ILHTAIIBANT. bt kUnd in city. rtt apwo. z- SL Iibr-triiitnwi toeiable. 20, auit country; MilK THIS DAY, TMtTtf A V.
lAth JUNE, no the rremiMt, 1H CEtiliGE-ST liEET NORTH the Assigned EftUt of FREDERICK UANHs Gl Hanks and Co.j. A AT 1(T A.M. BT" OKDER OF THK TKUPXEES. 1 l'ukm WMli. ta Py rent.
Thi. iHMdai. 'ONt'KCTYM Win. I.icfiu.-. IUi KWrtoo anm.
0. Cjr, wo, Umotf'. Cm, al TtOUH SALrJWOMti, A3 Gtorffr-tflrrl. nwh-ttuMiL a-ood mony lor m-C. or i menU tru it tip-top aub.
I P.Uhl.hl'S. Ul Turnout, t20j BocUblot tt 10. bftf en PryitiiJ.rr'l and trik, Vitu, liar. No. 212 Ooul buru nr.
Hile'tt, ourrjr 11. 1-VMBrr A fverythiw I.tMTAUUAM, on pod rti. Muni rmi, Hcnvire co-op. tnctmy. MOfMS, A rlNIIK-KOAD.
Aroma. TxImu, Di't. Itrir-k (VtUsm. talni roofa, arh hall, t.ASV TKHM.Wek Trl.1 fbtjlabla How, Bprinij RAAAR, TH10 Wkf I AT A-M. fTLOiif WOLIS vtetim, ai liinr IWr.
THIS- DAT, at 1U.10 iswp, Vts. Mrusyrt. lUx and lUnteaa, Draught IiprArta, lltiraca, and Harpo; and at II 'lories wul VebWcs of 4rij-ii. not im-uIIv MtvCTtiiwt I. ft).
iTiTTiUAMi If riurarraor Bulky and Harness, imii tuncO, mil a bmkhMTt. in I MM IMJEIS and BOH lwws MffW hwtroe-l to II by WKiiou, ai ttor KAJUAtt. TUIB fUY. i 11- THr RTIOW; OF TUB guod suburban opp. auu, uo Jli (jrt, Hunww, Squae Vaji Tornotit, 'tClij Tru ro.m Uiru prnaa, kitchen, pmutr-, bath tiietii inn, Miliy nrrtioiu, mouy lony, artorcing nniay, xiar- PaUloX S6 Ruaur M.
lMhl lorrv. ftociabla. CflJTY IL 181 wuix nuotrEKiu. I ot Picklr. rb olai.
Cofi- in UilW. nltv Till tt hii' i iitiina. IJiutnrt-. Oil. room, taimory, uok i-M'ul 4-1 a rfxm.
balinny n(rfW about 7j th-irt -U- opftion, food dwlM 1 wmtY lioom7Ttonteionrjrit-, JK- IAU CATIU- lZt- ind clip. 0. L. WIIIIiuth. SJL'PKHIOU IU3AKDING porre point, HIGHLT niTOKTAJrr EALE BT ACCTIOS.
THIS AT 11 O'CLOCK A.M AT LTInDALK ACTiPv-wrRrrr. pons poivr. Cadtr limructloot traiu HARRIE WOOD, E6Q. LATE UKDKRECRITART FOB MD.U AND AGIUCrLTTJTtt; IV wole of Ms SrPCTUOIl ENGLISH MADE PCmOTniUS tad HOUSEB01i AfPCHhTXCBTg, EOTABLIWIAIKNT, NLITRAL CoimI Wiauo n-iw, fuit eountn-. carry IL iI20: UooU- roonia, bcavutHuJIy furniihtHJ, burljour Waggon, ill'i Inapecikm invib-d.
WAKRA. di-L HrifW Cottucfw, cub 5 1-7. ba. elltli. SPAla aoo -o mvkky trrAiurst, rt, iutrliiD, pantry, UunUry.
Land, tifi. vanine driill. in BTjarket. und P. finucM tn't Anrhoiie.
Olivet, T'otXM. PrppT, Ralmar luwdr, Viiist. Rioe. Moir'w Fnwh Flour, Onliwl. Stroll Ndliooii, riardio.
timnkHl lladdonk, Jama, nM Currant Slntwbrrry Conww, ti-litine, OrdiaJa amort Brans, tmon I'm! 8tsnh HI Hi'. Pnrr Bjff-. Ciindl'-. hUIT4r. in flu5 order anl uoooiaoo.
i MACMWrENT FUNO by Wt P0BBTB8, Ittanve sMAN, Lrrm I rain'-, nl-ii'li'l lODB. I Brick Cottairp, BKffD. Charnhr'r', N. BytL, nics liomc, or lut aunruved penoo. 0.
L. Williaxna. ENLY. pro4eroua COLSTRY TOWN, p. CjAi-E.
10 tonu-a, bopablti, Yunn, Huikiea, bp. Carta, tt tumoior allUOn. t400 yeau, Syl.Lorrii, JUrn. l.CoiV-ii, 5 Liy root, lull. Urttf! ftn, bath KUtSl tLA 11.1 BELKY TUONOUT.
WALXl BOTFK MI Paintings.) n-n pre. Land JM. EWSAGENCY. MUtionery. ooing pan fry.
Ii UrKr ttifJi. SPAIN. YIE8T5LT Pony Turnoui, flt-nt-shaft Sulky. Him, VJ m-w, weHr's trial, Ui. 40 Camplx-ll-at.
lUytnarkftt. Hl'Gli hl.FF4nd(0.. Aui-tioora. ixhoa trade bdIco, atock, only jUw. arpt.
I.inr, Oirtaine, Overmantrla. a 1 MtCYM, Store, tunum-r wk, gtnu- LIS aid HOW have iwmH inatroe- XI GavtrprtMtirert; Cliaiawotid, tuxl Uutirmn. 3 rooms, low rent, wfll Sfl Sim in 4 ik I Co. iTT7A.Vm) Haddle. Prim and full par- urtion, al unr tius rtiu.r"j Ann.
iadi uuaia I IIM, uoio tvMim aori. Marat row, rniiw.iii. iMiti, utriiKi itrrv tvr.wni. MACinSK. 00 Uroiind, XJ hoard, a rral barje-in.
4 AUiFltnonv i.An kai.k. Allm. faiiawr fltv tttnd utfM aim week. tneiils Lai tt titulars, Kuer, J. rUiruaon, Trmterdx-n-st, Botany.
ii lii, NKJ.T SAL. p.ou. Iitlwa. R. and ft.
and H. 1 WILLI 71 Eliabrtih-rt, Raid. Chamber, int. M.l. ft yearn, splendid nwwr.
ilan Almnfida. BrrntK. Mivrd Sniofia, up, bg profiia. weU-kuoit, money -OJaJciug baii- vJ' Dhur.t lft roottu. well lum.Ard.
Pri WANTED to PtiTchaatt. a seoond-hand Raddle, oonv-pjete. gd. makcr.AShley. Abbotsford-rd, ITTwatry I'late Powder, ffiirnilnrm.
Dutch Cbrfve, HolhrooA'n nt-, 8PACV and t.o.. 2B (i.UiTeagti-atrr-ei. (hvIs. 1'oilrtr. Lonrure.
and llooried ntiifcy (leather; trimmed), and fwt of Hariw. rwiiiFt. -Ox Tonriiiy. i-n. Aao, rait? 'f omra.
ISlltENTUL CHAMBERS, tuuu, EASY TERMb. TT Al ItDR ITER'S and ToUixonist Businaa'for Kale, It" Jelly. KrroHi OJitf. I rjwjmio ann i.aiirrary voquianeaw BUSINESSES FOB SALE OR WASTED. ASSmB PIMNG-BOOIf ffTTRMTOKK.
PONY MiLKT TVR.SODT. AnrtxAir, dh n. a a. turne nanu ii yra. ninyn.
CENTRE OF CTPA. DEAD HORSES nad COWS BOUGHT, up to 10 bead. Carta sent anywhere. Connelly. TM 124 H.
Bot. DEAD and Worn-out Uorsea and Cows lionght, high est prie given, W. Tnrnetb. TeL. 238 Redfern.
NEWEAGENCY. bio- lutd. or aT'xid Ukcy fVAS diy" tomrf, nWn tnV, nsrtMn Tn.Mi:itloi:K IL1.VES& of PimaSetr it up to tXi. in any prog-rewuve aaburb. Letter hamrers ar to hr sarriftred.
All nww and iU IWibN. Plums, Apnrol-. Prarrrwi Milk, npm rVatti. Ttrdora. BUtv-o.
Tooth Paatn, Ixwf Kiizir, axiortfd Bianitt. llarioot Hrana, Cornflour Hifd rtc, etc, rtr. TlTliJAM INGLIS and have refjwd tnatrur Mf- llolJ, to sell by aur fctf. tl-ir Tills HAY. at 11.J) a.m, H14.
I'inr alvai 4 yr, w-ry aiylfth. permanently to hich-clasH tenant. J. a. lifi-r Hi ''h.
Tooth. SIS HunUT-41 4l (Antral ISLiiion, mil al hrr A TfMtii'a. titt- 100, iliiUl iA tVan whiirban, Mint TTBLP to solve thn errant problem by letting Utem XI cook with CEItEBOS BARLNG POWDER. hrlntnelx, avd co. Anrtioni-Tp, an) for Ymdoiv OllW at BiiriMi.
TnL, tOO B. only, T. tifll) Hlawami-roMtl, Buy. Residential, D'btirtt. up t' it cenuine.
Collect, JturuiUm, Firlcher-at, RESnJEATlAL CHAMBERS, TERMc (Tor coutinuatitjrn see Index to Advevtiaetnenta. MALh Millliilfesinpas" wanted, iminedtiitatly, I'iZ- A 0a, KM, wr-U jUCOU. llnnwr-it, fDrt ah ir.iii-. iicnooi iwhuk ail m-i S. M.
ILariwm. 4 i-MWh a. s. 'am u. licmska.
UmUBT AND fUUi FTJKMTLUE. A UT ATOJETlCTlTKiii. rm a vrwviwrDKKmnai and CnOTLY APPOINTHEynL MAGKTFtCENT UPP PIANOTOKTEL Vufl Dprfcht Ortnd, tn Walnut cbjbv by the Tnakerv. WKSSBfl. TtlfSIAKD 1JPT and SOHK tifju.
Denbigh. 118 Pitt-tit, near G.P.O. (til NTH Howl. WWrni lLn. lO jr-.
ira. rent .1 IS foonw. ell Iirnubed. attrnetlve bo ait CLEARS 4 PER WEEK. pTTARJJNG andC44CtjereiBjh-lTt.
cj niW8AGENCY, STATIONERY. AinW. .1 H.4iY TKRMft. "v- pj tfl'jn, all tair. ca.ili VI 'ANTED, CoDfee.
or MUed mutt be cheap, VV good local, and no agta. H.H., Enio. P.O. TITIJ.IM IVtJfJS and SO haw rwrtw imrtroc- rent VtrLX AND KPIRITS. ptjvr ad uTTCiica 1 OHTRBIs niiTIITII SAPK 1 PBICTU LAHOE ttATU.
i "iirNTUY llotr). South, uhtat di-tnet. .12 yrw, PltfcLrMINARY NOT 'NOE KENT. IMPORTANT HAJ.F AT ATCTTOV 0 10-MORnow, i-riday. at a.m.
lfiinUr-at. T. 8 Kmg- WANTED to Buy, amall Milk Run. proof IKd. tUton.
1. Mrni .1 12 fiVlnrk. Hyur nauir, 'I Mis Klorked, 7WJ" naieri4, shop traI; weaik, ery Herald Cttrke. st i-rOl ToBAOJONIhT 1 nn: Rur I Jo Id inc. 1(t ImtxIa.
HAHtnUlartsING 4nd Hjlm.ii UTCy 'IH'lin, nut Ho (JfMiuB, UrkHiv, GROCERY, mijwd. in Hiy or A truly BraaHhil DnwiBr roan Inatrament TBD uorepat star.llr.n-3 years, any tnai. TARI.ING aiKl CWt lrgjioirr- "-TiifVinv 'pnTiiTSinNS iiX-ti. rmst bear up to -r0, no agents. Oma, Herald OrWe.
if nr iBrrrrirFrWi irrrBit rtear invtul- LTD AND P.CTI RJ. FRAMIV; rl--ar nf" ilU i5- (tl.SINUsi, P-iJdinfftort HAhF.UY, good foui.try town AN HEN' BY, liuntcr-rtorei. rm; coMPLtTi; rmshtngs urn appotstmevtb of Iatw Dining, anrl fvrn Bd Rrxtrryi, TakinffM weeh, dears 8 week, rtrrplte WRASER, CTBEK, -A- Irawi I aa i aW1 inilTlll-tlft havo mneiwid iniilnirdOlU VV t. up to 700, n. agta.
Crgent, lfrld to aell PJ in. "mirllUhlt MAI'K KltfiH WAJJiKlUWANf. (IT tiom fmni Mr. K. HiimroonK, 'Wiillmmnis.
In ann 4ii inoiai oui om'-r. uiiiiwht KijsKKvr. plant, pj.Tllnt position; no opposition. HargaJn, STARLING and 24 Ca.l'ad-strt. fity.
truwl, hi abaobrtely prnert ororr. BUDROOM KDIUmntK tnr norn nonBLK and ktngt boomh, Inflodinc K.ASrmT, faOT.m VUJSTiT ft WARDRnRl abow, TtTPnOlT RKSKRre. STTI.RIOR WAI.NTT PfASOFORTK l.r YoM and Sohn. ITbtrila" fpniarkahly-'finfl hoii, "drrn. beat atyle, lease r00 SEco*kD-HAOT PIANOS are rrry, rare, and command almost tlpe price 0 new lmaromAtx, Bnd ieca7Tir-ruoid Piano are eitranely pataiti-lul, an are dear at any price.
Take our adric haw had owr hsli a renOiry's ewpenenee buy a new Piano frum PaJiug-'s, and yon will be glad ever kUa. Onr easy payment system makes tl oyiitc sunple for yon to do so. I AM A BITER of good in REFRESH-MKNT LINE; or wiU Buy lata of Premises in good.fHMirjoQ. Hl anrutii. tiH'ir llair, Tills HAY, SFVLRAL ilAa-Mr KNT PAINTf In Oilx, tn ifhfrh ttprcial-Bltfjiimn Buvrrc nnndM.
DRAWTNT, ROOM rHAlRiS, COITHrX TABLW. MTR. a. t.x, rent x-i, nne nnmc ana gn. incornr, t-m HOTEL, 10 y-, rU irnde iO.
a.0, gift. HOTEL, tntde wt, liMt thing in i-ity, frr ttlMO. HOTELS, nil hei Nw LuO. LAKL, 45 JN Having been the transfer ot NCTS inr -jk wan. we arc in a Dotitioo to give ef tucnt nwrinu omwinictjon.
ami fntd with ewy HOR. WHATNOTS. L. ORNAMKNTS, WALNUT be sent, marked Private, and FnO partjettlaet 1 UlIluiv iiifonnaUon of ei-cry Agency in the f'AKl TABI.r-t. HKtlKl C'ARPKTS.
to ilrindnna (roin horri Kmc Matf, 4 bu- mm i jnr "iJKiVmMi. WKDNTSDAT, Oat JCKK On thr Pprmiaw of fiKORT.K mTMiS and rTIN. KHGUVTTK1.LT, RKTIPEKN. AT 1D.30 A.M. LAJlOK PKDI-STAI.
DWK, with law drawer? and Thf majority oi tnoae entruareo to our fcWH MoJrI BuAoaat, wiVre a auns in-mine, irofu Xi ia caaih 300, balaww lit0. raay Icttw. Nen Atrenrini: All that mn be in Ute oano mnj a-nu. lu Mr. P.
HART, Tatatur-or Director. HART'S. MMrPED, Burliayua) Cafe. George-itreet- wnan dillo. srp.
MARBLE ruyrt ft ALL T.PiO. brxiKht arMJAoil bm, aH prior. ltXo 45 caaeau Buyer), financed. GEO. 10 A and BON, Caa lere-rtrewC HTniJM IX.1JS aiH SON hao' mrird tnatrur-ff tHm to lij 4Ut-unnt at thar Huoar.
THIS 1 ENEIIAL STOREL onlr onr to Ntotit for moory. aLUPUJW OP TTMBICI, and btL. rra. fvf thir. I-Jcf 4T 6 GOOD SIN CLE EE DOTE A DR.
tr. DM. -ifirradx 6 lane bodiea. ri0 aberp. etc.
fine comer Wr to Ptirrhaae, a weU-esub. ReaJ state' Bus. IVSS. neTBboarataed al Kerndnvlivi fnWit Annrv fiO)n CHKSTO Or DK AW K-RS. ARDROBfa.
ltat nnprawed model, mnw.Dftd VumglxnL So. AM. PDF: ENCLOSED DEJWIJL LATH AM) TROM VKKA.NDA11 SEATS. fABLES, Etc. Etc.
flVTTEWTiaii lTHTJBSDAS'1 MOftVTHfi. FRiOK ribop. npLrnawJ owerrrg town rjeenonj. cverv 'TKlti. AlTIVK lUltMMS MOli.H:.
OLSJi and LAND At.EN'CY, hiary bookA open evrrr iitrptv-Don: a nup. 75. Uk i- KUtv-A. H. PALiNfT AKD OO.
TiTT S3B GFORCXrSTUKiZr. SYDNEY. PRF8S, wrMhstandt. Comb. Cbrnta, Carnphoronod tintin cnraotiUL.
commeie mui. tarn wtur ID croequrnor- of IIM KaUarar ctarnaaMtiariii aumuia; a poition of the WTTPntT RESPRVE. VPV TIMPKR. with full to Tathra, iSLantOLvrd, IJabiafleJd. TIDENT1AL CILAMBERIS, Ai oty PomU, lii atooua gear, re-trigerator, etc Any leaw.
neva oaexon pre- AIRY wanted, with not Jens lhan 40 rowa. pay ikuO ronnw. rauo. noay yns- rrunns. jo, eaay rrTLLIM IVCf.lS ind SO hjvr fttml tiwtiw-1 inw Irom Vi.
I. liinif k-M In- auction, nt ftrfr tUaar. THIS HAY. at V' nVJoek. to -itjnrr (.
a. 1-. iieraia twuce. ii-rtn tor tuur; othm. liXe to U1 TJHXJT and Sioe Shop, with Uz-pairine, in sisWhs, ima, i wrr.
rt.K II t. ana Table Cnina, Glassware, Dresit. Kltcfani Ttmsils. EurrlA Gaa Strre Strat, and Lot fandries. gtRONGilAN, BRryTVELL.
AVD acting is ooniurrdloo Tith MrtKra. W. T. TATE and DFIT. 8(I) fTPT I I VORltCOS AMP FEEC't I 5 OHLfJOV tMOP FELT 5 i- ORrjtN Uy, rplcndid ubarn, all nnXk njv BHN.
tiotoD turnontL biautMa diulv "ZT. wax, lieraio: tjmce. atrj niai. iHKofl, tenrw. tb-.
46 Eliz--t. BEBUS PtAJOaFORTES BY GOOD MAffEaTR. Ant-rlatw. turnont. GEO.
TH0M.AS and BOS. IS Caftrerrgh-atreet. FELT 6x2 ORMXiy "VT.W8 Agency Rta. Bus. wanted, tor casii, tnupuci.
TjrDRFMSEH'S. Tofmrrnniat'v Al clear nrof. oHicswa. rew nriiqi ooj, no aggr-ts. ajtxmubi, lierahJ.
arijn rrxwrr, writ hnunrw fUi. IXOI.If KAlLWAt 'YARDS. ijrAY-tfTKEET. TTTtP JAY, TTTURSDA JJ wk-. low p-n.
fin dwwL, 7Tl Lake. TOtJEPH AND BUStNESS BROKERS, 106 King- 4a 10 rXET 4x8 ORlJ FEET i .1 ORKGOV TO tng-tn drtrw attantioD Oajjtrr FnrrtuhiDg and ff Trvde 'ANTED, Tea Booms, city preferred, stand inrr-ai- aOjtl'FKET 6 a-OREGON. street, 2 onora uora rus-Hreei years), ofter only tien. BRiieeA and Boardrng-hoiisea. to ir in rn arxna dtctavd mn.
TEEEPHOVEA: ELTIWOOD 2ffl. and GLEBE Igaaon. r. mrnett, ews Agency. JAosmari, 'ANTED, Shop, soil "batcher; or Buy smsU Bn IOARDLG-llOLSE, lo KrNTTVS PBOM CITY, Twenty Furnihd RooTrn, I'lanct.
handantrie Dtmn: AT 11 A.M. FEBT a nets, J.B., KiiKinern-st, IIAH rvfTI.IP xt Aon will wll ahom, on THIS DT. AT i'OTLriCK. T-TEVRT tLVT Mill by irtion. at 135 RariTt- t-A BlTeet.
UO Prrrs3TJLLET, MwLR NO DKPOGTTL 6a WEEKLY. 10 Years (taataotee. Free Pellsuy Pile Taning Hstmbwiiar 0tonf "Pr-ee. TbnKtgb ear liberal niethodB of dealinc ara ptwo ing the powession of first-laaa German Pi anas wuhia the fsWbliities of every name. Oar Pt3cexa.
Bag only law, but. the lowesJ; obtaioablje. THK BERLIN PIANO OO, Wavard-street, lacing Wynyanj-tasrw. rorn. Tfiprib.
l-mrt. Prntltry Rjm, Large Grounrt, Pirk of Sydwfy, 33 rooms, well hirnibrd, clorr prottU (Tor rmrinoarion se Inder to Advisemeatiy of Vmrs. M.JutoJi I). BiiflW, FEET 1x2 HAROUOOli i)n PE1T ,030 FEET 8 H-lRDWOOt' rvrn(TH, ilia). Bin, nrt "thrrn Cror-t'ry.
Jwlltry, Hoeks. Crrn-kMy. t-ir. Rfwrw. aCflril per aiu, prooi, oonnetxaon aeerjnn none-, cs-Ubiuhed "W) fiinuLure and prcnittes in tboroagh HOno FEET 1 i 3 UARDWOOt' OHLDELMED PLKIKiL'S.
GAE.DINER. Mrtnr-h fir, vr. ClrrrMgh dtv Hualw Wa. liOAliliiMilOf Wninamlft4rn Fur ftflOT. TEET 5.
3 HARDWOOP repair, priitapaia onty. mtvenni, a.n.iu. JOSEPH and 10 King-streeL HORSES. VE1UCLES. LIVE STOCK Al it run Miien im.
in mil iraia. w-ia ymitic 4t font, from thr beit dainu. in thr Surth and lhirrlx Hirtrirti. rA.MIKIUOWN YARDS," WOO FEET UABDWOCD. DfJifd RHriR.
itkmA nroltihle Imugivm. mm nEVHY lJVm fll .11 atj. hh Kmnw, I.V. Rgpnttrftt, tbr rnrrd-nrrfl I'tMso pawned iW) FEET BALTIC WLATHEPBOAKnS. TOAfiDUiG-UOUsL, MOORH PARK.
Fitu- 'XMnmMndmtr aoeftion. 13 rooms, rent ana, splen H- OLDING, COACHBtm.DlTR. I TO-MORIUW. FRIDAY. AT 2 P.M- raA.lrrritKh Hotiiv.
piion-. City. OOARDN-Miorak; North Er rtYl FELT 72 I V. 1 INCH RACTtl didly ftiranaNed, valiable piano, lars tmnoection, tarn JVKRY PLA-SO WE SELL. nTIJ.I.W and gON have rwnved liatnK-Pl (i'ti to k-11 b1 atj-iimi, as inuro.
Soft) FELT 4 AT BOAROfl. oOPO FEET 6. 1 and tl KAHRt 1UXRI. i-utWrsh HnjTUwrb 4nil Tltmor fli sale, grHt rpairv, 11. JUt-KfU.
I OB R-- f-lSlbKNTlAL OLAMBERS. Hill, II rooms, reid nieriT fuTUsTterL very (lean, well kept. 1 Grr HranvM ilinir tborojmhJT hrakm in. BO 1 I NG-ROT-HE. nrhi Drlioib MX-llin.
Sir TI. always full pcnmiHnta, anme lunds It gtlt. arm FEET A i 1 and r. KAKDWOOn hOfOTED FROM to PARRjAMATTA-ROAD. laOtTBHT LODGE, SfKAJt BOa-HTRKET TRAM STOPPLNG PLACE.
TeL, Glebe 79. I'll mi. ii. i f.iniMii, oi ii'o Kal-main. on WLPNOUAY.
Juii- 21. II lo k. Snt----rnd. htn.b; walrh br-ofth, ivi.
-itH. iiwUi: th, imt; nng, 'VAh. tl Jl-Mll. nnc i ai-h jH huu; llth. chain Vn.
T.i.:;-, 21-t, nng, "f'h, cjotrl-: rinc fhain and -'p-; -hain ar.d rose; 19tb. rifuiiarHjv rrvl: 7tli, til bwr Mil. -Jut. fth. -irv- in Iwropr; Ath, pjir hors; ith hii Jtli.
oni -Irirt. F'h. oa 4.rt. Man-h th, sundrW. wttnt: ciwoins, arl rwrrTr.
quill; ltth, clftth. law- o-imbrr of Pli-dars on xhith imirr Nvn lonL -umuini ncMmrr. ill JOalrU ana iua noinryrp-w 4 DH.I. V(PMPirMTTt TfatM. wriwririx.
Hi1 Qrait at FHT Caailm-tif Huiw may Ik depended, npoo to give the latmoaTt sWtla faction; and, knowing tbia, we safe yon to CXJ4-PAKE THE V.ALJJES and we oflr wkix you obtain elsewbrae. Onr MafimivprrM Pixm, HAJfTHKT and M-AK-t rTTf are itastrnnMias Unt will pbians yen isn-neDh4y. Also see nor L-rre- atork of HlCH-GlLAtK SPJUaiV HAND PUSOS. AO prices. Vt (Easy Terma.
JT rMLvn. dear Droftta 4 weekly, trial, wen nrart fryy Jrt Jhmrr rfivw. Q0O EBT OREGOV EAmiNP. tiiriiiflied, pood tHMfenrx, rTwiTK PAY-MKNT, amall Deposit Taken. Village Cart TTjrnoot- lot Uvh.
umi IQg Klng-gtiret. JCfiEPH and On xnxumt Mr. J. U. Jat fcxon.
IU? Inrin avfcflr wet tramraa, Mr. IL Bout, WindjAC. B' Kill, II hnn, 4pts by fbnritr-, brHii to rj.ldi- Chtmmrt OrJdim Stp. by Sfcwwr-fo ld, hrttkt'n in both On ifrfiiidl Mr. IVtirsrti, North ItMitfonrxi.
1 riltndm? Kay iirlinp. Sym, brnVrj) wrl-A and hwrnnti; Bay Dnofhi Okfie. fT, hrtrn in. On town Mr. f.
K. Wjunr. Tucjirah LaJtm 1 Itnurfit Oldine. Col fami how; 1 iirf v4n Utldiiqr; 1 and Hum Hone OK T)OOR. SAKIIff.
BOS IP we are not AoVrtuina; the Bntrnrss or Bosronnr-Mrn vtiii remiire. call al onr Office, we can smt dies and Bridles, from 1 10s; 20 sets of Harness, aO kiads; Just-claw Mouniiur tioisch. ani anmtxr. aTTi LARfTK QrAVtrTT KR.VMtS, and yon at mxicaepa lum-in lteaJers Cart. Farm TarTjoin, lot 10; 10 HoctH, OSEPH awl liovi urostas, nra H.o-,.
wowoww; smeie-norar iirrie. TndravsN GALVAM3KD CORROTATKT TROV, AtforUd Lrrjrks CAIJLA asd OOT TtM, 515 -IT1'' i the dtiim: doors from Pitt-irreel. Esub. years. (overed Waarrons.
Snlkiss. new sod uMnd un.i- "nt in ttmnW ordrr Uii-ong-hoiit, ifidenondt-ril tn ll t. in HflW, premier pplen. oornr. ffcr.
I nM.i 19 fVfoir A17TS week fCTOO PHASER, TJTTTF.R. harr rtll iml ifMtrnriiiitxa In mn iW tinn tla rraiioa. AiiorL mi im TUB DAY. TOfTN P. IJisTER will aril by auction, at hit RflMiu.
'-'tVA Pitt- tin; I'lndjr, pitwrw.1 with Mr. 8. Humrtl. offli aoa-n-stfrft, turrr UUK At ir o'clock, Clothiris, Boow. Blankfti, etc.
Al o'clock, SimdrKJ1 and Irwllpfi Hotel, leaan fL rent 3 lo. taiine 3ff. MCRPHY, 2,1 AirfTcroinbte-rtt, off Geonre-st Wt- On ariiit Mr. J. R.
TimGR. fTWi Innca. 1) Kinrt-Ham IK)RSKR. ctMnnruduc aborc. CIOOKS, for a v- ttne swJction yf Sup.
Nt-w and ID Liifht MitrnrM llonmi nmt PonnvL it to 4 ra. HoteL loa S. rent Hotel, work-TBcn's raiburb, good comer, 7x wt, H.l tt mtt tv taktntr 40 weok f.l oM. 4ll in (rood rendition, oWnvrn; aJan TO TTtAW HAT AND CAP MAKS'Vid btHERS. THJH DAY.
lJIfh, 4I a.m. mi SALE. Mnrfy Hrtuirm (fvasaix, wrj- ilmJ rent ii Kts. tkff. wV oft At COOK'S MtyPOK GARAGE and VKIUOLK S- Cbrtlemwrb-wrtwt, near Urernool-KtTcet.
TL rOTKU NI BL VtfiSTli im. Hjy, Ji roorrnv, 8 vara without a otwoi-e, Ryan, hrn. H-lrot mit IVI, takr-.
wiTlyT. IfOTBU mil. drn. hogriiritdi. txi Hotel, eiry.
unit besnwrtokriiir Mwejea KA I KKHLW; AOOHOS SAI.I'. TO-MORRQW. FRIDAY. iu jcnfK. at KLrtTKS trexocs A.L WITHOUT Airt- RKgBBTB.
AXD KrUTOi-g rTmRUi. And tat jarramt of nrhrr Intrrr-S lndudmc. KTWgBfXm TABLE Cutlery, and Berxnpcjta. SOT AT. AmTjIflTS Ap BRCSSELA OAKPa.TTi.
atApsrvE nt5T-(r roow rtrRsnTms. tnrlodmB. XTYFRAf. afODWW nraiCVED fgDEeOARrrA. ADC IS SOL7T.
WALrTl'. OAK. AND ITV'Vi Sbrfi, fret and tt lrt- W.ajATTT I.tM..7.R0rYl (rcTTUU snrres oak nrvrso ctatk 1 WAXMTTT E5CTjfJrTtrp DCWKR WAOGOjV. aA-ASH. TERMS, ar Ht-'KT 11 A.
H. JENKINS ncrw. Ponies, and Mares; Dealer's Van Turnont. 'fcrbdnl tn th lot i a rndanl fiyraw hr Ian, dam rnnwiiiT, a splrndid biAy or gmt. 'n hadC, kri food tamrt hurvf: al thrrr nr firr nrpmor ht tnalriirtjvt Vr IOTXJISG Houb, low rnt, cut.
i nitirr. 7Ti, half 'Tiu-h. Needlism and Co. OAR nTNG North Shore, 15 elose. Mwlt fiirntshMl.
niano. full rwrmanent TTTE ACaTIUMA-N IMT A VP CAP AKUPAC7T nuwaers lamwit, Tipdray Tiriioot, tulUixc an, Light Expren Van, Sulky, 4. 40 Campbell -wrerl. HavmarWet. A IA.
IS NOT GOLD (hat pTrtterv BpedaDv la Cbe Pfc-mw world. The brhfat elaborate case, that ivory white keva, may hid a verv d4etrse or cn snisttstial mtriaT. in the EATS EH PLASO, the buyer wftti fariited means ean obtain a rioiple and eflertlvB case, eoverins; a Br4ei did action, a lull tone, and proven oanar-hOrty, FOR 45. As Piano Kiperoa, ww are sulSctently certain of the iiLdJuiueut we are ctffciitMt; you to gnu au tee tins iuati uiuest for 10 years. Bexitles the RATHER PIANO, we carry pianos by Gawssn, tha leading; Paris Dtsdcrr: and Ibach.
Briler, Liebr, Hcrbst, and nnier. five tarernost Gbrvnm nJn-TV, at prices tram 30 to 130. Any instrnnent may be porebaaed for caah, or on our KTudaal payment phut, stnrtirrt; from hi a w.t without deposit. Send, lor laew UtTszsXed Caiajjgije. P.
ANGKNfIEYSTER A CTX, S35 GEWWE-SntEET, SYTJNET. ktn7 niBMT mi lurwrrB, ana rir ai wejl-MrWd llw pimira, 4tth. f.ld (hmf by Mr. CW. 4no KEEDHAM and 31 Elabeh-st amll fSi; COMPANY.
Limilrd, srH Auction, at CTTY ROAP. DART.rVTTON. PLANT OF A STRAW HATHAM- ACTITRER. VARIOUS HKETTOI-D AVD PROPERTIES. In br i.fffriHi itr ai.t: by pent! Al CTION, In tbi Room.
Pm s'n-ft, ar a.m., TO-DAY. TTfl.RSDAY. fTTT. INI "LrTMENT rROPERTY IN ELIZABETH- STRCLT. nw CMiml RnilwTv Stitjrti.
Sr r. 3. and tl Li.iZACETtt-sT Tin. Itii-" SaV CTANHORI AN rsVEbrVEST TERRACE of fwir Ijcqmi. rinccrii auryi.
iit car a abow rtns. On armnnt Wr. V. MOTTIM. Rintrldn ftdT GO, PREACBSS RESCMD, No fseasonabie -U- Oifer Kerned.
LfiO New. Vehaclra. lrir btiUof-s. bocrau-ta, and Governeas trts, LantLros, HOTW, Irad.ntr TOCitLsfS Ivnn in magnj-hrrnfjr Hutl irti) fumifthrvl Ihrfwi-nntit lu .1 Hroncbams. Phartoa.
Yletorias: Pom-. Milk. lnrtir. ID Mumlktm lvira Hravy nniiahf ioltifc and r.Mt .1 In i. vran, oM.
ail in Uw pink yrs, Ltkinaa cit4nntud jvtu v-klv. net profit iJVOii r-r 'Xm. tmrv, KVAN. 1TEJDENT! AL CTf AMBERS. Id.
tram, at-V ws yJnl 1 1 20. esjrc terms. Nredftam and Co. TTj.AIRT, fastoinable sabnrb, flne pmniies. 3T -al- 1 hm daily, all at 5d.
only one cart naed, 15 cows, 2 horr NeeIbbrti. Zl Elizabeth-st. TJ AM. BEEF, and BETTER RE'S. T3 Otir saiirp Marhtn Bnrh Thirty Nanr atrfr, Dmriiett-ia.
Bar MtrhiTr. Runnrrt. Turn Uvdranlir. Thrry St4ni TTVoi-Aprv Boitra. Shaftinr.
Bt-ltitifr. mtr HOTEU SOITH-WFST, ftrtr brink r-iilding. ynT" t- P-il all i-llV, Order Uarta; full-awed Vsna; Bos, Vilbtge. Hand. Tip OrtB: Surwyors.
IbsTkprs'. DeBwr Seta Harness: Heane, 'Bum, Ambuiknt-s. Farm Drays, Timber DrayH. GToorrn Carts. Elliou, 4K! ssom, also FTK-k w.p rn Wrgt.
yranr rent CJ at, tke: XI. rnve total tTade nceeds weettty. fooh -omr PFRTTV MH.riJS. HKAVY rOVTRAi.TQBK fcHIP adrtMN tint wi- with rm m- II ftd drtnfcR. iaW.
RTAN. ill Noedhsm, gt cart, hrpw. AL. ete, 1FD. M6r BflHnc Brn-- T3H-AKT0N, Pony, and lUrnw, rheup: SUrreas 'Brasea; also Horse.
Harness, sirttHe-aeaied Iloodcd Bwrjrv. Sarins'. Tfanhpr. inri Kami Itrava- H-1 r. 14 YAnDEN, ilt.fivnnc iumbm, PitK, next to TuHSH and Chip Bowneiai, nrain STroet, trade Uttti.
CiMMi fnrnnruk i 1 weeklv. 4 N'-edharn and On. pianos. I-Ms ind Chairs. TO KGRNTTTTir DEALERS -trd PRITlTE BOTTBSl fn-MARnon.
At I ntkr Irjp-ramo Ip7T)rtjo-. AT f.yM0RL ROAJ. NETitrs. ttDEV H'ji-1. rir.
harr trwfhr trade. taAnrMP. AT.I?Bl ROAiiS, mi railvav a'ation. TOR RE S. WELL BTTLT TERAO: OF B0T5E5.
Von 1 PfTEROY -3TRFLT. wvtiw'of SMIT1T-STRTT TORRKVS TTT1.E VOFMAN-A ATtE FRONT W.E SITE. Inr to Vmznw-rtit WHrf. with MAS P.F RECLAMATION TT ANT LARGL swrrMi.vG bath, torrents "vft'T. all Oter tlx- bap.
TKa itMiniM Rooms, heart of city, fine trad, worth igyet. ar.mjnf Mr. V. ry. Oram H-ire.
bruVm to iw1d1-. asd i-ii um iurn i'irninm. ainn. ll-Af RVItSt OTiCflNG-HOrSE. wnKam-street, 9 rooms, well tushM.
rtwra 2 wk. over rent. splmhd pnwtarja. chers, Bakers', Grocers', Sprina-, and Milk (Wu: new and s.h. Snlldea, every desaption; JO Horses.
Mares. Sqrr.AHE and SALEYARDP. 7 inrpt. ffTWENTY Horses. Mares, and Panics, fr.
4: new ail -A. tvh. Y'ehielea, Botchers', Bakers. Gtoo-jt. VilL, Tip Carts, Uonded VrrMtrra.
Expn-w and Hooded Waggons; tfyl. Sulky Tout, a.18; Hooded Ws-gnn root. nejr AiiburH, rent trade arerarfs CARNWriFTS F'iperb Finish and SoTJdirv- PI.AXO" of ctjraTtroctiaQ are inspor- WALSTT. ITlON.FRAUti PIANOFORTES, hr tunr-il -wrhiv. 4.N1 iojv woriung ev pTWf, ri pn.rii.
i00 per annum. 700. vorth n-ru-W aln f-- RaVtotyVarL, -T7 F.lir. sL. Roan HraoBrtt Cn-Minc, bmknn R.
and D. Ht CA RNEGI KS tant leatores in car GORS FLANOi WALMT FTNTSHLD SIDEBOARD. P.H BM WOVFHCTIOVETiV. Newiown, DM peanuon. folir fitted, i rooms, ire ehent.
show out. MOT CARNBGIE-S AND KALLMANN PIANO-. PlANOil CARNEGIE'S wbire the deircste and re- PLANOl "AHDKN iKt Piti-1. Hotel. OfJiraiuiidiTtc wrwr main tboronabtare, leanc 1 yean, rsii 3 ILw BAMBOO I IMFP PTTERSHAM CANTf RTtCTiT ROAO.
rlo fo Toob.N-iTWt A Drhul bri-lr "Mtar. TORRTN? HIM'. T.ASY TERMS. HABERf IFt-D. YASM HR SSTRl.1 n- D.l wml nf Mr.
no. Onmrhw. I Dnneht OMmcK (rrry and bari, rwh trrrt tia; Tipcan Turnout, 'JU; umui Fon. Georffe-street, opp. Anthony IlordenT's, JTNGEK DROPIIE D.
hlALE TORPEDO, and NTW CARNEfilF soonFHe touch and fine FLA-N03 tainr 'nyr we 13, tuajiaa nun II Xinni). rejua-mablr offer. mil rtf iats. cleats well stocked, real iap, o. RAlSTON.
37 Eliza betb -street. ESIDKNT1AL Chamber, D'hrjrst, 7 room, well" ftirnitore worth quaUty of tone" tliroosout PLANO riVL-fUP ffiAsn or TERAI. 3) Uorsef, from ai; tfniay Tnrn-A--' out, 10: Dealer's Turr.ouT. in-: Tirwtrar MARYS" CATTIK" a piai 11 in tn cm ran 01 SALK Couaoe. CALLICOM l)RBLS 7 RDrA--hippinc ditnct, reaH firmtsbed, always fall, TKLWccrB rrxwn T.otmi.
RiT ha-k Chain. TTTLE I trvv' wniy, cnmpatsi, aofne. j7 TADrtJTJT. -AN FTCEPTIONAT.LV FTVF. Rf n.OTffl IKi FiU-i-- lloteL ntcbt in brut (4ty, taiv 10 vnare.
Ukirio weekrr, larxe 40 Sew and Vehicles, of all dw riptiotii, aU CAJNECUTH To oemasd for onr PIANOS prices; eu of an kinds of Ilaniem. fronT I CAJINEG 00KS AND KLLM-AN5 PIAN04 TOWERS HOTEL, Corgv West. ono. Fire iion. C.ARTXrrrS PIANOS PLAN" ROCBBY, Mined, d-L cor.
shop, rent ls, rjsoe Or-R VKTT RACE tnf tthtw yards trill br hrJd on FRIDAY. JUNE 3D. Rf3n i4i-nchr. Aitrt- nutirs. Dirnns Pablr.
Cn-rltwl Dfiwi, SatW, Kitthm illO, pnaraniee, arrre rmno WTE, with HaTtwor leww. front to WErUiriTH HOAD. TR-REV- TITLE. this. aVn.
RAIgTON. SKAKU uaapt-rer. TENKHNS (WWW whrt Infrrol farmffW ta ifh thm MA NLT. ALfiOW AH. A t.
the tonier of ih- MAP STDNTT ROAO- rtd TtraoiL rf''. M- th. 1-1K1TT. Grenrreee-ry. d.f.
wop. rmt ns, latin 1 IWgVTh TOMORROW. Mr afnrk for tbat dale will oWrffr by forwarding aAJWTEf.TrrS VAUE OFTEKED ia onr PIANOS An ewHent Brnidine Sit. TrntRENK. Hd up-to-date premutrrs, ino.
HOTEL. IJuriinchnra. trade 7 S8 weeH-r, and pro-frUhlr. taking 70 wcnltly, tnodern firrnt-iheri, COUNTRY IIOTKL. prrrTiier NtrrtVrrri town; l'eatv to years, taJnnc BO wnrkly.
all awl drink, splendid pr-iniMa. net profttx 'J10 ner ajimrm. rrre free, ternrs raui arranged. This ia one of the best botela in the AKJH.N. 1 PrM-rret.
next tO.P.O. BASK31A. A LEVEL BTTLDING HIS Set feet in WILLI AM rSGLffl and SON. tyCTClfERT, cash trade, JW rcrto4D' JL tnenails, long lease low rent, -J- BirPCHl-JtY. 5 bodies, sheep.
12 opU all cash. tJKn. anil pUnt. 200. in- PTANOH riANOt PIANOS ji 1 rcr.fjr.
lerreria nrje. orator a all prir. Toi Uotel. W. irtS-BfTEN ,7 5 S25isZ'ar'- CARNECIFH 0TER EN AnnMimn.
noMotTi nossK saux Sale. RAINT3 AND HORVH ArCTIONTXRS, BLTCHFJtY. bodies, as sheep, 6 lambs, a.130, all 46,000 TJSK. pTANOs CAJINEGIE'S PIANO easb: ternat, at.v ownt T. FTrFVMTNG and CO, Onnmd Floor, t2 PTTT-St, T7YoTk-iaTet.
Sydney. McN AAtArtA far ewery tieMripiion of b.f&r. soi-Wiea. Ptaaetatam. fTurr-ron.
RATTRTMY. Vth. eAIiF. QRDER BiirBnem, FftwjertT. P.Tnnerip.
orxJ tiotel Hrokrn. Sole Agents: CARWEGIE and SOTSR, 80 KLNG-STRQTT (next Watctr and 34f IboLrroe. wwtenc nffrr It'nw rn th ahm dab A "iDafkt'tER Tt Oum rtn aAdhlM. PL 2h OC. and ttiadillcrY.
Uwxt imilitt a. antl nUnt at taJuitioti. aht. 1.11. trade LE wk.
BUTCHERY, cash turnover wertuy; goon praw. kw rent: temw. 70 down. THE C01aMEBCIAL DKTEENTT? ASV, 14tSKrwi; stijL rarwmAL D-rmri. v.
and rrns Jta w. eiear. 2 75. Melroiw. e7Crown-gt TiKSDlTlAU rs.
CRfCliniY. MOULDS -LARGE V.ANTTTY Or POTATO PTTLER. MOtH, fN, TABlfitS TR.V5. and NXMLROCS SJ.NDR11& (HDLL of 3 vnunc -annd Pons-uy--Sulkr 1 -L KKGIiinS, CTTY AM MirWTlHAN rROPfTRTTER, to bt SOLD 'BY' PI BLIO Al'CTfON. at Qk Rnorot.
piU-stirrU at LLJrt TO MORROW iFRUlAf). and bar that i.e.ataiui. rm -wra. D.F.
Comer A ntxm, all rent Ubi ffl wiu, alorkt at vaL, aht. iXfC, trade and b-ank rets. 3. FLEWMIXO and CO- rrotrnd floor. Pitt-atnwt.
hand Pno fnun onr jrrrL-bla, 134 Abercrombie-atreeE. ILern! I tpvACH J. it. at cxt, ArrnONrT.R. ANT.
TTOIKP fiAlJfHMK!" r7- 57fr P(tt JTi 9S4iw-r. WPfll-TlVT a'lifi turn lb rt. a bsresirk Jsetroaej-woww wo ROCERY -nixed. tsNop. 6 good rent las.
J'k'i. Onm Sit- Pitt-rieit. berweea ltr.rpunl tXTLRDY, neggety saddle'and harneaa UORaE. dead MIGN0N. ouiec all traaV.
or m.t. ic.pq LOfSfTEa. UHURIOCS tjlTB E.5Y CHAIKA X'nraihaaiCTl tn Latlar, Cntotna, and fladnMaups BAKBrtO and LACQJ KtifJII riCVKY OCRrTFR. OBTERTT. TSTTTATt BLACRTrflOD SETTr Cpbolttand tn Rad atoracoo.
WKTTJT AKD OAK HALL STAKDl fcUPPJUt.K ROLL TOP DtxtRS. PrTVERAL OrYICE TRITDiO TAtaLBl nocBut t0B Tram sape. tr. TArsrrw nt 'Krv cApjarer wsot. myb cf walmjt.
ntlrH wilh etataoncTT OuiUMitniqaa. VTJmT Fwxea. and Boot rtnrAr. tOKWtllO DGAWPf O-ROOaT OARDWT. KAHOCAST TMtAiD BTREAr.
PRAWlAU-ROOtf OPPASPYSAL OABT rtCr.rrra7T, TABLRa OUOICB ORKAMErTTft. ALSIJT 7D.T" OTTOtUTTRtA ofl Parafteca. v.tyrionT Praroff. Eiviaiiun. pn Punt.uivuin, ATrlo.
RCT OP STT nf.ri ptrOOP-rBTinTf PohTishod 'jsa TrTXARTI ATP TTATOTOTiTr: Lrta 6enrL9-rM ulrl. to wi7 ROSTWOOD -t. Hlahn-law TonliiniwuJl. In Ufilmt TWINING ttOOMJi. "arxr silooo.
Mi bed rooms, alwwyy 4A5. Melrwe. 274 Crowfl St. VJ tr.di and tVinlMrrn -trrf1. tnfrrthcr wit).
rUTCe triarrnn I ala. pfc-ry. cwd pos-. nicely ttted. rL btioof and aouod.
AX IT arrtBFrllRKD AND JT3JS.Y HEDTRS AND RONISCH, i.ipp. assortmeitt of rellaWe M-cond-bind oatrumnta. Every Piano we srU is ia excellent order and -ctjndicioo, and gratrairteod. Prices from 30 cgwanfa. or Tfiin s.
5 Weeklv. CITY. Rlocfc of Land. Lireeprol-ciiT nd HarhouT- GarsVld-tree Five Dock. let, in-'r pronrs id 1 wers, pnee alMobite -ift.
J. FLEMVTNG and Orotind Pitttrw. TJ-yPW- WITltt. EUMORK and 1 pia-atwt. Vt.
tn'. JL V. Uv. rt- T7UnT7 Grwngtotjery. guar.
taka. 25. est. 4 leadirr C9o. ITtenbiah.
TW PlU-rt. lane, nrar huretrcet. UFaTTDHV H.K. HIUH-Ci-Cfc Rnbber-cyml robber and gohl BOilli. HARJiES-, POSY.
4 yeaw, priie-taker, well bred, BETXINfl AT VFJVM RKIT MIHS. OT. MART 5, TDNitKKOW, FRIDAY, at 1 O'CLOCK. WOOLltOOMOOLiX). Shop and to Ncv 190 9len.
J.1R:NCJLrNERa and Tyyew. shop. Ji.n4i. t-nod olant. main t.
30. Ipnburh. TV. Haymarkeu ffWO goad reliable POMES, lii-ll, 3 and Lwme UT atra see qr.r new hLbiuit arm HOtic, to Little RnrTAn Kfrvi RVi: a it A Ti Tt Offer it SPECLAL Hntd for wtucfa they are the Sole ntwv-ica EPMtn rmnti. reitl IT Kd.
"418. any tmti. 41 Lttr rn Darlingt on. DITTO. Tp Fn.
And Shop. So. 1P7 tn 171 Pitdnirr bin fwivni insimrfjuu to irll Vy awJimi, ai Asenta. 1. SaVTORT BK1TIK.
Ril) lards. ItwifTtB BnirneMa, PRICE, on'v G. H. AND CO. The Relinb! Pfamo jVpot sa.nI buar toealiti-.
1 rooms, let off ins d. STTYlaiSU, ITpstanding Lurht HOK-Sli for Sale, stanch. Arao. Oft TOCK CJLASSW.AIiF.. Ofl A.
OITJf AMF.yTS. OF fTBX PPilsn AND IN PERFVT C0KD1TI0N, rXECTRO-rLATLTl RE 4 (ituntitj- tt HOtSEHOI.D FlRNTn-RB Ap lTPirTS LiOoJntrot. Aiuiiiipiir Hpjjn, TV. Vrt MatiV-w and Tit-te. Dminc Sritaa.
trreet. tinuae, o. LI Chaprj -Uiw, and Miblrs. Wood'j lane- -rrpo. riL.
CI tn rwr amiiim: let off 1 Br week. and Cirrvd" Jmrr (Mfm, ft ti 3 and 16 Q.V. MARKETS. SYTJNrTY. nm.
jir miRttvr of whidi arp now rare hinuis. C4.V DEVRIGu. can oe ceen working; ab Buggy for hale. Walter's, TVbESSMAIONG. veaVlroorhrin, to let.
axTillted l-J L.r 10, rHtyw ntn Ma -nr. ire ahop and r-. for pKWYrnout, pretty Oiff, 12b, quiet, Iree, suit Sulki. n'lin ITntU laWL I TO'. T.
lUTaUIX? PLAN 03. SECONDUAiD ELLAULE w.t pmt iw M. nKNRTGll. TT8 Pftt-4reU i-. lady.
Uazoctw, UntOA. lot 2i No. lr rlnwj-iPTvt, and Cortisf, No. I WyJvlrie. MTTO.
Three HUie and Shop, So. 7 tr 73 (iwtt- jtrwt; and Hotr-e So. 12 DITTO. Houne, No. 9 Ctatvl-larte, e.mfj Wood Lane.
PiTTO. Two HitB. and lft KjennMy-rtrrrU DITTO. Font (Mtier. Not-.
11 to Judir-streeu trrnia. X. J-STOnV RRfCK. at Rrway Srstiori, no oppn-H'iod. 7 ym.
Rent Maiig9 I Halcyon, Earl-street, off Orange-Areet, RandwicL TJONY Van Turnout, any trial, juust seiL -A- djeao. 41 Cilv-vd. flarHntPlon. ROMTrrTTTNO SPEClAIi ntiAMBKRfA. DARIJNIIHURT.
THE PROPRrrrTjrRS OV BOTH UOTELlJ 0 be isrx ROIJf-TOP DESEft We ha in stock about Srotmdhand Pltaos by reaTty reliahle nk They are all guaranteed fn perfect order rnoriUy Jook brand new. Ona of tbem is sore to snit TOI We sell on Bank Tma 11 dee. (rtiniUHr Vrt of Hnfrr tft t.M-. (rrmrn. miditKm, with frC fuBMiuiijon and mJutrm Akn.
rchr-W fw and Hpifrrn, nrry carrml or ftkr ihtnr work. KV-Tnin Imvoh Pydnpr- St Mrni at VM a-tn. EJ25 ofl-. (Vimfwiw. ilrovrrs fn attMirtajK, L1PP, 34.
CRAMER, 1L 13 roams, nut od. 8 bedroom sutra, wen inr bedroom siilteH well tntcrrrowed at our oflire To-day. Tbone "BUfj City. Tur-. V-UAaUE CsrL reliable Pony, set Uiwv any trill li lot, most WU.
tl City-rd. WonT hNMifhtinf. GLovti. tAmri 4J over rent. ver dears aJ over nam wry rOMrT 1 nrrTO.
Tlo-iae. No IIP Dukr-ttrert. ojnrttry, win anil lady, hrrmshed, free 1 hourtR. leajtc 6 rrnt dOs, trade Price 1350 (Jean. MVR Wu! Pony.
b- Clyde. 4rta cbeanT 1 a nHivrv (tu I V. i KK UUII HlU.ii oirnami'i. II' wt Melronr-rrt. N'nnh BotaBT.
PLETEL, Jur IHiTF.Ii. ritr. prrptRaj leaw, ta.ancs ot -tun. tarne her trad-- rret ehanee hfre tn invl dCnfll. sired.
STMS PIANO KTRRIRILLI. Hoonr, "kobaduh, V. 40 CratwHa Strnaa. "1TT0. 'Airrrlf-" NVv' HA.RRIS.
AND COMPANY. 1 -i 1 HOTT.L, own norlh. rJov no -prntinn, 8 WALT-T UPRIGHT PTANl-FORTK, Kr A. HTEHIfR and 1 PItt-strwt, rear Market-street. Tt RNKIl aril THIS DAY.
at l-. at hfc, rr. VtAtr. rent Urn. trade X5.
jLna fVIDFJTLAL CILAMBERS. A YSW ATER-RO AD, lb lft roum, 4 rooms nnfurnisbed. .7.. hne bova. BRODW BH77Mieorgjs TLrhi, thai mpiireB no exrv.
Too. and 8CRRY HILLS. TN Afhl-tir Onb HotrL oomrr Artbw BEAT NAMES OS PTASOS AM and REEF. anb. main Btreei.
flne ppixUVTr-r. trade JH. rolden for SI I hY. ia ordri. and nRlUlJ.
HAIJMXN wr. tlw rVAai ahOB Jtlt. SalOOO St IfAw X- Rt i tir name owner av. III a- HAND80ME.
sound. thJbk-aet 15-h. Pony, 14. itt Marlbo tyh-fg, og Ciamd-sa Suny Hllra. TpOU S.AIJE.
a fast Pony and Sulky Trirnoiit, lady can dealers. J. Alien. Rocardale, neavy DraajfEtt Mrrs, 2 in "foal; Actrve Dnttyrht Mare, all in foal: 10 gd. Horses, to 7 from XJ upwards.
40 jCampbellrrarJajTmrfcFt. HOODED iiulky, litsnd pony. 4 jear set Karnes, auv UjaL 22 101 4lS'Ltyil' Iarirpgtnn. BAKriR'ti CUrt HORdE for ble, sound, anv ttUL Stafford-trt. Stan mure.
genmne. Price May and 7 mmiA 3 weeAiy. proat mat nai 48 OsJordtreev Oi Tl wna.arthii Hmjnuri.1. THIS DAY. i trt-rtvj.
to cJTetl oiidk aue. ILDLnV HF.NRY aid Ij6 Kitur-rr. City 37W 1 nRTTlLAJffT rXTATP- On thr Prrxarm. Tlfr. TOWERS, SYTJSET ROAD.
i- frmr. XT' rrrond inatrucrion? from fh. JL1- LxruKnnr. tr; by pnHIr aortion. TTOS PAT.
tlw a.m thr aa abw TaVwTTfL FITtNTTntK and Oak rnamr-romn Biptr. r. pva. Idrboard. fhWrnlh U.lnn I Vro.
ni: rwit 1. pnee Clin. ldniiiften. nrar rnina. ititrkr.
Itirrf- TKX. BARKKR and the Lve, coiwcieouoiK lUtrd. nd Tolv. and tirel. opp.
Pub. SfHnol. weeklv UWrtn fJtdlr 11131. h3n Il-n Pwiitrj-, 5oi CO. "A hob-ale McTrAnC howjntr on ln-nient ol JL Agenu.
'MO hl 1 wrettr-3. p' for PedrK-ww it will pay yon to call. I m-Ii hv rinc irnoo pf-r rrnt. Auditor a repon giren. mi- Mrrclrart-.
or tt Itr. IJJA. a -wt mimwih- hale, active Van Hone, tbaa r. staucn.
retfabrn, any trial, 15. J. Leairj-. StaJlord-st, Shinm. aimrrr.
Hrvin? virtinw. Lrt. snri Krj TahW. Wt Hamjrkrt. rarax H'Wi.
Pork, cuv, ryft( all ila ml 2 o'cWk. ni vJCjj V- have BimneAses from 16 any locality. lta: t. S40 Elnaihcth-t South. FrVvrrvr tttwir prtvrv-Tinrpj ALVTT TTTTWI n.ANrflfTl WATTt7' WANOKORTE, by REEM WTT-VATrwnpraGWT PlANOrTrRTE, rTETVRTrn KTVrD tTTORnT TANOTTrrTE.
ny PMn. TTTTN-CRAMOrTTPin? AND OTER 1 nfXYftr. P0l.ll WALNTT BETIROOM WITTER. wpArvET. vosimaon betiroom si-nr.
mr.rKHrD PTNE RVTROOM SLlTT WAmED w.ttKTT ketjroom scmy. ptwripr iiewttf 1 nc 1 wtth redpim: cnMPLtmv FnifcibV for Twuhle ffirtfle AiwiLiif-uK AV C.AItJWHT. AWlirnfvr'fl TTTVU WlRwT- IO ft hALL, Hooded SaLk and lrghl liari Hora e. Bulrh.Ty. oiftunp fi tudira, tttriip, rent por top pricr, r-iilTTre Show.
np. plant. WOOft ftlim, flk vT ensure Otrality. The irputaAaon. of a areit firm of world-wide repute a.
behind the Pianos we sell. "BRO.ADWOODS," IXTfrNTERS. Can you do better than trust tp these? Call and we thrm; we will maka the price and terms to suit yon. BRITISH PIANOFORTE DEPOT, 17TDL, Barrack-stretnext Savingg Bank). ItSTENS, 63 and 55 Flindeni-n, for stately great ABwrican FlanrjR.
square tTsnd Sieiaway system and upright grand, Bectatehi Orand, Broadwood, 20, easy Urn is. Cottage Pianos hand-ttorne, reL. fr. 17. Pianos for hire, Onrcert Grand and Pianola, bother, lat-dafs onW.
5. VOTlOI-'cnt fn for a handsome full-aized "UKLLISG" PIa.NO, nearly new. TERRELL, ISO 0OTrtJcet West, MA43N7FTCKNT iWrKb-ia Piano, cost 85, 45, Gordon's, 40 FtttKiers-st, near Oxft-rd-st, only. EIOANT Walnut Ptsnp, perfect order, Gor. don's.
40 rlindera-st. near Ox ford -tn. only. nir. Hwtuu at lt a.m.; Tlillnw, at 'lV avm.
TVSfjlMi and POST-Of*ck, mile Svd-ll hm. T'arWiiH ehiu-it? for couole. lartrr shop and 4 -a- Appiy hi victona-st. Lewi J0R SALE, Horse. iiUt dealer.
VhfleldL good legs. 20 nAYARD .1 AMI'S. Hotel Brolu-r, 0 W.wwortb-conxt, ehtxaran Wcobeth-st itr PniUiTt. rms. and P.O..
hind ino WO, ffood soil, a cows, aira aiexanoej FLTTMa Vtsbt KotWB. No. t.P to VU Jrmtrrt; asd nine Houx. Notv IT to re, Burliivnn ti-et. FREEHOLD, Var.
F.i"rnnoir" Sale n1TMO. Foir I''-rn. V. 71 to 7T and'thri H'im- Nv, 11 to Ji Bijrlitxvon-. ttrewt.
FRF.EHOI.D. subject to Jca rxe)tor' Sal1. LL'fTMO. 4TiEFHOLn ln.J. with thwevp, siibjer-t to r.nxrn- tora' Stic TloleL "fl Sbor.
and 5 BroadwjT. IaE-ASEHOLD torm-ry Bntairnia Hotrl. firtnrd anl Ktifi. TrtBti-eh' 4UW nrTTO.
-ffnuV, Shad forth -streeL Troje-w Sale. WOOl.LAHR'A.-Two Cntiairen. Nrav, Vhlnrla- viie, off reeL Frrehold. Tntv ters1 Sale. Ilor, Nai.
ti Gratm-rtmL tratr Verr.iiti Mrert. Lfw.vhold. FOREST I.Orn,;E.- Uoof. So. Wlr-jtreiH, he- tweea Rorf and' Cnw slTeet.
l.LinfflABnT.- Two Cottjen, Nob. and tSA Nor- tonntrerL Exmitory DITTO. Hrxmr. No. flo NortMt-vtmt.
next ahom bserrntort! ae. PETTO -TtotLrr. s0, Janrtl-slrrrt. fSet-utory Ruin. PETERS.
Fitr. H.Mrr, So. 4 to li Bray-Lrcrt uiw-tito, MK.mjtS, DrAUlRdT ARSOLCTP. 8A1.H.
FVDKTt rMTTOlATTYT! rVHTRT iTTIOVS. TlttU iir i'ii. eyeat powobilitW fnttrre, trade 4OOD SI.1.KY for ai-o 2 pair of good Va VI ATfKha.S. hewd hrwfji, will sell avtoie, m. freehold if prnperty, tor terms bal.
prpal priTiiMt5 only. First to E.P., Herald. ann-wnrr i.n?t irrawcn. -Trt Brdrd- an Bwldinc. ToormooVa.
Ouantaty of in nrat.uan imW. 4 Brdroon Roiu. Vardroto. tmrhiM ToU.i. httlK.n.
Thr. Tahiti. ToiUl TaMr. r.lwwarr. Oroamrdb.
futlrry. PlrnreiL laonlmni. Oirrr.tnR. rhktnotA, fHnnrr WainrotL Orawinir-rorirn tS.iltr.lOfrlrr Tablr. r.lorkx Walnut Srortary.
trr pn-ftj- fionrhn lUllatandr. (llaw famr a. Ana. Oiarrs. DrraBrrt.
Maiurlr, Rattan furafturr. OTHoth. Ansrrian Korkrrs. l.i,(na V. Wiuv Pndara, Qi-anrity of Window PrrrTTtn.
Rottlrm Cfnaiuxhr Simiutn-. ritmdrirA etc Ti. yean1, rrai Aav aa. HOTEli, best rtpet on offe to-day, 1. IP rt.
small. "ri5JT GO. Horw and Cow Rugs, Kritfc If 351 PITTSTUrThT OIKAli VATlltl.tnitnert, aivnii 70. nnist linorrne. will nnance.
Pnii. RDtTHT STORE for Sale, iroort locality, splendid IDPNTRY WTPEU North, well fain. bom. leaM 14 nttL'idr connection, satis ctory rcatdons girvn; Biw.h Or A IXWVTHV PTOKr Kl.Pl.R, year, rnl nos, tser. tWHn.
proof. 17TiO. SHrijt. Illowm, timJfP-tothirnt rrm, RWrl. mi tow uecrge-SaT.
"I IGHT Cnvered Wag- rab'Ible Mare." set liaxncwC younrf lloesr," suit van. cab. lorrv, ton trial. 7 Chippendale, off Recynt-rt. "TEAlilR'S VAX Horse, and Ha mow, cheap.
i 1 KftCERY and MIXED BLh comrr rautport, rxrt 1 suhtirh. UkHne t5 wE- nn. Sell itock and nlant no atrcats. Sydney. XEW8 AGF.N(Y and SUt.
Buine9t for Sale, busy ruins town. South Coast, sare bands 30 years. st vsliialion. no goodwilL about rA. limit chance Clolhioje, Hm'i I7nd.fw.aj.
Trla, rarnrbi, GWro, llrolorrs Arronn. TnmmlnCT. rWrrrc. Kura, GaUtcai, Sav Kvntiiij; Dma Nrt, here. IrUKKl.taT.
mw. I TO RKMEUVi I TFRirS CSB. shout SHOO paper- Hl per Hflrt. stock si ahrtrt 4t; ill-health in family. W.
Hmld Office. Towrs notel, Geor West. a 1 ROcnilY. HOnStlltm.p PROM in O'CLOCK A.W. TVjrbaoco, Uabdy-, itbop, 5 wtr protit* ci hTk.
mr VT rent lSn. trade 12 p. CIS p. mvr rp. (toLn avt.
rrwJtE lurnouL Trevrtt, Bbtck-x gUn Abeignmbie-st. off rgem West. 14M)R 1. In prosperous dairying Blacksmith- 11 552 Wkt lhif. uaJaEUlAXELT' AFTER THK BALE.
tintinv. eonct trial. X' ing and CxMcbbrnMing Hiainrtw, gmn prrnpeci ior eneiTrtlr man. Sound reason-, tor selling. Apply, TlB.
Horse, smt pound and cheap at C4a Gormky. lot Gwayeat West. OOGrNO-ROCSE. 7 roorafl, rent let" ofl V. la ms-avhely fnnrished.
near railway, toon than value nuiny, aim. new, ftip. -s iMievtie-st. Sorrv IL parih-ulan, tLP.C. N'tow -omoe.
i rw Unci Raih ttmh, 4 cm Jjra, 200 pun Mr-n'a Tu-rrd ajrf SWrrtte Ciptntnodiom Room and SaPA PrTT-STTlEET! BL1.KT.--R'dem'et Linwood," and Gnands, Har-wear Park-ttrert. i row-foad. Ajieimt Eetite. ALS, 3 GnrnvHrnn Vasu, and Sulkv. 8- ft ROOEKY and MIXED, trade uV to 40 fh.
at UT- over uminttrr. nreu rrnt teat. wunde in fnrnitirfe. 7X GORMLKT. Georfent "Arst.
jcSoNFFCTlONKRY. ST.vnONKRy AfPR Aotv V. -hop. 4 proflU 2 10k. snro; rrnt 14t.
Worth theap. Poco*ck. 144 Walker -st. Redfern. M- AND COT.
Ma rl boronch-foad. ELEGANT Victor PIANO, equal to rx-w. cost L. 4aQordcm's 40 nindera-st, nr. Oxford -st(onlyj, GREAT Varietr Secood-band PLANOS.
bxrairB. from 15 to C2u. Qordoo's. 40 ninders-st ORDOfCS, 40 FUrmVfji-st, t-hspejrt. best, and most rehAble hooae ia Sydney for Pianos.
pLANO BUTER3 CAUTIONED. Avoid being fwiodied A ly qjtnina; to Oonknia, 40 rTlinden-a (aaly). "XJEW GERMAN lfoti Frame PLANOS, tuat lsjidea7eait SA Eteten. 35. GoionX 40 tTmoWsL IPP Model, new, ifrtiO Piano, sacrlAot Ttnnal G.
H. Lee. JoroaWon-trt. Annandala. rTTHE alebrated Schwhtcn Piano, 6.
cafdi ut A terms srranayd. D. Davis and Q. P. Martatax JAMES R.
T.AWF0K' AJT trTTLE. AND APCTIOlnrRRS. ia-n PrrTJTTREFT. ytEAR RTHrTTTREPT. biwunern Qflrriug, ai tna).
amall trooriwill. stock a SJPRINOCART. nylwh Mare, and HartMs, any trfaik, 17. tfr Bourke-st. Snrry Hills, nr.
Fltrjo y-t. m5nwS il wwrx 301 CR Ruaijie Sile, itfiria-avrsae. aM. arm. Ituu-.
oni. lapioca. u.r.ui. tn-day, GormltTy, lfGcctreel Wrst. ll.fjNERY ni.SrNISSl-S.
city, el earing fro'n LJ tn CWO, part a. h4lam weekly. wmioirr uitrvk. tfvtAKTt lKmuxtrc HOODED Hawker's Wasjton, Mare, Svri and Hare A any trial. Boirke-t.
Sirrry HilK scoit I Mtop. 1TMBI.E. AHntraimi. Stationttrtct. EsT.AR Hoiuae Agency, good oomer stand.
ihu. rtit roll, comroiaaorts 4o0; splo. chanoe for brtwren TLA. GRILL ROOMS, city, rent is takinaa IB BltOWN PONY, Sulky, and llanu, nr trial, 12, 42 Bcrurke-at. Hurrv Hiils.
near F1m.n. Efifj, nurt halanc wrekh'. ar-'tpn jno WAITARA. Vllum-tiL Railway-awnue, Floyrr'a F. tat.
On aToiint and ruk. RTCIURDSON iind WRENlTTf. LTE AlBCrr? at trajniy aneditt lritWoe or RajiiTwifJt fjarwa. THK hALE OF TIK'WEjv. RETLDCNG MATERlAia CAMPERWTtTS.
AV AMrtriv 1U, A Iaaiw- ehArrlily 'of FrM-claW Bmldirsr MaleriaJi will he offered, in tots, ta tnnt purrhaiKra, BY. ACrQlOS on ihe Sit- id Ue.nicIitionx.of Horuw frtoart CAMPBELL STUEtT. YaMTERDOWN 'off MiMndrn rcwd I. Tfns DAV, AX 11 A.M.. ''A rTlWT.Cl'ASS' lira sniart y.
man. A-ioO. Herald Oflu. For fWe. Shop, HoSMt, and Cart, duinjr 4 bodies, 40 sheep, 15 Umfe.
Zii Cl've. 1 and -street, Redfern. TIAINTER'3 THIS LAY. AJMi IIM.K. WMtRMI.
7t WATKTN-STRKKT. KKWTrtWK, ekw. b. M.rdon.Mtuwn Hltfrm. ROARDlNiMiOLSK.
DhunL 13 bourdt nrwotiftiriy lSt. part cash, hnlance wklv. navrnDts. proerejtdve taks, thop nA A GETJ Horse, tSl; Ptty, salt "itdy or children. Edaewmre-rd.
Newtown. 1 wr riArtu, in ipientjta traer, cost SXL at wrut w.pU "aw loon 7" 110, Part caidi. haftum Imm I IGHT HantesB Hone, suit baker, any trhtL Before a.m. or5 p.rn., 95 Devwent-ft. tTlehc.
Owner only aeUing on aceoant of birge f. inftrtMUoiu rrom Mr. r.tmiw Conff-L, city, profHs guaranteed jf weeklv. cash. Iff lm.
aw a ERARD PIANO, In good order, 13 Brown-, ayerley tV.Rnyers mm Dnnne. Eliabe lb-tit. TO-MORKOW. FTtrPAT. AT TWELVE O-ttOCS WKW.
BT ORPER OF TRU TMPORTP.FCT. long con tract in oucr dutc ror nuc, uiaap. AirPTIN and City-rod oprGr5 Bro VOARDlNG HOUSE, cJtv. Mn. "at les.
1 at 1. a lodgers. Willmgton, 96 Georgit Wat. HOODED WAOOON. 8 Horses, double art HarnorK, lot cheap, suit hawker.
Towers HoteUWLst W. FOR Sale, Bay Hone, suit nn7 any trial, 16 hands. WO Redfem-u Iteritrrn. T75R Salo, rral rood tnnjin tron-rune RUno, otw -A rtrbt Brand, pert coral. Lrtlt rrConnort, H'VJil ai.W PLLLSITf; SANDSTOLTv nRfCTia.
W.nttft JOISTS, RAFTKRa. PLATER. S. HATE nOTEI-S, DENTIAL PIT AMR ERA, MIXED in fart, all elsr-jes of Duy. to meot hpynrs.
(mm an upwards VE VCKENZm ai.d CO, K7 Klpffttm. OtprVTlNF. RAROAW. RcsiSing.hliii!tt, wlrrt, ma't'. Ii.e to tt week nice room, Price 4i0.
(Wl and Inrperl. "I7A0R Sale, a SLXKY, Apply GlaigT Bakery, crown -C rt. Sorry HJlb. PIANO oflcTod cbnp, owner irfTtnTTip houarauitnw jTnnwiL Urmlit, Klngt. TTPRiuIlT ORANO MIONO.S PIANO, EEL Birald Bran.
i i Glebe. It shop, dean, neath-J Indgerg. 100. WiUlngton, 116 W. Sbj.KCl BOARJUNG North Syd-- ue, uell 9 all mod.
oanfenience. JAMES Tl. LAWSON AXP LiTTLE yU OFITH FOR SALE BY APCTIOJi. at thrir R00U8, lla prPTrRELT, mr KutVitVoFL CMR Sale, bay GeMlntt. l'i hand, sound, trial, .1 oim.
uiw. rl Kiprtnttun. RB pfnlnir Tj.Hr. ln SSSiST0 anTK' maSaS" BAPH0riK tnd JrindSintlr ri. BnMMrh.
inrl Brdrllirr. ap. wtrtlrobM, Mirror Doon: Combuution Cbrjtj, Mnm. Jif cmjrrR op nitAwmw. HOllW A51I I.AI NURV ITKNflltA tram mop.
tt Wtkin-tif. AHOnOrTlOTl. I'T'h'wrwW Crttrnl. A BOltD PIANO Salt, 5. Applr a hn MACKENZIE.
V.T Kli.e-tTrct. rtt'kn. -iih' lrt(tinc iS wklv. sennine concern. ft.00f OREGON 5.
4 S. V-'XHSLXySr0- nrt. oem-W new. r.2TFl?9All"' 1Ktn? Jjoors. fns J.AMP.
ARCnrtR.AVFK BOX rRvAM lwtdora and Good. TflAT. pafAanvniivr. m.unmiAm.a pn I'roie-xiftiml lloorajj. i.
i-arrarnana-rq, rTier-jiq. CJ0CIARLE. leather hood. seat fl. 42 Ashfleld.
VOOD TCRNOTT, Tlpcart. Horse, and narneaa, "for VT sale. .1. WUlUms, brickworks, 1'ronloD. Onnipjft.
with Rmrd taninrt tlhrro inirbinr, midr FANO, Irat-ratr order, ffixid onl. 10 caATor nm 17n rVninriiirc-rL TKAV TIE R.A.F.TE. Busioem Pitt-OreeL w.H art as Broker to sell bn Bustnerti, rommitrton hy wllcr onlr. made. My motto Fair dnra to all.
.1,1 111 111. nTO.H7 1. nua, niuRspAY'. KIRRTBIltLI, NORTH SYTNI5Y- REAL TIFT LEV MTTATED with EASTERLY ASPECT cominurdine moia. ETTENSTVF VIEWS tf the WTfOLE LENGTH of the HARBOtTi, only a few tnt mite, from KIRRIRUXI FERRY.
"ROBAOAH," o. in CARAnn.lSTRFFa'. brritt of brick, has vmndah and halcony in front, and iwrrtainj hall, in rooma, drfwing-roorn. hath-rooni. linen cletvt, pantrv.
Wit-rlitjB, wtjUi-ry, and laundry. Hot water laid on to hour. LAND Tlfn i BA-K TO A LANK. Rev at oir Room. 2.
(ARABELLA KTREET, aHWir-at-l taelied aid imilarly btjilt. on-' litlnhn hall, -n Kallinom. 1itn cIom-i, pantry. totHien. wnillen, laundry.
LAND Ml, 4im lfAh, Ktrk a Ut 'The two limr 41 tv readily one piercrrtg the dirtding wall. ONE OF TTIT FTNFr posiTlONR TN THTH AT 1RACT1YE BY and one v. mini tes friim IW. CIT. RV NETTRAI, RAY OR MHAON'R PLVT BOATx Nine boar in the -wirr lea for the City He tfcr two rerrlra.
and thert ia a half-hntrrly all uitthl MICH ARDSON RF.NfTI. tatnited. Aw wit) wit b' anelion nt Ute Rxm. Pitt-street. tomorrow.
iii i rnSSSW: ROMStJU MOltEI. -PIANO, near), now, cmf. to. li.l tlV1aiat. nr 'HW-KmiKTH U'AU lRON LOT.
iiw.m nsi. ttr.M t-ispM- ritn ami tiyster Majoon. For RagUiect. Waterloo. IlilTT, etc, neut," nice dwelt, "well guli-k file, r.
1 ALcahy, 1 Ceo. -st W. MLKKD ua-J thvelL, main it, t. all ton nr. ntu, 4 Cooper-it, S.
IE flTHJIFE good reliable Ktres. 14-15 hands, a trial, A 7 each, cheap. 41 City-rd. rONSTKl'R JEAN DK t- Piit-rtiwt se charge la rente on d'achat de import iru! ferel de timmwrt. Trareaolioo asanree exempt de fausae fwprcsentatlun.
OTEtNTTAt andSONBi PIANO, prrfrct or. OjW.JTrrnit, C. Randallia-AvTnne, lirwtown tV VKi STTCTTS fiaVTi. CORt tRO.V. Al lot REG.
GRATES and- th4 M.r(.r. Uimi.t S1.1t Bv PCnuc r-nos. TTTla DAY, AT -VSI P.M ml f4 urtvr TfOR Sale, A Utgh-claa Ponies IS 3 and 4 vrt. -T oi (L fast. rtyiWi.
tri iXS Fxlgeware-rd. Ntoam. I'jiOR Sale. AH. Pagncl Cart, gd.
nrder. Crwth-buRders, 4 RichanJut, Niowti. off MfwwpetvrH tMUGON pRATTENR, fr a.AWN PAL1N(J. GROCERY, hear any investigation, taking 0 week, prut iM. sUrdco.
64 King-st, Newtown. ALEXANDER, Motx-r Rrokef. 14 KlnrSwtTl HoleJ. le. Mn4 h7- r.ANa.
PICKET FKMTNG, ATER PIPING. And a tot of ftTPalUOR IIOLSKUOI.n RE and mutTK. lw.It frrprnoARP. itmHoou pinbo and T.ADT will sell beautiful Rosewood PUN0. mint be so d.
56 Glennum! iMiiJ. PJST Sell, stylish TObceMyrtd Silkv TiifMutTltift -Ail lady, any trial. Grocer. 81 Mitchell-, Glfbe. IACVDRY for Ssle, good snbmh.
no tmoniUon. i Marine, lltprar. and Cart, taking 7. Price Hotel, nr. ftaticn, 22 r2 bg wt tm 130 J--' WT 2, fo 5 Acrnoj sai.r.
Wt.AY nrsi iimosn WKOMnns p*rn sumps ash mrKijjsfis, IrUASAMISn tm) JAJIfS STTOTCTS, RMIIKRN. TMlAT, TUVTrSnAV, 5. PJt BARNKTT ANO rnl! Wn Yarnrel wiih. l. tt TWO E-CPRKPS WAGGON TLILNOITH.
nut laundry conlecttoner. 4ft CajnoboU-st, lUymartrt. CootraHors lo wti ax ahore, Appiy or inor, uannary, ttoaenc r.o. IF.TTAi;RANT. Uarris-at, 1.10, offer at once; Res latnaiit.
dt.v, Pyrmont, tftJTN, both Al; RoturL-hraiaW, 7S. X22i Tall. 138 Rfnc-ftt. HCfTWfcftkTT.a w.hH, grid 4O0D opning for ViolhiM, teaching rrrieMon. Thig hail work ttmnerthMl.
Nn 1 fPor etwiHrnutton aci 'indgx to Varmn. AST. OIIAlRtl. roiTB. Voaronril.ld 4X1HB.
rHEST. P.lrnnt BEDSTKAPS and BKP-Pmo, HAU. RTANTi; 7 and ft FELT EXT. PTV 70 TARLER. hi Korid Wahrnl and LrXOI.EITV.
-TTAT t. RlTfiS. fMcmr. KrmiEN ri.qi:iii ks, fir. SO REM.niF.
ional nun lot of ball work tn hand rifwl HOTY.I FYw, dolritr 8 38 lease com" itri fremi pert, CinOO. ITwan. Pitt-st opeumtr good man. Copy rcla. FuH urUcnlara.
H. XTJTTCATI0SA1. Jar cai. iROK, m'rm mwKf Jr.l,U, HlttrtlL n.lrrm. PjOiiim irMMrTrT.
nantsf, Trobbo. FOR Sa I.E. 9 Van ITtraes, A eaon. ton tcLaL Ar-jjlv 4ffl Surry niTl. T7AOR SALE, Stylish Bugty Mare, wjft -1- A.
AiVen. 7ands, RTmry-st, Stajim. piCK TIPDRAT irytriai. A jnanworkerik vn ajriphell-et. Sf HrrteStSiiF RLTCHKRIKU BUSINESS lor 8ale.
fig Ho. tftii: iit. S. Stdner-a BUT! SprtnoorT-Uidk, CoUri-rincTTfiii S'lSTJ-JndU. Tuition.
A11T, thcroiipti anuw. iTrnob, riahr 1-nplri anotnor for oonv. clawra. mod. timid.
RnJ00' Sa MjdMrenrSalomi, iwrli.iJ0: Pok Portland, every mTitlsraHfrn aw! hank ret. tn trerufne hmir Apply Wa. nl- TTTinfAN roinvv AP BOX, "-A. Siittfpnrrr. SWim, Hrit.Kr rritma.
AlTTlONKfTB, Wll n.rildirK H.trtillll. Wltkoiil Rr- Hsh; man with enpiwl, 1, rreofs. Midas. Bov ijr7a. wmriiTT' ANY REMPRTK.
Tflim. OASfL AtfrtTonfr- 'Phone, GLKRK "NoRYtt mNT.v; TltTR HAT, AT'll O.CLOCK. at 44 WtLLlAM-STREFT. IxNtrr Tr-Mn itreet, thrnflnl on Jf(. Uwler, inynu-tiom from Mr.t'ROWlH'ROT.
i MDF'nOARD. Amtrtirf Chair; JtiolrijiW Tables 'COTTAGE PIANO Paling and Hall Wand. Hall Rutm'ti' Pedel. BEDROOM W.nE. irXMRINatTION CHF-STJi Varinui Jw RKDSTF.ADS, Cola, KJtehcn and Lwundry Requtaltea.
"1" wl. MilHnfry RuMnesa BTpriTwrti7 "fXTEKDlLOra 6 for idTo Ctii or nirtlt. nrrfrrt w.ila. 101; TENNIS and ARRIS r. r.
no Herald, "iii'l (ti hn.11 or ci.mitry. for which WOOD, tcljof tep, Tanry, Dam inir. Mnalo. Snnra Tanrht. 7S1 O.
T. MarkoU. ownrf mhpfl to And a Kuvm "AT. At ann; 170 aKmOrMTREKT WrT, 05roi 'By Order -of Hi; Eotd Major, or Sydney. 'CAMPER DOWN, CITY.
Suhrtiri--ij'ti the well-known mirriTu VADniHK. 1 AllolmtnU, Mrli -JOft Hfl'ltrO feci. TFMSt drr-wit. halatiie 3 ronal mmnonM hI rt, and 18 month-. "i per tint, ptr annum.
Get a IKhofrrapli and Insprvt. Sale on the flnumd. 1 NEAT SAT! DAY, RIL1I ARDfON and WlENUI, l.ld., RAISE and j. An-MonefTs in ft.niijiuiit.ii. and HARRIS, Eqiltt, OrvwgV-st mO STAlaHKRKRx at.
Hamanar cnurrti. and OO. a.11 aiNitnn. 1m mt.ii. im anrt tirerrrrocerv, trade xoo estub titer nrui.
Iiapw reKNtttmic prsNTtTJuR. Trt-MORROW (FTftlDATl MrtRVTNO. AT IE On thf) Premlnea, Vl llaymarkft. ARS0L0TEI.Y WTtHOTT RESfmVE. OKCATIl.
PIANO, anrt Urff Tan Loafta of RplihtrlH DttAWrNO, prmNBi HALL. BEDROOM and KrrriTEN appointments. TN RRHT OP CONTtmON RT.P. NnERAL.Y? Tti MORROW. frrnammtal and tWfol rttmHttra, Includtnr fHrtlna Sldrboanla, Canwta.
Srrml KnrntanU Nr. I. grn. Will ffimr. tr.
Fai'inco. AS FH, Hired, near school, rnide mitii V. V). crntfc so rmitVHit, ft. H.
IpOIl Sale, sat trolng rVnreni. MrslVlriw "BOARDINcP liorsp. Ajvpl.vMra.C. New, Osnxl-n. OIlOCERY, mW.
d.f., tAhop good' pftleii4 Cim.Jiartnn, MANLY. -Foe Ail. Refmhruriit RrwT.ntnd 2iMr alkrr, in Ctrsn. Manly flOSrtCj, Tuirratty. Jtaiy tniTiWunV.
rrtg -rt. Si. Pet I An. fun plant, doV trade, II UVs. 11 on AAevrvornSi.
1. O. JOT7rTON. th. ATWtralrdui Rrp.
of Oil S'5? OToScttn" OCRE OF PTAHHT.BlMa" "awim, PirmrM. TMH rhri. nl rw. DAT18, ST 1 tY A.tti..iwer. PiterneTit, Mn 'Pitt-rtreiL Tel.
MtEA and Grill fhSntn. Fmip arid tit 5 1 Fa-itH-e. ttt gp.1 P.O.. IS S-dnevtaHniri' rJ CHy. rm fmni Irwal Drnuilr and aimr Brdatndi, Brd-! Knrlrrrl lmaar, CadJnT.
K.P. rtr. No Rrwm, V-" Pml- "wit AIIJJT Pair,,ri..'n,w.-Sili-irl,i; i 0ra1 piC" litt' At th. Onto T. T-, will w3l.
1 inn Rjiatrect. Marrirtt i. ii. tHirt, in rirrk. iWati Mile.
Unable l.Tnier IKSL UT n. RRETXAI.I, and A lalande. lot Drrng anmrt IIO Rill Tva? irfsn 71 A1M.J firomC XV Conaili.iloil tn 4 W.JnT; imiiioi, nr, rilmtt a. 4rin fl.o I "41VB Aitlr. PRff7llf tliir ppvuninn, iuit if wjri itxio it nr i-in W.RTrETf', AocrmsEWL gr-id proflU, no staMi Eargaln, A e4r, i'wWj 1 Mt i.
trim mi. anrm. lhan .1 in In. I i Annl ar-iV- tVh .1 4 iWrtjnrt "tt, miaiw iTwiy Hnaic.