llth.wonl.
wna In' Iher ha prei'ailoil. pnlnta being renifctered up to NEW NATIONAL M'RNAMKKT. neinciiay. ine rain win neneni we young kim. Mft, still In srhis, from iho 33ft point.
The drill has yet to go some distance before reach Thf Nrw Mti0n.1l Toumaincnl w. Bltln" tho of the Apprentices' Miindlcap; Siratbdonn and Red Knight nut of the August llnndlcnp: Mslua, Ocean Hlue, and Blind nut of the Tbree-YcHr-Old and lllacliponl and Ho rod I no out of the Scarborough Welter. niEltl. when P. Mart (ror.
M) bra) II. A1rahama 1 8 SK Iiv IS; ltowlf laiou (hrn heal l. Keimodv (ne raging, and moderate gales prevailed ftOi hv The imi dual will lu nlivn.1 Vri.io... helwcen c*nt and snnili. ing ine poini whero the oro body should.
In theory, be mot with. The iiiHiP t.n nii.i GOLF. TRADKS AND LABOUR. at No. level rcntinues.
Good ore has heen twr tu.Tn-. KnnlTJU Sydney Tho force of 4b miles from oniained nt Ni, level from the slnne off i WIIM I hi. oraulml mnnnl TltAllKS HAI.I. ASSOriATION. To).
THK AlOHNIStJ (JALUH'S. crosscut following No. 12fi bore, slso from the stopo off the cropcut following No. inn bore. Thet leniith ol Iho eourao for the open amiteiir i inrtii- ihjiiiponliip meeiiiis ol A.itralia to lie li at Sydney.
Along the whole ranee nt iho na.i At the (If mirth half-yearly meet nig of the Trade hel.l i SPORTS VtVn TOlTtNAMKNT. 'mnnins 8flli iiiIht 15, haa been Hull AfimeUtlon Mr. Uoyie ocrupieu inn cnair. Mr. W.
K. Ilrown (Tinaiidlli) waa elected chairman, Mr. Mr. W. Ilrown iTiiuuiuih) waa elected chairman, air.
(South Solitary to r.abo Inland rough seas wore "'n1' isinnil rough seas wore 1 no soum-east crosscut at No. it level was taken to 67ft, aid continues In good ore. None of the hip cruKN Irneks was onen at nxed at Nrw Siulh Ii um an, i iiv Walea Noorta t'lnh toitmamn IghkwllenT lW reported, with strong, squslly winds. Several Mmry (Tailor) trea-urer, and Mr. K.
W. asfi, coHti Randwlck yesterdav mornliiR on account of A. btt, lt -iX. In: 3H llM. ..0.
ITU. 4if. All M-fi-no-i T(l U5. trlct, tbe dl: done took remimled that cntrle. for MOUNT LYRLL MINKS.
k. riioiii tree 7(ii oy and w. llrMehnnt (rec. me conuttions too strong for 1 W) heat 8. Marka (rec.
Ii5 by W. The gamea for navigation. The Moorabool. for Instance and 'un" to-niKli. oh irc.
i F. Une (rec. 130). the coiiHter Malanbar returned to I'ort Jack- n'Tf" ti I and J. Hill (rec.
100) II. Uutlon (rec HOi lInil IO Jacg- Plumbers, U. J. Reddy (Ulwur toumil), A. 1 "UII" on ilfler some lively experiences.
Bouth- I cnew iKinn.inn.l. T. tlmilh ttoarlimaker). and A Trt. irark- "in rttrne on the 2ftth mH.
LAUNCKSTON, Thursday. About 4nfl t.m.t nf nvrltM am aaI.I. round nt a eoori sound nnce. nml I.jiOv Medal- fn Ji.een.land. Cffff atato Irom Ins.
ot hlnod i. St HOCKS Rtfltlnn iu. 11 li-. Up l' Itinivr helng broken at tho Mount Lvell min nnri list moved well over a mile nnd a half gallop. despatched to iht reduction works, when, riebutante spurted a few hirlos.
nnd t'on- M- ,1. ila am.rrrUtion ol llir onl ol Mr. Jam Smllh, il i onsinni operation. At i umu ruunn sirrmiy. ainiiMiiK (he North Lvell mlnn mniiri lVAll mn over mile tlRofullv nnH N'nrih Woodleluhi 4u lo 4ill: H.ll.
Junction North from 27! to 2R: B.H. Junctions from 41 to 43; and I whero aoyeral alltche. were "'tt oxnectcd to reenvor ne Diuuiiiii ni ml) vnara on tho exroiitivo ol Ihp nMO' loru nml a Lfli.il U.M Iiiar naino. tho latter won aoom Kllollorlnn la Iho bay. Tile Kinnll atoamor 11 li uW rimiaicr -ai, lonnaon jrj.
waa Boen lo lulu. i I 11,0 r-norl Ih.l raxm had ho-n annlM ll production from No. 41 slope, which hnd been wn l1 off with a spurt. Whnrekura and partially suspended for some time, to allow Woolerlna each ran once round, and llever-of repairs to tho timbering nf the ground floor. nc Put tn useful work.
Kummulla only spur-will shortly bo la full swing again. Nos. 35 tP(1- m' Havana traverr.ed six furlongs at and 36 stopoa un the south sldo of tho east a "trong pace. Ron of Iho Mnrnh put in crosscut are milnlalnrnir their usunt strong working callon. while Mnltee and rul-1 B.H.
Souths (contR.l from 518 to whilst I he paid shares improved from sellers at fi76 on Wednesday to sales up to 68. There was very llttlo vitality in tho copper division. Last week's sudden spurt In Great KttEroys to ftSi was succeeded bv a A cablofrram fans been received (writes em. at II. a.m..
hut plio rcturnetl Botilh lhr ol luana. anil JLH52 had hoon ilaeol In PflYTWri UtiT. Al Cano llnwko Iho "'w Sonat Allan a Vk announclna wi lll'NTKR'a Hll.h a. WomitiR. HOLKH HIKIKY.
R. Cv Adillr-on (20), ,1 up, F. J. Pin Und aquare. It.
1. Fitrgerald 1 down. 1 t). ilrrretoii (20), it dowo. ('.
11. lYaonn tin), a down. K. p. llrou.l (in, a down.
S. A. May Ml), .1 down. C. AddiMin (Ifl), lown.
F. lloiw (17), down. Afternoon. 18 110LKS SI HOKE. I fi.
Itrereton O. K. Fdwarda A. Mav F. J.
Itluxlatid F. Jit Roiae R. 1. FitRrraM .1. Kell F.
II. Illnxlnmi T. RurXliind dllo. tfonrpp aiohcb, a former ri dent of (lien Innes. at Ihwl 1'unourrv km onn.nAnn M-IKMInall nai noon aniiointM aa a lann vniipe in Li TI I lD Mrt -II" ol tho I.I,.
Mr! Vi. The no. Mmr.v rtiiirriv 2.. VT '0 harbouro.1 llhrarv woul.l ho In rradinna In a low dara. Many 0.
while at Crookhnvon Honda two iv.lnahlo and Inlrmllrw hooka hid hoon pnrchaied, urimii UbIiI haa boon "lionod atain. roastora H'oro wi-athcrhounil and two alao at 1 iniludinir alandir.1 and Irrhniral worlia lor not tradi. taken nlaoo la.l nntht. 1ml aa lie ih.M on AuKtlst 13. Sho left Australia wme timi Wk with her dauRhter.
Miss Linda O'Htra! the slOKer. who went lo Enelanil drop to whilst Queen Bee (paid) sold on terms at 4 '9, the quotations for ordinary delivery being wide. Both gold and tin stocks were lifeless. Tho cabled announcement that, acting on a lence of -nlue iia they are exploited upward. mlnlt rtld a similar task.
Malt King moved1 At the 1000ft level, the usunl large tonnage of wo11 "vera slx-furlong gallop, nnd Miss torelj fair grade oro Is being won from the various tnelt wo similar. Rornmbll did easy! stopes at the Sf.Oft level, production from ftP0 work, and on the inside gross track: ground floor of No. 2(1 slope Is temporarily Blalrgonr. Snndhath. Wllarl, Narl.
Philio. Ja-suspended, pcn.lni! the completion of special St. Modoc, Los Angeles, Sunburnt, timbering work In connection with tno subsl-1 Woad, Genius, King Hee. Col ma, and Slrath denco of several thousand tons of ore. which uacful lasks.
weather lore.t waa linravnurahlo I lie stadium man- Ti. mado Port I iviihC her studleB. Mrs. Moes was a aistM. 2 agement derided to put it off tinlil Uondar nlRht next.
rouK Passages, The twlam-e-ivheet cliowed a cah credit balance of nr. Acinnd O'Hnra. of Sydnoy. 100-55 W-12v-7 I4T7 77, NT, 77 tW-21-77 8ft 8 7S R7 S70 100-1081 proposal or the 'Ihurtngtnn Metal Mnnufac 1173 At 7d, and a balance of anvcla over liabilities of Wit 2a ftl. t'lrors' Federation, a general lockout In tbo ojruuey mo winu.
which at 7 p.m. on Wednesday was blowing gently from tho south-west, suddenly shifted to tho enst. and Yesterday afternoon Mehrgan sparred at the (lately Athletic Club wflh Voitng Dihiey, lxn Porter, and Itndd, the lattrr rr-iiig enough half-way throunh the m-iMiid round. tlritllii coniinuca to train teadily at the Sir Joseph ItankM, Botany. German metal trudo has been decided upon, iH-uurreu some timo ago.
Tho ore hodv of in Borneo: in squalls. One hundred and sixty- NEWCASTLE 8TOREMESS UNION. has added a further puzzle to local operators -in Barrier stocks. Seeing that Germany con NO. 22 Stone.
Which linn heen mmilG. ducer from tho g.ound floor for over two years. sumes nearly too whole ot tho world spelter, i WPro rtK'tft''0d at th Mr. T. Miller, general accretarv of the Sloremen'a Hoatlier Bureau, making tho total for tba'l'nlnn, vUlteil Neweaatle, tn aiat the Newcastle 8 nf1 P0'111- jbram-li in the prcKi ration of the elaima for a wage Tho heaviest GRKNKKIX JOTKKY CU'B.
DAMAGES AGAINST A NEWSPAPER, PERTH. Thuridar The libel action by Mr. M'Kenzle. MLCL Hon. Minister, ORitlnst the "Kilgoorlla Miner" for tho publicntton of an huu nnrl nt I ho niii iuH im iimn mis airection.
but pomparntlvely lUtl ore has yet been extracted from overhead. At the (iaiety Athletic Club to-nlffhl a Out llh novii-e brMnl. Mr. Miller found the brunch in a healthy con enmidrnt that it will ahnrtly have a roll tournament will lc commenced. There, will be eiuht day was on the central cnnstal dlsteletu Thorn tn.niitit few mere nomiiutioii u-ill Im luniiAi nFA tuvm.
nt i A tew mere nominationa will be, Dungog lounwtng nomination have heen received lor the tho question Is: "What will bo tho effect upon tho spelter industry of Broken Hill it the threatened lockout takes place?" The problem la a hard one to solve. At the first blush one would be disposed to say that such WF.STF.RN DISTRICT rilAMPIOSSIirP. M'lll'RII AND RROl'OIITON TIF. ORANtiK, Tlmrluy. The western diMriel rhampionvhip matehea were played on tlie Orange link on Tucadav.
The cham-pionnhip nviilted in a tie Wlween M'Hugli tOrantre) and nroiitihton (lUthnrst), who will playolT on Saturday next. The teatna rhampiotiahip fell to the Orange team. the received 3.13 points, Raymond Terrace :o.f,"' ni WM wcretary the club. Mr. F.
Carrlck. and aterson each 320 (llouces tMn ln tor ppll-tion to to to-niirht. pMUp Si't Tareo 260. Mannlne rereived by the nt the dub, op a lockout would, if long continued, cause serious drop In tho price of spelter. Mnitland 108, Scone Muswellbrook 194, 160, and AVyone 105.
VICTORIAN MINING. MELBOURNE. Thursday. An extraordinary meeting of the Annan River Tin Mines. Queensland, was held today.
The directors wore authorised to form ncnii oi i ne atHive Spring llandieap. The Vanquisher, nine IVlt, Adtior. I ronini, nienrork, Uw. MoonliRht. imoni.iea.
Show- llandieap. The Vatmuwher. Ironini. rati not, Honaghan. Ked Tajie, Ktmonide, Mtwnlitflit.
Thunday. iKa.ii itoo neonle witnened a SO-rnnnda boxinr eon. On tho other hand, the view is presented that If tho workmen locked out are only the RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY ASSOCIATION. Effort a are lieing made lo induce Mr. J.
II. M.P., to reconsider hU roipiwiion of the position of general aecrrtary of (lie H.tilwav and Tramway Araocia- The heaviest falls reported from tho metro polltan district Were: 167 nolnta nt MnrrleW smelters of imported zinc concentrates, leav December 20 headed Threo Rotten Sticks In which tho plaintiff, Mr. Gregory, MLA-Mlntster for Railways, and Mr. CobboIIt Colonial Secretary, wero characterised being politically and commcrlcally dishonest, was concluded to-dny. Tho defenco Bet up was that the paper bad wlthdrnwn and apoloRiaed for any reflectta on tho plaintiff in his private or hniinw.
ville, 152 nt Waverlov. ifil At trivnritin lent nt Wagga last night, betwren Shurman and J. Carter, for the Lightweight Championahip of Riverina. NEWCASTLE CO. HOOI'KR WINS rilAMPtONSHIP.
i im n.iH meniiieii mat pontion ior nil a new company to be c.nlled the Annan River Company, No Liability, in i.hlch shareholders of tho old compitny would bo entitled to two J. R. The contest waa lairiy equal mini ine uui rounu, wnen at itiene yenni, unit tu time (lie organisation haa grown i in mi imeMietieu manner, in cvaillna uu I'nrniraatLn. ana nt Ttnnttntnwn frain a hlrentriti nl imui tn moon NEWCASTLE, Ttnvday. lenriav.
i ne nnwi u-cl etale of he went lie The Neweaalle Clnh nla-ed ita annual rtiatiitifonhhin ni, I'artrr went throiiuli the rutiea, and portion So far at Waverlov tho unrm hna tei tlirouifh TJi liranrhr 'ir imu i-om m. w.uiimiy niiures ior eacn Olio neut. and have auctmance at the Kciwington rmnving Uuh'a lcar the richt to nnnlv for iva nFn.pnni run mecliiiir. whi.h i A game to-day, the contest being decided by SB holes of th(, miXvr platlorm broke under Ufa weight, Ihe tail 1 points. On the South Const.
Ullfldulla had 1,10 Hepresetitat Iven he continne.1 his vch 1 1 iinOA n.ofo i VCStenlav. lii.rl. nf tnediil nla V. it. iiwper won ior me mm time in gevereiy injuring one oi v.
a um.n;u 1y2i Araluen 137. Sutton dwi ttnn.Pni "ca in an nonnrarr capacity. Coiwiderahle work hua capacity; that the accusation of political dli nl dm .1 down the i-ourte orrmmlv i I fll year. IlrMilU: Carter not fit to mm, ami ine hbiu ioruvi. 1M Ua' criormed in bettering the conditiotm of the i2i.
Mnruya 13S. llatom.n's Ha, and bita vuumnuuB as mo Itonner PI Rl havlnir been fecured, and it nonesiy was justuied hy tho fact that tb plaintiff when elected to reoresent tha directors may think fit. V. 1.WoI1okor 106. and Mo.
ua'ltaJ'SS, vale WJ. tin the Blue Mountains falU ranR- oecurcd amounta to j.i'pi.t n. rorow miiu to Stiarman, iwi mr II. T. R.
liar- I irate divided. Another match likely. i iinniiiii. iiu Koine, nowever, R.KM1 after Hie ntvnt rain- Iton NJM ftato yearly increase in nay The Zinc rli HH.ftil7s L.td., has declared a exciting couraea ciiMied. In the Hnul fonrw- of i II.
TVV. New- log tho raw spelter to be worked up Into manufactures, the Incvttablo result would be a fall In tho value of zinc concentrates, whilst the raw article would advance In price as stocks diminished. Tho Broken Hill Proprietary Company, tho only producer of raw spelter from Barrier ore. would In that case bo tho only mine to profit by the trouble. All the other producing mine's whip their zinc concentrates to Germany.
Whatever way the matter is looked at. It has an ugly aspect, and operators havo decided to stay their hands as regards speculation in silver stocks, imtll It Is seen how tho London Stock Exchange views the situation. Tho market in the afternoon was, In view of the above circ*mstances, rather quiet, with alight innrtnnrv for silver shares to ease. lull- iimi i ii npr snare, iphr in. nii roumi in-nai .1.
W. Oreavea e'lt -fl017n II. E. Habited 93 i 182 NH fi.S -171 come tax at tho rate of 12 In the navnbla awarding the eonme lo oimlrv w. Krunt the- Uii-i floldflelds Province last year advocated a policy of decentralisation, encouragement ot miners by tho establishment of a prospecton bank, reduction of railway freights to till Koldflclds, nnd the construction of the Norse man-Espernnco railway.
Four montha liter IWt Drum ran iinMu-hict. hm I.ci.,.'..i it, i. 1 Stroke t'omnelitlon. POSTAL CONTRACTS. OBJECTIONS TO PENAL CLAUSES.
a nml vviv rnure-u. 'n an-rpi me FerrriaryMiip, nil ine port- The henvlest amounts Inland were: Quant- pmidenr of the association. Mr. Brown ia the bono 97 points. Wee Waa 92, Coonamble 64.
i the likely candidates hut it not Cassilla so, Dandaloo K2. Nymagee 72, and la to accept the position, lvanhne 61. The remainder wero all less than Rft nnlai. nnpirr-imniiPiii! c-inviuucr ii, to proicrcnce snarenoiders re Rlstercd on September 4. half way up the Held.
lie rapidly overlook hi Conciinrnlly two rtroke compel it ions wrre played, opponent, and after the two doc not together the ilieut, -Colonel Paton prewnted the trophy for the morn-only point worcd went to Rest Drum. jhig competition, and returned the brut cant, but (he MELBOtlHNB. Wednesday. 1, I L. ITOpny guin hi.mi, ii.
i. mini. INTERSTATE EXCHAXG ES. llesnlt Ohiectlons to tho more stringent of th; vip to nvprit nr ihrnninnim. rnn Bepartmeut in layina a line of wwer nine at llomnliv tno plaint Ifl had become Honorary Minister In tho Wilson Government, which did not propoBo to carry out any part of the policy which the plaintiff hnd advocated on behalf 8(1-14 ADELAIDE, Tfaunula.
J. Palon 11 It. Har penal clauses In the postal contracts wUh fihowpra or rn(n ln tho have a cricvance. They complain of the diiw-hartre of in the postal contracts wUh fihowpra or seady rnln ln tho have a grievance. They complain of the discharge of J.
V. tlreavea V1475 .1. A. Cadrll 115-40 75 S. Jonea 95 10 7(1 To-day 'a sal en Moniinc; Ain.i)iiiiiiiitwl Vlnx VeiiinMn Tho position of copper and gold stocks did piarca oeiorc 1 Thnmim tn-ilnv day THK DKWAR CI P.
For 54 nl! iigr at 13 3s each tlutt have not received more tlmn 10 10s in any one stake. Winner, (18 Mid a handsome silver trophy presenlrd l.y Captain I. M. Dowur; runner-up, KW. two dou Avir dogs ICS each, cilu domt Jt2 each.
Kir Hound, led and beat Trill, Pettier led and beat Sea hiiuj, tlone Coon Vic.) led anil lMat tho Postmaster-Oeneral lr.inrlh.railt quadrant, on the South Coast and Bi by representatives of the outhern ad at place In the had madc corUlin rlrtoli 3'h-- I' also at Kosciusko tKC? tSred the matter at1 .1. rowen PW-S2 of tho goldflelds. The plaintiff, in addition, had given up tho position of president of tb ris RH-16--73 3. It. Hooper 8-10t74 J.
Burke W-1274 H. IV V. New H. llaUtetl rhnmh- of Mi Bhafca maintained a nteady position. wiuco tno principal oiijecuunn rtiunu and MfchelaKO.
nnd sauallv and rouch On the Ha last mcctimr. ft wa k. was (ivntr uniting) ireat Bonlder, 17lJ. Noon: Hltw li i iu, v.Hk oc ton rc-ia-4 The competition In the which wait fo the Imposition of 1 per cent, per week on the ronjtl K0th from Manning Heads. hnuld wait on the proper authoritiea with a view to TFIE SHARK MARKKT, Sydney Stock Exchange The closing quota total amount of, the contract when there was! Temperature was rather lower, aa regards curm rciiula lenient nf the man dismissed.
Hark Bine 1el and beat Widow Mite. lljfliiiiB Ijid' trophy presented by Mr, The closinc sale and quotations were: itanKin, rcminea hspcranco Railway League, and had supported tho Redistribution of Seats Bill, whlei abolished the general goldflelds and Labour seats, and arranged the boundaries of other to strengthen the Ministerial conBtituenclei Tho plaintiff's rejoinder that he hid not broken any election pledge; that he still rteiay in oenvery Deyona uKnminin nmr. aun the readinB(i. In weslern narts. but sllcht- (uld.
-Commodores, 210, 2:4. 2 10; Cumberland, 'ft. 161. 1 tt. 17: Colden Itidcv.
1.V0. 1, li 71. II. K. Habded flft15 -74 department reserve tho power In such cases jy hiRhrr ln coa8la districts, where Graflon THE TRADES HAM, Bl ILDlXn TO BE w.
t. reave to impose a penalty on ine wnoie amount 01 registered Unmore 72 and Caalno 71. Great Boulder, 17, It, 17. lj; Boulder Per- 1 irmra (iic.i, itrconneii led ioiio-: and I beat Third Choice, Voiiiib St. Leon led and lteat H.
De V. New- Hying DreadnouKht, Cnion Ird and heat Powder, i ton Rl- 15-66 renranei- led and heat Stmlmk. Bold lancer IM andi- im 106- l-at Hiwci-udrr, Major Ibtrt led flnd heat Honw-otch Vaton 14-70 Mrlotte lrsl nnd I te.it Itri. lturrntv t. H.
llnoner 1 10- 71 Allan 'verance. 4 ii. tu. a nm i. to.
it mo tooiraci. hiiuuuhh uuijr pui nun i u.r( rflo lowest nlgnt temperature was recorden advocated the Ksperanro railway, although ha South Kalgurli, ft; 10; Mararoa. 1071. 10,6, It ha been decided to extend the Trades Hall B. Cowcn goods may be delayed, ln tnis way it woum at Kosciusko, with 27deg.
But speaking gene lon; Marvel lch. 3 3-4; Sons of Gwalia. IWrt, 37; Htdlllncti. 12 in 12.0. 13: Konktiie, led and beat Snow-flake, Mavonaibc led and beat Mill-! J.
Bnrkc ngrood wllh tho I'rrmipr that the time wu not opportune for the carrying out ol tha bn pos.lblo for thi- dopartmont to charRO rny miroa were n'cimowbat hlKhcr than ri.i5i?",'?."" conlrartor 611 a week on a U6000 contract If, ovon Wodnoadav. Ibero bring only ono or two rtSlta'1 only ,00 worth of nrllclc. woro delayed. 3id. waB Tm point of XSl STS "w'JLSSf authorised.
tary antain. inminv fO'ijnii, ami tw.it 1 At t.rccntinrti rmnnrtary. nanl. 2'4. work.
He also asserted the boundaries of tba nt'itmiu' i Biilriivh vtrnl axu H.A.D., Slrance Light Ohio, i. "jo. 2,. ai The Vass team played a local tram, the matrh resiiit- This power wna described by the manufac lowness. At Sydney tho mavlmum tempera Kxtcnded, co.i., l(ft.
1ft. 1fl; Golden Butterfly, paid. inn in a narrow wtn for narrow. 11. 14.
1,31, 141; ditto, i 13. I 1 4: i ne scores were Hirers as excessive ana ture, occurred just prior to 9 a.m. DETAILED RECORDS. Mr. Thomas admitted lhat somo ot the1 Tananil Corxilidaied.
l.V, Dclorainc, Traffca Hall fares (innlhum-street, ertendtnR from the entrance tower, at Hie rorner of Dixon and Goulburn ktreeis, to tlie hotel at the Goulburn and Sumci streets corner. When th aAAinn. constituencies had heen rearranged on i principle of community of Interests, and that tho redistribution of seats bad been made oa a fair population basis. Tbo jury found for tho plaintiff for 1091 and costs. 2' clauses as actually drawn wero rather arbi- Following are I be detailed records at 9 o'clock yester- led mid beat Itathlmrn.
Slalely Uily led and beat The t'omet. Loud Report led and heat Captain Yaitchati Tooralfe'a Son led ami lteat Footprint, Middle Harbour led and beat Monsoon Scraps led and beat Iava, Diabolo beat Itoughty Deeda (Q'land), withdrawn: Oreat Commotion led and beat Kilalam, tiran-Ula led and beat Aunt Sally, Sea Queen led and beat Glen Mangan, Country Boy led and beat Beat Drum. I Firm Ties. I Poacher led and brat Dark Blue K.t trary In their extent, but ho pointed out that nionung ine tower will form a centre, from which two winirs tnoro was no narsnnesn or unreasonsbio so- Alburr r. Araluen 137.
12, Tarcoola, 1 2. 14. Silver. Broken Hill ProprieUrv. 46 9, 47, 40 9, 47; B.H.
Block 14. paid. 15, 14.11, 15: ditto, 139, 14; KtiUiJi (old), 636. 530. 536.
ditto (new). 49, 48fl. 43; B.H. Block 1ft. 436, 43.
44; 11.11. Junctions, 42, 44; B.H. North, Burrowa. Mr. Aleock Mr.
Shine Mr. Ttioniber Mr. Morgan Mr. Morriwet 1- Mr. Johnaton Mr.
Stevenaon, Jnr. Mr. Wood Mr. Maddrell Mr. Scott Mr.
Howjrd Mr. Mr. MTalhim Mr, llrinacoinbe Total tract watt dealt- with nn It. mnri't. Th Mn.
Hay 110. fUihutr S. Hen Tt! Diimra 17. Itlarkhrath i C' OoulburnstreeL i. kmi.
HlafL.iln i Hi.tnov no tmponns; Btructi STATE COAL MUTE. ftl, 11.11. Souths, paid, 679, II. Itowral 124. tv ZL.
the oriejnal ow-atory building facing Dixon -street 10 MM. h. ".7" Brrwamn. a. lro 111 l.unu,rT.
h. It Total 9 FT COAL SHAM. X67. ditto, 6. -Cfil: B.H.
June. 1 one Coon (Vic), Daahing Lad led and beat Tvr-tion North, 38, 'iTn, 3S; Sulphides, 336, 1 conncll, Yonng St. Leon led abd Iwal Mnion 313; Sulphides 24, 24lj. 1 Pen ranee led and heat Bold Lancer, Melotta led and Copper. Mount Lycll, 250, 268; Chillagoc, paid, heat May Hart, Laner-Corporal led and heat Mavon-b Mungana, 210J.
211, 2iJ, 210J; Hamp- Prtrol led and beat Tommy (Q'Und), Stately Lady den, paidb 273, S7B; Great Kitsroy, 41, 44. 4, i let! nd beat Strange Light, loud Bcport led and lteat iiuutc, iiunueiia lit, uiingenuore in, ityrou ay csnioen i Th but hod exprcssod tho opinion that the strln- Camden Haven landelo 47, Canonhar 31, Car-' lon thp aeutelr felt Kent way In which tho conditions were framed Carilula 26, arrothool 5, C'a-ili. Cohar ft. that ctcniTe canned nome tlmlHltv nr. th.
a. Cobartro Collarenebri 5. Uinarco '27. Con- rTf ,0 original winr. The ad- LACROSSE.
tions were: COPPER, Riidgerr Chillagoe Dilto, contributing Omfton C.rciil Fit7roy llumpden-Clonciirry, paid Kanciara I.lnvil 'oppiT i Mount Elliott Mtingana (i hillagoo) Quern Ilee rtitio (newl Tolwong Mineral Wallaroo and Mr-onU TIN. CM more Vegetable Creek Vulcan SILVER. New South Wulea, etc, British Broken Hill Broken Hill Proprietary Ditto lltock 10 rtftto Hlock 14, preference II. alimrtion North B.H. North B.H.
South B.H. South, contributing B.I I. South Blocks Amnlgainuled Ztnc Knotra Mit.ca Sulphide Corporation, ord. fiiilphide Corporation, prof. Zinc Corporation, ord Ditto, prof GOLD.
New South Wales, etc. Raker' Creek Cosmopolitan Harden Mount David Occidental Oold. Dredging and Pluicfr The Minister explained the oraetlcn nf th d.oholin .7 oonabsrabrsn 37 fouM to give MKIjBOUHNE, ThuwUf. It was reported yesterday that a boring party working near No. 5 shaft of the SUt coal mine had struck a Oft seam ot coal Tooralie'a Son.
Scrans let) and heal Midrlle iiarlwir 39. 43. SOUTH AUSTRALIA DKFKATS TOOWOOMBA. BRISBANE, Thursday. At Tonwoomba to-dav.
South Australia defeated Too department, the first step bring to inquire Kt cudgellico 10. Uandaloo Delegate V. Demliqula were immediately occupied, and the demand wnctber any Inconvenience had been caused. 19, Hubbo 35, Dungog 35.1, Kustulong su, Eden 40, for. 'till continued to such an extent that (reat Commot Ion let and lteat Diabolo, Sea Uueen led and beat Grantala, Country Boy a bye.
The meeting will 1 continued to-day. The first course will be ran at noon. woomba in a lacrosse maUdi by 27 goala to 0. MELBOURNE, Thunday. Today's sales were: Silver.
Amalnmatcd Zinc, 376, 37101, 3771; B.H. Block 14 1410; British Broken Hill (oil), B.H. I'loprictary, -Ifl it D.IL Jonction North, 28: North Broken Dill, 57. Ccpper. Mount Lvell BW-ks, IO; TaamanUn and lown intended, 10J; Chillagoc (paid), 64, 66; Great Fitr-rov, 4.1, 41.
Tin. Briwis, 60, A10; Snngd Raia, Tongkah PIGEON HOMING. uaa ueen carried am tuitiart.ii r. oir i FOOTBALL. nennltv waa tiunaagaj 3, tiunneoan Hay4.
Hill s. illusion wrmiy io noid special meti.trs on RnnHa penalty Was Imposed, nor Was any Dona tV In- a ,1 lnverell JerilHeriO Jerrv Plain, as SUitab room. xrr. nicted where a reasonable eiriin ni j. lin.i.i.t knnmh.
tso FEDERATED RACING PIGEON ASSOCIATION. RCGBT UNION. The followina- Is the remit of the Cunning combine had Promised to look Into the 5 Kiaina 08, Kiandra" 5. 10, Kunafcuw EFFETE OR ACTIVE? Buyer. Seller.
i a a ft 2 0 3 0 ft 0 12 0 0 4 ft 0 4 2 1 7 0 1 8 3 ..040 a i 3 3 10 3 11 0 ...0 2 7.. 0 4 (I 0 5 2 0 2-3 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 016 0 4 10 0 5 2 0 3 0 3 0 2 13 2 14 0 2 tt 0 2 6 0 2 2 (t 2 4 0 0 14 A 0 1ft 3 0 4 2 0 4 4 1 7 fl 1 8 0 5 8 fl 0 9 fl 7 0 0 9 0 18 0 6 1 0 ..130 1 17 1 17 6 ..011 1 8 9 1 4 0 ..1 IS 0 0 12 3 1 15 0 1 it! 0 0 0 ..030 ..076 0 0 8 1 0 0 5 0 r- 0 0 0J0 0 ...0 2 6.. 1 0 7.. ft 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0.. 1 1 6 1 3 0 ..019 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 17 0 2 19 0 026 020 0 6 8 0 8 0 ft 2 fl 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 ft 0 0 7..
0 0 10 ft 12 0 0 13 8 0 17 3 0 1 0 0 1 3 SHIRE CLERK'S SUICIDE. MELBOURNE. Wedaeidaj. Joseph Boaumont Phillips, secretary to tM Sblro of Hampden, committed suicide lo (at shire chambers at Camperdown to-night Iff shooting himself In tho head with a wwlw. Phillips left the followlnR note: "I ban for years tried to do the Impossible, and ban failed.
I have worked myBelf out" Phil lips had been In had health for some Ua. race, in which 11. ntireons took part: w. wpian, muni-o, nun a view to modify- ir1 -V" "rr- 1 hi REFEREE FOR SATURDAY'S CAME. Mairirkrille IriT, Maude 6.
Menfndie 15, Mrrriwa TP, joiijas per minuie, ii. iioore, iatvas, o. oium-, a iu mura siriagent provisions. THE FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COUNCIL. The denial hv na.
nel. 4(1: 'Birds' Reef. 2'a: Ca'naiHs. 23; Cstheart J. Mr- w- CTii' "panager of the Queemland team.
lM3ds lit 10in, 3: J. Heaarty, lft43yds Oft Mn. J. 14, Loiong Aioraiiraren sioree Moruya Head 138, Mnfitian Mom Vale 108, Mouluinein Mofitian aiow aie nw, Mouluinein i n.ii oi me council Mount Victoria 102, Mullumbimby 2u. Xlurntmndi oi-lj wuZm that body ia effete.
P'rt, ditlo, pnifl, ol; ditto, Central, 13fl; Central haa selected Mr B. 1. 8wannrll to reltree nest Sat-lloldfleldff, 12; Central Red, Whit, and Blue, ge between the Qucetisland and MetropoIiUn Champion. Chintenpett AJnx. 1lt; Diamond Creek.
teni 311, 42; Duke and Main Leads, II; Kn-nrhnan's Reef, 10. 0,8, 103; OKn Mona. 2S; Ooldflel ls Con- TEAM TO MS1T ORANGE. sols. HU: Jane Valf.
4t. 4'; laanvi law.n South. The committee of the Metropolitan Union haa nWid. 17.1, MuswellbrwK i4, Aarramiera n. ie utwociaiion yesterday.
INarromine 40, Newcastle ail, Niinityhelle 47. Nowra "ifl he Telegraph and Tele- PERTH UNEMPLOYED. IMMIGRATION DENOUNCED. Nymagee 75, Nyngan 39. Orange P.
Pambiila "on wancn Association, considered the. rarraniatia im. ivnntn wi, t'lcion in, riuura ia, council unconnncing. jPounrarie W. Port Macquarie 5S.
guambone 67. guean- "Tordl the council," said Mr. thirgem "can 'beyan 2. Quirindi 10. Haymond Terrace WO.
Riveniew ht ft has filled the want PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE. it 11; Sew Cameo, .13, 33: New Dr- Digjriwra, 1 to send a combined team to Orange on September New Specimen Hill, 28: North Nugctty Ajax fex at inviution of the Central Western Cnion. Ilurklev, 1542vds. W. Whittle, KMIyds, W.
Pars-field. 38yds Oft llin. It, Slowgrove, liUWyds 0ft Tin, J. Miller. 0: T.
Hook, irAJydi. 10; P. Andrews. 15.14.rds, II; A. firinham, 1332yds, 12: A.
Ncwland, 1531yd. 13; Stone, lttTyds, 14; J. Ward, IftSoyib, 15; S. Lonnnorth. I.pSvds 16; J.
Cook, lfi23ds, 17; 8. Speechlrv, 18; It Pattison, 1617yds 2ft 10; Al. Tattrrull, 1517yda 0ft in, JO. BHUAKD3. AHATKL'R CHAMPIONSHIP OF AUSTRALASIA.
PERTH. Thursday. eflecliveneas the rV-miti Araiuen cntrai Araluen RedlMnk BRISBANE. Thnndlf. wo; vtjmn liawp, 410, 46; Nun- wsicrn, mciuuing nr.
s. a. gety Aiax (e 23: Old I'd; Povidoh Middleton, who will act as manager. Alluvial, 31B; P-xeidon Kimr. 5 1.
5'2: Sloanef.i Victorr and Pandora. Wm. Toll. 0: Aw' SECOND GRADE FINAL. elated Northern Block.
3101: Bullnnh. la- nntden' The tlnaf ntalrh nf the second crade eomtwtlttnn A meeting of unemployed called by adver-; '0 uT'1(fll 4I. Taree 2G0, Tenter. arttlngdrlt in .0 tlsem*nt on Wednesday morning was attended ncid s. Tornmwal 1.
Trangle 2, Trundle 3. Tumut "'Plor ofllcers with whom they are ImmMiatpiv by 250 men, and several speakers denounced 5, Tweed Head lHadulla 102, I'ugaric is. I ndia tourtt, ax the weakness that has been shown in m.HI. th, Immlvrnllnn nnllnv nt t1. nnvanmn tin Wlrhfl Walcctt 6.
WaHilila 13. Wurren representation to tlie rnmisi -j m-ltmB representation to the Commiirmor Warialda 13, Warren 2S, rti a inrRctj Miv. nesday night, at which the Governor pmlutj it was decided to unanimously support a proposal for the establishment of a PresbrteriU Pole, Great Finch, 4, Greenfinch, Tin- between S.T. College and Newtown II. will he pla-ed A p.
tl? to the statement rotth '2. Weri-is t'reefc mstmg 11KJ, Wool- 1 of Mr. Page in record nlU.t putatlon, headed by Messrs, QUI Labour members, was appointed deputation, headed by Messrs. Gill I hour members, wna nnnnlntert VON DEIt LI FT WINS HY 1S5 POINTS. Swan.
a-fln. i uuis, av uic Loitfifiij t.11 cwiuruuy, scptemtter 2, a BENDIGO. Thttrsdav. the early fixture to the first grade final between Uni-To-day's nales were: Bruhn PonnoHHnteii os. vcrairy and Newtown.
1, U'ralontr Wrnnff IOS. residential college. to the number of nmnn 14. afflllHted with the council, the wgnte 5 -Coonabarahran 7 members of the stations 0111 li The sixth contest for the amateur rhiiin Dion-thin of hrlno- tho nnemnlnveit nrnhlomn hefnrn 108 1 Additional Itegistra tions to 6 p.m. BiYd'a Reef, 2'fl; Confidence Extended.
Vlt: Central i iW? at IWron snd Smlth'a BH-1 Minister for Mines and Hallways (Mr. Ore- Goulburn 7, Cabo 21, Newcastle 10. Port Mac-! greater than the rnimbcr of mklL il laThe HOTS' -h0 boaway from btojSi ft BURNING ACCIDENT. lied, White, and Blue. 04, Central Ooldflelds.
PUBLIC SHIOOLS1 PREMIERSHIP, 1 '2; Central Nell Gwynne. 13: Deborah Reef, 58; I Teams from the Klng'a School ami St. Icna tins' Col Fortnna Hustler, fi ll: Golden Price 9s- CWflu. DM nn tl. BMii.hnr,.!.- rt omce.
ine deputation men arrangca 10 wail 1 in rl- i-uninnenng the oueation of hua 1 "The council has h. T. i wavntworthviiie total ior uic storm aggregates ouj on Mr. Gregory. Associated Dredging Owns Valley Tin.
Dredging and Sluiclnt Bourke'a Hill Tin Copc'a Creek Orent Britain Sluicing New W.vlle Creek Tongkali Horlnuir Tin Qiieennlnnd. Charter Towers, etc. Mount Morgan Gympie. Pouth Olanmire and Monkland 6outh Great Eastern, No. 2 Victoria.
Garden Gully Consols Hustler's Reef Monument Hill, contributing Western Australia. Associated Black Range West, contributing Bullfinch Proprietary Great Boulder Sandstone night Mr. Kiiniball tinihrd with an advantage of tit point, but failed to sustain hia nosition the second points. corowa. Thurriw.
Conaolidated 31; Goldflelda North, 21, 111; Garden of the game was played In the rain, and the'irround Gully Lnited, 11(1; Great nthern, 27: New St. waa very sloppy and heavy. The game was won bv Mungo, IJin, 10: New Golden Fleece. 211. 2'10; the King's School by 2S points to nfL the virion New Nil Drperandum.
23: ew Victoria Catherine, nlarin a rooH drihbllna- irLme Trt -J Oliver Davis, a Red about 12 yean, il SUPPOSED POLITICAL MOVE. evening, when Mr. Von der l.uft scored tl85 points to the Sydney man's 578, and Hninhed the seivion with a severely burnt through his clothes caUhlng New Shenandoah. 70: Red. White, an.l iti t'm j.
n.t. RAIN" IX NORTH-WEST. 8AVINO OP CROPS AND STOCK. Ore. Ho was taken to tbe Hospital, ano aop ed.
13fl. i3: flail wav nohtflfl.t. 1,0 ioi. vt. J.
i "nt ncsJav. the Victorian increased his lead lo t. rr.mn, 1 nursasy. Gaden. J.
Ross kicked two goals from the tries. are held out for his recovery. and Pandora, 20, 28. AUSTRALIAN TRAMWAY ElfPLOTEES MKI.BOURNE, Thi'indw. amongst his bnaks being the only cenliirj- run of the) The Colonial Secretary (Mr.
Connolly) says contest, 127, madc in free, confident style, mostly from tbo supply of country labour Is not equal to red losing barards. the demand, all tho assisted Immigrants hsv- ATHLETICS. "WW Aimclatlon will I'ACXCEBTON. Thurwlar. Qtiol at ions: Tasmania Gold Mine, 2 '5.
a g- Mae- 'ih'i l-wn 27'fi: Primrose, fl.t. 73: Briftftfl. rt 'ft; Mi. horr OUNNEDAH. Thuradar.
Th hn.vr falls ol ruin nvor tho north POLICE COURTS. rstrrday the two flnsl smaions were played, sna hp nlappd i siiUfttlons. whllo thero are trstrrday llir two una! sessions were piaym, ana nlappd In situations whllo 1 lonrt on Mo day. rfml replace with P.lnt in wWeh hnrg Toiincil Uunceston Council, Fremantle Council. with his bi lead, and onlv tan to iro.
the VlrlorUn'a 5 ol vlctorj- appcarf a partlrul.rly rosr onr. still vacancies over liO workers vmuf h.tm.tnn t.i.v that inirdB the moetitt; of allefred Me re- a 00; Pioneer, a Sfl'rt. west thl. week havo completely altered tho Dosltlon In regard to crops and stock. Up unemployed held unemplt N.S.W.
A. A. The monthly council meeting of the N.S.W. A.A.A. ALLKUKIl SIIIIOII.M..
t'HARTERS TOWERS. Thuredav. To-dav a sales were: Bonnie Diin.i 111. a a. BureauTo then tho most dismal forebodings irriHEdrt brlorr hall thr srraion wa.
'completed he had raught yesterday at tho Government Labour ml n.l H.p Ij.f. Th.n tuttl. mval tn nnlltip.l mnv. nn the nart of thn Then a battle royal en- as a political move on the part of the was held at the Snorts Club last night, Mr. W.
Jonea Labour iped tho minds of pastoralista and farmers in lrTep' 1s dHto presiding. Follow- med. With II. and the Victorian again went.nnrtv tn nf this thn Apt In. Hiinnedah and BoRJKabri districts.
having on Angust 17 malidouily shot st aw Stiller with intent to do gtievwia nodilj lum tm ahead: but Runiball is hanl man to stop. Putting n.nm,A- rur haft dppllnnd In pppelvn.tn. ahnormallv heavy rains early In tho year, "u.lT-l 1 281 ditto' 210. iK" tft h(1 rein5tatement of S. H.
Sparrow, who waa 20; Marshall a gueen, 22, 2. diualifled tor playing league football, but owing to in painstaking he slmost reached the leterUn, dcputston headed by Labour members. Mr. the grass grew rank, and Its nutritive quality In with 19 but the latter two sticks later got nn- tht Me.m non.sMl.lixl Im. BRfSRtYP for hwm and lambs was extremely poor.
evidenee of the pneeiitrtl was to Ion the dute named she was siliinj on hrr oowP in Kings-Isne with a baby in her arms, when semrt a.u tho Aimr ind Slit the small attendance it waa decided to postpone the To-days sain were: No. .1 nrth v.i. finished, and reached his pointa, 40 aneau. ton uer ''T Ti. ward, 56; Brilliant Deeps, 1'.
FALSE DECLARATION, WOMAN PLEADS GUILTY. MELBOURNE. Thursday, At tho general sessions to-dav rii. vic Luit anrsgrd for bis 600. while Humbsll's figures migriinis ray uum- wjrked out at 16.7 for the KM point which he scored ber arrived from London on Tuesday.
during the three hours 10 minute which the session) The report ot the Government Labour Bureau STOCK EXCHAXGE SALES. MORNING. Copper. 4reat Fltzroya. 44, 42, oire month.
Queen Beo (paid), three months, 49. Silver. British Broken Hill (old), 536. 64; B.H. Proprietary, 463.
4675; B.H. Junction North, 28: two months, 28; B.H. Souths 519; B.H. Souths (paid). 676; lx weeks, 68: 68: B.H.
Junction. 43; S51nc Corporation, 12. Gold. Great Boulder Proprietary, 173; Sandstone Gold, Tin. Nil.
a drink with her. Witness deelin.fl, whrreupoti producH a revolver which she minted st said. "111 blow your brains out. itiie matter tin nci nifrunii. A letter wa read from the New Zealand Association stating lhat the dates for the Australasian champion-ships had been Used tor December 20 and 27.
Messrs. J. P. Parke, R. Coomlwa, and A.
Wood were appointed telectors for the New Soulh Wales team. Tlie (irent Public Schools were irranted sanction for lasted. The cniei nreaas were; 'snows mat aurini? mc year rnaua junn mnt LAWN TENUIS. Losses of stock were very heavy, and spring was coming In without a vestige of the green teed which Is relied upon at this season of the year. On one station alone near Boggabrl tho cost of green fodder for stock nmounted to -40 per day, and large consignments of luccrno wore coming forward.
On many holdings sheep wero only saved by turning into whent naddocks. Most of the qi vi ab ami 1Q nnnnished. Kumoail: situations wera found for mth men and 1577 "6, M. 1 35 The flins' women, or an Increase of 2229 on the total engagements for tho prccodlng 12 months. scores were: awav, but waa followed by sreused, who urn, wj Iw IriRblrnedi I would not harm you; me plaee." When witnesa declined awuW put in her faee.
but upm witn- erjinc out she eJ onlv "larklnff." Iater wilntw hcinl the report shot, and looking round saw smoke and NEW SOl'TII WALES HWN TFN'VTH iecrtninnv their sports to le held on September 15 and 16. ftKv bui 111 Ai.ta tums ASSOCIATION, Tlie 'mntmt for die Dunn challenge shield were toria May Wong Low was charged with having mado a falBe statement to a minister of religion. Tho chargo wna that the woman stated to a minister at Fitzroy on July 12 that she was 21 years of age, whereas her age at the C. Von tier l.nrt (in piayj H. A.
Kumball lLn tni.ri keen when Von dor l.uft started the balls I fixed tor November ll ar.u is at tno eporu round. The council of the New South Wale. i SKILLED ARTISANS SCARCE. nt i nn.i rHHtnn st niaht. The Anal test Assixjiation, has approved of the mmiii.ni..
-ri cheat crops. Indeed, have been fed off, but he couple of Inches of rain received will aceuned awav. She then tniormeo me also given that the revolver CRICKET. AFTERNOON. a m-w me Ntnic name, ana lias authoriaed time was only is.
Accused pleaded guilty. Acting Judge Ourner asked that the woman's husband, Wong Low. a cabinet-maker, be wss a repetition of the afternoon, the player painaT and repassing each other. The Victorian, playing the red In perfect stylo, ran up and a number Copper. Great Fltzroys, 4: five weeks, sale of the propertlea and rights of the exiatiug aiMCialion to the new bodv.
bring them niceiy lorwaro. aa sun cuwi rriifif thn nlants are rooted well. Tho PERTH, Wednesday. At the annual meeting of the Perth Chamber mount, cuiuiw, tuiuagur, th SKW SOimi WALES JUNIOR I'NIOX. of breaks over SO; while Itumball played In his very rain already received will prove to bo the placed ln the bog.
With the aid of an In trial. 54. saving of the wheat crops, and as It Is still a prfaidrnt. two rlrc-pmidpnla, latin rojncUlon I Tlic ridlh annual mtttlnn ol tho above union will Sllvor. B.H.
Proprietary, odd lot. 466: 'h. fraaaurpr. h. i kw ihl.
mcnine .1 the New South Walea Cricket ciinp bt style, msking one fine Mr. A. Sandovej. congratulated the member rSlt' tbo prosVou. condition, obtaining 466: Nortb Broken Hill.
58: Amuleamatod'Af tho eouneilloni are to 1m -l annniotlon rooina.Moore-strect. when Mr. J. II. 5.
lo oft. si. 42. 43 funflnished): throughout the Stato. Mr.
R. P. Vincent was llnmlly II women who are omvirlej fflJ Irom dripers' shops, hut ejrjUv li'iww vened. when, at the elie Poll, url; Wr llamett. H.M..
tleorje Wooils, nt S--, torprcter he InterroRatod the ChlDo.e. Wong Low wa. sworn by blowlos; out a match. Acting Judgo Uurnor: It you cannot speak English, how do you talk to your wife? Witness (through the Interpreter)! We speak a kind of half EngllBh and halt Chinese. Can your wife understand Chlncso? I can 53, 131, 04, 48, 33, 35; and 66.
The final score elected president. showery lo-any tne unm -s-mented. A large number of settlers forgathered at the Gunnedah Show yesterday, nnd tho patter of rain on the Iron roofs was evidently as sweet music In their ears. They were Jubilant at the bright turn of events. Heavy rain fell here on Wednesday night.
Up to a.in. 565 pointa were recorded. The rtreet is flooded. HROKFN Several heavy showers tell in -A. huUv nluht and Ikls mornlntr.
Zlnr. six weeks, 37C: British Broken Hill, the affiliated branch and "club, and nix tn wi" preside. All the Msoeillfcnt nffiliated to mid), six TVeoks. Bn9. Iby deleatc ol the life nnd BTOimd menibcra.
The the union have held their annual meet npp. and the Oold Bullfinch Pronrletarr 13' Rlaelc 'rcmalninK olflci.la are to be elected bv the deicouc, prospects with rcfrard to the Juniors durinir the forth-RamtoVat 1 ropneta one body. Thi. wa, not' mn i- t5- n-l- -a 'before amemlmcnla propowd by those who favoured in Ijlr'cn will be allbttcd- Tln. TonRkah Harbour Tin.
odd lot, 43 votinir power beiiiir vested In the branch the nutter IH-Inir considered by th, Hoard of Con- Vegetable Creek Tin, 411; Vulcan Tin, 36. iSSon. .3 JSC had hnTfe.t"d. One Tth and Vte- IprovidcM that each club anould have one delecate Juniors will r.v Sydney a visit at t'hrlstmaa meml-Ts one deleinile. Another -S." to the when the trlaniulur aeries, which have been LONDON SHARE MARKET.
l5fj ih. ri.li.. ih. hh bla luruil Ite put Iter jnn, rtll nalliKt V. Von dor 1 II.
A. numball Tlie averages for the whole game were -Von der Chamber of Manufactures and tho Premantle Chamber of Commerce, with the object of procuring evidence for tho Royal Commission appointed to Inquire into tho alleged scarcity of skilled artisans. make her understand. The accused was sentenced to three months' Luft, 13.10; Rumball. iie He was arrested, snd 1" nase.
Tta, Imprisonment, but sentence was suspended upon her entering Into a recognisance to be Runnrr-UD. Winner. of good Dcnavlour lor two years. a married man Hth to If, A. H.
Tricks K. Jacoby A. H. Trick A. Tricks LONDON, Aug.
24. clulw should elect nine councillor and the around, mm in AtSOriATtnv On the Stock Exchange yesterday In JtJSS.i'wX. -11. A. Kumball -J.
B. Ilclneld -J. B. ItelHeld -II. A.
RuintAll nrr wees. 1906. 1907. ions. prlsnnment lor two months 'Good rsfns have also fallen to the north and south of lltroken Hill, vsrtlv impntving the supplies and protmefts.
Kitmlttll -A. H. Trliks 1910. At the tllebr. M'" 'TVlu In 1009 J.
B. Belfkld (holder) did not compel' STEVBNSOS LIN DRUM. imtim oi me, nm mr nrouna meniners mav annoint Broken Hill Block 10, Ho. 8 426; Broken 'one for eTcry ten member. Voting at all eeoeril or cM not tade arranameiiU, the deleffatea Hill North, 103fl.
a 1083: Brnkon him lanecial rcncral meetings may be bv oroav. or extcndetl the time till next. The follow- Rarnrlt, Jonn mm in swamping mn iu- staire thresteneil lo cause great trouble. fTJFTON. Verv boistsronn wralher, aeeompanico bv thick blinding rain squills and a strong southerly SosHaVl MELBOURNE DIFFICULTY ENDED.
MELBOURNE, Thursday. Meetings of tho North Melbourne and Es having, In eompanv 'ampbell sutea 'on JabJ Bouth, 125, 1276. ally. inif have so far enter Thursday. When tho universal training system authorised by the Not- Defence Bill was put Into operation, the tid of tho oducutlonal authorities In tho varl'iua States was enlisted by tho Commonwealth Government, und In a largo meosuro the buclisp of tho scheme dependod upon tho co-operation of tho States.
IjKAD STILli RISING. THK KNOI.19H CHAMPION 455 FIK1IIND HIS POINTS. This nisleh of 18,000 up was continued at Alco*ck'a Tournament Hall, Ueorge-st reet, yesterday afternoon, l.lndnim being in play Willi 2S unfinished, bis total being T4! and Stevenson'a 42.Y2 behind hi sondon Tramway Ccmpany's employees wore held to-dny, whon Iho offer of tho company to pay the claims of the workmen for back money nlhrrs nri IiiMl.nl at ralnlall. whlrh rl tn cm Salnnliiy lilnHt nvrr S.m.lay. llir 1.11 loins laj po noteby, one of tin dee-prestdenta, annoniieed his 'pcrdowtt, Kftkinevfl e.
New Iwni tl -hil, resignation, plvinR as hia for doina; so (hit he not approve of tho entwtittilioti a Second Orade. -S Aiibn, 'wmlm I'anterliiiry, particularly with retard tn the relative voting Bl! and Blu 81. r. Varren y'-hridce, 1 of the eluba and ground members. Other eotinrtllora Fernhlll.
Camprie, La; roek and Maedonaldtown, intimated their InteoUon to tak a BlilarSou Sw Prrabyrerian. Son Sj-dney Var. h. St. Peteix A brokers' cnblo mesBRgo staten thnt amongst tho obrtrca quoted on tho London was accepted in seiiiemcnr oi tno oimcuuy Tlie aiternoon schmoii wu nai nn iiiinnniiR that existed.
HtoeK Kxennngo on Wednesday wore the foV lowing "middle" prlcea: Broken Hill Pro its i nrcdecessor, neither cueist lelng In -good striking ffiiinn inK hcon caused In South Aus i eve and alsiilt tne ni- (Am. Th nulv eenturv runs made were 140 ami I TRIM t.niiie.rt; i-arieiBti ltd. Wnnderers. Mkeinba, Hnrlstone ConfrregaHonal, NEUTRAL BAY Iru. vin.
Wnltnee and CamnenlnftTi CamhH.l bv Stevenson, who scored TGS points to I.indmm'a Ml. The former waa Z'Jii behind hia points when play ASCENT OF MOUNT KOSCIUSKO. On Tuesday afternoon the Neutral Bay Club carried Avondale. South Sydney, Waralah, Sttmmer UarriekT lie Junior. Alexandria Thnlma mixed doubles and KwtIsIot, Mairlekvllle Junior, Alexandria Thelma.
out a handicap, after some clow the ranger slni. him rM. eip The ta. in dctlllll Imprisonment torn." The Alisirauan increased mi overmjtin occai. oi xn tralla for a few wtoka past, ana lust ween tno matter came ti a head with an Intimation from the South Australian Kduentlon Department that iho uso of school grounds for the drilling of senior cadets would not be permitted In future.
Tho decision on tho part of tho Stato authorities has causTl somo emharrnsBmont to the military administration, but It Im hoped lhat thn iiifflcuitv mnv Le overcome. In withdraw Smith iom), ana miss ngrrii and 8. O. Btnlamin BAI.MAIS CAH1.IN0F0RD CLI B. prletnry.
B.H. Norths. 65; B.H. Block 10. 42; British (old), BS; Mount Elliott, nrrnt Conor.
Mount Morgans. B7S; H. South (pnld). 663; OhHlagoe. BU; Mungana, 271; Hampden, 27; Amalgamated Zinc, SB.
Ol hers (buyers). Broken Hill Proprietary, 45: British (old), 53; B.H. Norths, 56; Amalframntert Zinc, Zlnr. 363; Mount. Lypllfl.
'W: Oreat Fltsroy, 43. Marknt shade firmer. Lead was quoted ot 1439, or 28 up. Info 48, and neat hit -put up fci, tailing on a Kiss cannon from hand. Stevenson only added and his opponent ran up a half-century In good style.
After a period of quiet play the Kgltsliman scored 14H In minutes, and on hia next visit opened up potdllnn At a merlins on Monday evenlns In the Bulntaln Ambulaneo ltnoms the trophies won last season were MOUNT KOSCIUSKO, Wednesday. Kor the eeeond time tblt winter tbe summit of Mount Korclusko wfr reached. On Tuesday last thm mas accomplished from the Hotel KoHelURkO) by Messrs. dough, Lloyd, und Wing land, who accomplished tho Journey nn skis. A nn)wtorm maw the travelling, which occupied two days, very difficult.
prraoned. wr. melt atnrone.v wan presenien wnn a BIFLE SHOOTING. roftSAKWA fhoollng .1 the rifle WJ, JU inn ny ir. inmiper vvicir-iHThiiiriin.
mi, with perieet long jenny, inn wnt.t kohir mtomk failed to connect on a close kiss cannon. 1-ack of ititikincr nosllinn waa the iirinelnal fault Pine alao received a trold nirdul. nrecented iv Mr. K. Nash (patron).
Trophies were also presented to Mesani. W. Aeheson ami W. The fourth of Mndnim'a billiards, but striking out in freer stylo ing tho uso of the grounds tho Stato department did not intimate officially whnt reasons had prompted the decision, but It Is understood that tho unruly conduct of senior cadets In and about a sojjool premises waa tho Initial cause of tho tre'ible. Some damage was done PUBLIC SCIIIOOI.
MATCH KS. The following Is the programme for to-day: Uirls. Kegworth Annindale, at Annnnulc. CaiiipLTdown Riirwood, at Darliiighunt Peteralmut, nt Petersham, tlreenwich Stanmorc, al 1,1 verp.nl Hedfem, at Itedfurn. Itandwlek Hose Bay, at Mono lliv.
Arncliffo Surry Hills South, at Su.ry Hills South, noyt. Ttiirwood alreet, si HeveTinJ-ttrceU Dulwtch BUI Handwiik, at Ilv.d-.tick. B7 came irom nis cue. wptphwi wuhi and 25 In following attempts, and experienced 111-luiK In the marker falling lo notice an extremely thin ii: rrpnrtoil all over Ihr ill.trct. ShfaHn hv Urn MnrVH alnrr Satimlay last.
vi-rr l.iaw lull nrnirr.1 nn tilirM. In Irw lKiin llir rlvrr and irrrtka wrt hnllrrniis wralhrr has hron lir-rr. Over Hln ol rain was rrcoruM lip lo rain art In on Wnlnr.lay allrmnrai, ronllnnlnii wilhmil a lirrak Inr 31 hmirs This is llir hMrlrst lall Im somo luonlhs. rto.r on mn mints hrinu rrnlsloro.1. Tlir rain Is aroompanlnl hy a lil boi.lrroiis winil from llir I Im-hrs of r.iin loll lo a liin' on nnnVilav.
A slronc soulh-rly wind was li'svv rain lOXKI rain srl In on Wrdnor-nlchl. and up lo 8 on Thiirsday mnmliis Sis loll. It s. then .1111 ralnln lira.llr. Slh? "iron, wln.l.
All llir psddorkswrrr with walrr. and Ihrrr woro Irar. ol Th. hraw ra nmnlnir was haiklno up Iho lldr. Ki nRI KIlBlll.
Bnln loll on Wnlnrrfay nd Thun. II Is rsllmalod Ih.l the ralnlall slurs has lotallrd ovor Inrhrs. Thr wralhrr III! TlllVsrllM naln loll hr.vlly dnrln. Wrdnrlay TTinrwImr. and Ihrro Is imwprrt pi a con.
i.t janri Tlio ilsmo an I wslrrhnlos In various parti il.I. illslrlot havo brrn rrplonlshod. nnd somo af no rrooks aro awollon, whllo Ihrro Is a slltht Iho orooKs MINING NOTES. -u. PrtTirs.
annual meeting will be held on Monday evening next. wkstkrm 8i nsf en ncii ks vsxos. The competitions will commence on Saturday, 8ep-letiilier and entries will rlose with Mr. J. al.
Horle, MlU-ham, Mvlnenlone-road. IVtemham. on iinnnn letl ie nso pin mow i-i, N.S.W. ALLIANCE. It was reported by Mr.
Albert Qmntnell, The directors or tho Block 10 Company tmvo declared ft dividend of 1 per share, pay-sblo on September U7. Tho transfer hooks M.L.A.. at Ihc New Houlh Wales Alltanrn 60; ii, prnnn. U'ednrralay, Aumiit im. at noon.
It 4a nroooed to closing on September 13. Svor rnl by boy. aflor they had gathered the snort a lirrak at making hla aclonal total 1127 to parade ground, but bofore the drill Instructors ill Hit together In visits lo Iho tsble. IJndrum'a had Inken rhaKO of them. Senator M'Oregor, Play during the anwion was In marked ronlraat lo hisj-ho has been p.cllng as Minister for Uefenco, rnsp displava earlier in tlio week.
The youth Iho Adjutant-General, Colonel Wallack, peared lo laik eonndenoe. However. Stevenson for south Australia lo-morrow wllh a tad madc and 02, the Australian did nrtlrr, I.w away tho difllcullles which State Council meeting on Monday eveniiiR, that Mr. W. H.
Jndklns, of Melbourne. In lonn an umpire ssaoeiatlon for tho A (trade this season. The union's third sporU meet inn will he Tk, lollo.ln Is tbe litis rW Irani" tepmrnllng llnhb" HrltW. SKW SOUTH WALKS TEAM BP.KKAT8 T.MI WORTH. ftrodunlly sinking.
Thn effort lo rntsn 1000 A dividend (tho 03rd) of 1 per shore has been declared by tho Broken Hill Proprietory at jy M.l A. viii inurtoay. viterdav the New Sotilli Walea 'fi-vn iiein on rwiirnsj-, nepirmoer a. at me imperial irrai, Wrdell-road, Cooli's lliver, full particulars of whirh will be arlvertiie1 next eek. Tho ohjeet of the pporti Is to aemiire funds for the laying ot new wickets oft the 22 acre of land which has been j.
n. "a hnvn arisen. which 1 rrtii.Tlnit from Brisbane, played a match Ploek 10 company, jjimnen, pnyaoio on Hop tember 27. Transfor books close on Septem ber 13. "nurMenda havo been deeJarod bv tho fnl.
to present to Mr. Judklns before his doalh as a provision for his wife and child- was meeting with considerable sueeesn. Mr. A. B.
Pur-sell, who haa been absent from the meetings of tho alliance slnco October last, owing to a long tour In. America and England, was warmly welcomed back. J5. f. wenl.sn, BA sirs.
Holt and lUa Seflon Ford and Uiss EXPOET DUTY ON ORES. tO his pOtntS, UIO ClosillK wwr. wiii. I.tndrum tin play) J0J1 Btcvrnson A rood house wss present when l.indrum resumed on his unfinished break ol 14, but alter seven a weak lowr elwd the run. Hlevenson gut touch right nt'ipiircti ny ine union at wameu-roau, uook a flivcr, CYCLING AND MOTORING.
W0r.hln5.0ii, let' an- II. K. Clarke, si. -j ftnot, owing companies: Wnllaroo and Moonta 1J Mr. Matter, president of tho Newcastle Mr.
sinner. ui Imrriurd lo ilav bv Iho down-oomln. flood watrra. pirrn sVlrndlll rain loll nn Wrdnrsday, and nnyalilo Heptemoer jo; urporaiion. pro- Misses O.
Coliicnt and Sexty Misfes Cousros, 1-6, 1 Or. Bn(1 Jun nd Fin Uvco'n. 8-8, OA, 1-6. Vernon and Palmer Klee and Todd. fl, l-O.
niCVri.E NOTBfl. wflte5 Council, secretary of tho Smcltera1 fereneo snaren. io, inywtw wiimiBwr nnr.n'm. Tin Drodelng, 6, payable Pen- HI Mnlswr r-. ti.
io fluking Ltndrutn'a ball Into thr middle Union, and a delegate appointed to draw the. ting mic i traaiii iiA tum ni.Mi. ii.inn atirf itelesato nnnolnted to draw the shire councils. bo, Ev 1NM3. Thonds'.
nickel, he letl the youth another double baulk. The attention of various bodies tnrougnottt AUS' Jghout The f'anley Tark Wheel Club held 12 miles road race over the Pmt I hflcld -Fairfield roiirse last Saturday. BeniH- 0. M'Clcary, 8m 'ion, H. ftmlth, 8m 20a, tern bo 1: Sons of Owalfa, 13, payable Sop- Aus- "'Jd-i ip Phowerv eondlHom set In here on export dlltyUvneadav" nflernoon, 'anrl eontlmie.1 thrmighoiit tho Br.
Holl ana i. miMwji man Hnn nice, ilK-ldnlly liioky In his rarly shota-thrco thn ursont nood for An l-o. 30, flnkoa In wrcrsslon addinf lo hla total and loavlnn vi.llnr In tltn Lnhnnn rnunoll ahnwrrs omirml .1 Inlrrval. on Thnfa- i n.mnn. i tit.
ii. i ne cum icraicn man. Averv. Vernon aim ramwr no. n.
winner'. tm will trtnbcr 29, Denlrrg In Hat ton Cardon are now handling amnii hut reculnr Imports of opals from Aus ii-i Neltnti 'Kirm fljt a was riiwu The following sre the prtre-. di 11. Holme. (.
,1, IS Kl 'tint The Shire fYiunrll has granted tha Ksst tlrel. real Company permission to light tbe town by elerlrlrlly. WKIinEN (Orenfell). The evlraordlnary election for l.lndnim doulilo liilks In thr oponlnn 10 ho wa. well rrotlvod.
and nrs'ly hw hlltn. will do ImmcnH inlnutn. Twsnty rlil thlrly were Undiuni-a 1 hsdly nonlrd. Kores, whll. 8U'vrin cut In with a twlrr.
In run. Mr. Manor sum mm. tno qiirniion wn. oworv condllloos woro suln osncrl- tuna IJndnnn ahaped In aomollilnii Ilk.
Ida ureal Importance lo Iho nrosporlty or on Tlinmlir. In all in pnlnls of sc. Mr. rstVWTfS: Kll Nrw Snillli WalM, 10 sols Tlio rUM 'I'. tralia, and somo parcels of blaek opals have form, aa did Stevenson In neat' whlrli followed, tralla.
The ores which wont out ot Iho un- recorded caiinen uy me wi nr. r. ivnneii, The we.lher lina turned very Ctiarle j.me. Haalln, 74 LTiarlea Uehlan (), O. iws" pictoS.
TbiirwtV. worth. 1 sot 33 MUM. ollowln. aro llio linnJIt.w lor Hi.
North. The following iner. In the comnett; or. The youth iohowcu un ine oo wun nia nrsi eenmrr ry a cruue sinio, aocoruing lo calculations ij.lr votes, of the day In an, all-round 101. A bout of safety 0h had been made, would, If smelted In1 sfrtOllt).
-After tn dajV light Intermittent shnwera rvtvLiintv null's 10 mllos rood race, to bo hold at .......1 11 st tun sums, iss uih Muriel Krancla won Ihi loci "club1, ladl'n'i lo niorrow Jltrrnoon. Th" ensued, from which 8tevenson tame out ttccessfully, bA.n nearly all the eoalnslner. bu.v heavy raln'set In nn Wednesday evening nnd continued rewarding hi. patience. The light not -olf forTho' SmelVlng works iCrgTont tbo tilght lip to oVIyk nest niornlng: Klartca irom iirar hren on orror.
it is very nimcuii mays the "Brlllsh to value tho stonos Ih Australtn, as not until thoy am rut on this sldo can buyers see what they am likely to bring. This fact is rather a drawback vo the trsde. Retail Jewellers arc said to bo receiving offers from 'dealers In the Commonwealth to send them small parcels, and some The Ksrush River, John oeeo m. and momheni ol Iho cub will ride thrau.h large ananowa pwng ssw I i Kniiii Pnunoll I. to nrasar.
wer. Wilson (r). li F. CosW ar woa bj F. 0.
OMta. luka ft.br th. rimnlra tUrnanCB SI mrriCTII IP, ounD wn.cn iruiicr after the rare lo Newport for th" right, returning shots difficult Is Judge, snd apell of slow scoring dayi-ll. Birch, A. H.
Wright, J. K. Mellvr, followed -m reanlt, lw "fertlng- iT MeUar. KT T. Bag, tf.
B. B. W.tKO, Im lMi'ud Undnini 1 la all vWta to tk. takk 1. fm lnflumaa and Cold, In th.
lak. Wooak' commendation lor representation to tba Fed- Hstriet has been sited bv a Uitm7 ral aatkorlUr wpot Ut matter, ja aaewm fU tteragboat Wed- Hottl. reporu. Ontt ratmtat con. It M.