8 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1921. -t- SOLICITOR CHARGED. sporting: MONETARY Alto COMMERCIAL mining: THE SHARE MARKET, PontMl), S. Other stsrters; Tmmori.l r-u fratlon. RUk.
han Murlllo. Tu.k,ril liau.16, in to to Llh. At, 0,0. AU; din, auction. Bnxwnod rrallied from 33 to atrlnsyfeark from ii to 28 miiei wood from 10 to a0, and bakers' uood to 30.
Ouotatlona were; Pln-ir. par too at cash at mUl. Bran: 06 tra nft cash at mill. Pollard. a ton iwt rash at miJL.
Forage. Lucerne hay, Uuatar Direr, to 7 a ton. IMMrt. Korthcrn Itlrrra. to 40 a ton.
4 to amend tb Act. The Government bad' teU power to atop the Commissioner! In thta1 action. II mow ber a on the Go-rament sldo filled to respond to the protest of the Opposition to reepeo to this matter they would be recreant to all their election pledsoa. lor tho decision of they Commisulnnera' waa one of the most Iniquitous on record. THE TTOF.
blcber tban od previous occasions, aod Is accounted lor br reasoo of tbe btgh cost of cnoda leoerally. The company's Interests io Brisbane bave been sold to Arthur co*cks ami Queensland, and payment baa been accepted partly In ordinary shares and partly In the form of a debenture The reason for the sale la largely associated with tbe complications connected with succession duties ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO SUBORN WITNESS. 8AND0WN J'AIlK RACKS. nil. wtih th.
A.J.O. (. d.V at 1 A brisker market obtained for mining scrip for the MM ilurdl. Race, Trial buVm. A.J.U.
Ikrb.r, Orain. Maize. Northtrn Rivera, yellow 6f white 6, tturvuern nitna, jtnww wnivs WHaA-, "Msil. vu tun iMt-uauto itgtciuij, auu ibu- 7. 1-.
11 truun lliinriiran. Snrinv htakfta. TUa wrathrr vaa 6ne f. 'aciwui ma waa on a mucn more extensive scaie torn uTi" uT: fil I afternoon, and Uia under too Queensland Similarly the Now Zealand business ts being converted Into a turn nn, Thn -i 111 t.a U1 Ilurdl. Itjoe.
Sm. A. it v. A poii' l.i muting bell) at Ktuiujle Park Mr. BrunlSali said, that the- project of tbe Before Mr.
Giles Shaw, S.M., In the Central Commissionera would pre so heavily upon the Summons Court yesterday, Ernost Robert (eoplo who could Icaat afford it. The num- Abigail, a solicitor, was proceeded against on ber of men And women driven from the out- an information la which It was alleged thafbe lying district a by increased fares-to live In endeavoured to persuade and Induce Edwin congested city arena was already too great. Hart Wilkinson to make a false statement on and wab iocreautng. Thero were 'hundrods oath la a Judicial proceeding, then pending separate company. The follow log comparison rsnnuu inutM.
iimunus urawnciia. a --j wm.i Plunkelts and Comroonwaallhs, AM; onions, Victorian, I f-UUtaDdln( Item Waa tho run 00 Broken Hill ito-morrow. (J'. U. Proprietary is tbo allvtr-lcads.
rropneiary in in. euver-ieaas. may be mado: ENDED JtT.Y 31. lots. imo.
wet. nrown opaniu, io jiw a tun. Tne omcini ,7:. irt. ih.
il iAiinai io io (n. AMiXANORiA MARKET. earning o( tbe Australian titeol Industry, In y.R.o. most marked In tn. two.
Kigut Bills, T4.r mIhi miihv ati. tlblch the oomDaDy la vitally concerned, bo- nnH it hu. been Ui. same In-all of M.rtln.. K.n...
Klglit Bells, 0 of Martins, OS; Boj.n, a. oihei Mli i-3; Vlo I'art i Net profits 10,109 21.074 C17.1M 131 16 10 and thousands of families oq the bread line lu the Court of Quarter Sessions at Byaney, wHo cuulH nnt ffririi irt mv thttfin innrnnnpii the statement in aubstance beinc as follows: D.t., p.e terdr. Qualities of most llnea ero poor, and prloss Ing threatened by Germany in the future, ilio to-ear old rarea ur wlilch uomlnations have Ulunluln, Uolleri-, 7 7 7 Ilettuig: li Ud4lnit lere, 111 ii iTO were somewoac easier, uoiy vQ irucka of mau. evidently lunuenced tnoRn Interested ln-ien ta.rn mi ntiiik. iun wuinuu i in.lieen takm tbia (airing.
pref. p.o, Amount of din. Carried forward The Mclnonrnt Mat cs has Curnilum, f. Lat-rup. until, ii a i i.
nrofkOirn irntii ail IO 1J. J. O. wnrr triom iiuui nun nv nva lonirthi ilirAD 1S.2S1 15.S4 U.OiiS 7.S64 10,263 "Mining lower ai aoo tne oc -h thllow HUk trom 44 to 44. bnween aru'd third I.
Opening lower at 356 tbo 8 Ki4 to S3, and the Linlithgow bUkca from 44 to 44. bHween aend J.d third. Kt. STOCKS AND SHARES. After bv recent prevailing quietness, the Investment market on the Slock Exchange recovered Its.
normal activity yesterday. Practically every, variety of stock attracted attention, and the -resultant turnover waa large. A bright tone, pervaded operations early, but In some cases a slackening was noticeable later. Especially was this the csbo with the War Loans, which changed bands at slight concessions during the afternoon. Tbo Peace Loan, however, gained ground on the day, though this, too; eased towards the end.
Banks, Insurance, gas, and brewery were all good property. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney moved forward appreciably. Trading and industrials were dealt In. at full rates, and in a moving market enjoyed a fair measure of buoyancy.
Wool eased and coal depreciated a trifle. in. manifest indicated IB tmek. or nay, straw, and (ares. That' Quo George Coleman who waa then Mr.
Buckley obfc.cted that tho Opposition presentwas not the man wbo ripped the was taking up an entirely Inconsistent atti- Cardigan Jacket of Edwin Hart Wilkinson at tude. Either they approved tho proaent ays- about 36 minutes past 7 o'clock on the even- ins of June 18. In the vestibule of the chalT. 6 of rrain, io vefetabiee, as in position; out- uP'yea Bre autivity tnroughout tne aayH; A BUrpriri nmMnion (s tnat of David, who liaa not beer furratmn hroke dm d. Time, am 4K," down to meetlnr.
Hyce Capital paid up atandiiig trurka of produce totalled 152, and there 343, and then worked back to :ninjiii.ted for any race at the Knight, MaMrn Plate, 7f. C. Wid.ih-, sheVhera iw were trucka loading for recoDaignnient Ut at closing time, this being 16 bolow the Violoncello, Fairy Bob, Crnj.t.J, heniwnuliair, Lnta (ihepherd King Lady Feline, 77 iW. Uwipf 78.56.3 100,000 6.2U 11,248 63,038 71,537 10S.T07 105.7S8 1W.328 4,434 40,674 40.VW vuniauona wereinnFaien cnan, per ion; oaten crefvloUB day nrlce A similar "hear mw IZi ii, -i tr. immpwvi.
Tk. ll-cy did thoy could not object to 1 Mlu- Recerrce buixirr etc. AKtttTGL. Mock HunrJnr debtors, etc. nr nmnnt th.
In Ih. w.lht.rnr..M rres. Th. entries total "I Mr. Kldston, of the Crowu Law Office, sp-ipeared for (bo prosecution, and Mr.
W. ul lions of the Conuuiss toners. oir-dnser, tdrnuilliitrr, S-; khlemM V. Jeaon, 8-4; Tnencritus. fi Glen Scot.
Mi' 8 Vanagawlry, l.or.1 Mltth, 8-t" Kal SS' Utile Horn, S--2: IVnknlle. V-1J: Mr. Arklos argued that tbo the Vuil-ii VI- rmum tnraaUnents S.Kl 3,883 8.800 145 491 Cash aa compared wltb 0l bat year and DM In 101. W.r.H, (city): The Wrallb atartrd In tbo third dliulou of tbe Eedron Park rive tlundrwl. LATEST 6CRATCHDJGB.
Tbe ioDowlng war. recorded yesterday: biuhel: oats, a to tIZ. enangee. At Melbourne a sale waa mado at mm 5371, but a partial recovery to S4 followed. FRUIT MARKETS.
otber Barrier atocka euOered corresponding BVrirrmsr-OTREET. aknesa. South moved back 141 to 2't4, Trade In the Bathurat-strtet aurkeuj waa uain fairly' Norll Barged 13 to SO6, and British, old, brisk yesterday. i receded to 19J. Electrolytlo Zinc, Quotationa were: eased 3 to 143.
Amnn. o-nlH lni.r..i 40,708 40,328 treebold property direct outcomo of such legUlatlon aa that) coosUbl. Nunan said that ho served tbo under which the 44 hours week and Abe baso produced on Wilkinson, and George wage were brought into operation, tbo Go- Coleman, whose case waa under appeal, waa Includea bonus. vL-rnmtmi oeing now reauceu 10 toe tnpeaieot the person referred to la the subpoena. Variations on lata rates were: l-ngilu, a lenirtb atid CHEAP FRIENDLY SOCIETY INSURANCE a J.c.
srillt-u MEETWU. In reply to Mr. J. W. Abigail, witness ad ueiween seto4 tH FALL.
RISE. Or.mrrBmlths, to 14; Tu. ehall's Hill End provided eichan.e at lowor mltted that Wilkinson said that Coleman was engagements: EfB. (1S.15 p.m.); Bright tiulckslltcb (12.IW P-m): Beinmon (12-47 b.ndo.n Plate. Peace Loan 0 P-(V A.
J. of etching revenue from tho poorer womon of tbo State. Mr. Estell (Minister for Railways): Tho less the heads of the railway service nd other aSBtt. manlsn.
Jonatn.n. flP.H. tTi. 14, Vork. t.
'l V. Hill Nirht 10, Croftons 6 to 14. S.T.P. 4 to French Crab. "teadlly from 38 to 36.
Hill Mgbt 6 to a Wei case. Junction anil Wblle Hopo both ahowed Prsrs. Victorian: KeuTer II te 8. Jeaenninaa Improvement. Malavan tin attrn.r-.teil lit.
All Ight not the man wbo put bis band under the nap of blB- (Wilkinson's) coat. Witness said he Bona utwj Peace Lon 0 DWUU Falklner-a rei- Abbrv, alh 7' l8.V 2: J. Truskrlt'. Berlin, a concerns are Interfered wltb the bettor. Wo remembered having beard comments that wll The report In our columns yesterday con-1 corning the life assurance scheme of the Manchester Unity I.O.O.K.
was brought under the notice of tho registrar of friendly socle- ties yesterday. Ho stated that the benefits-which a friendly society Is legally entitled to pay are to a member or to someone claiming through a member. Therefore, the public. I -K, Alnrnr. all 7.
0" to 14. Packhanu 7 to lsr a huahel ease. I tie buainr-nn a. all.hiiu i.ai. rn are paying tnq, unlet commissioner' taow a Kinson, in giving evidence agunoi voicuiui ra'itt IS: ass Bananas.
TweH River. 10 lo 1, per double rase, falllne to .18 nnri Vnmnnn ii in in tm; 18 to mediun. 8 to IV a of" year 10 manage me railways. injit is nis.oBu some rnaui tea wiwin Mart wMkinHAn. civil anclneeT, '-El i fen I bubinesn, und Parliament has always thought be should bo free from nolllical InOuence.
I Handicap: Ben Maroon, worn oiunu- employed at tbo Water and Sewerage Board. swriuiv, ninny, urv Abbey, a Ariu IftiTi. fthort hpad tintwron kunmrl UJ .1... fcW War Loan 5 p.e. Bonds (UT) War Ijoan 4 p.e, Bonda (1025) War Loan Pc Bonds (1927) War Loan A p.e.
Bonda (19S3) North Bulll Coal Wunderltcb, lnt prcf. Harpent's, new Goldibroueb, Henry J.onrg Bella mbf Coal "Sun" Newpapcr, Bawra Sharea Bawra, priority Citrus FnjiL Lemona, choice bf to 6, menn S6 IDWBr 03 and liilt respectively, to 3. inferior aJmort unsatablet oraivea. common 26 The followlnr ruin in 2 Mains were, 10 Bonds (J9S0) War Loan 6 p.e. JMO Bond (J027) Commercial Sinking (Jo.
of Sydney Col. Bugu- Aerated Bread Piul and Gray EnitHih Electric, rlffhts. Perdrutn Rubber Mount Kembla. Goal until they become members of the order. said be knew Coleman by stgnt.
un Juiy i kcew about this matter long before Mr. Bag-1 lanls, llaltgllla, Gilrav. Khorla: Cool Sllniulonta. Spring Slakes: Wirrivay p.m.). 3 IK 74 a a Jm lis.
'to Vatenclas, choira to. 10, inedinm 6 io Copper: Hampden, (n) 6 weeks 610, (a) tall brought it up, and though I do not want Ut. be gave evidence against Coleman at to Interfere with, men whose train fair has the police court. Ho was subsequently served naveia 10 it', roanaanna. jsmperorn.
nnoice wt io 1.1, oip; Ait. by ell. i'AQ cannot participate In those benefits. The registrar further states that the 8tate will not pay subvention on tho premiums for those Sandoiro Tark Handicap. lm.
o. WiddW. r.i JuardUii. by Shrnhcrrl Canonbury Slakes: uoy. Biair.
medium if to fl, mall Io 28 a case; SIlver-IArt. rtrui.t. ntr with snhnnnna tn attend the Quarter Bes (K. O'Kullhanl. I quaunea tnem lor special positions, I un do M.
Kills' a Sonnr all 1 Thomv, choice 46 tn tl. medium 26 to 3 a naif-, V3 bushel es, small 2 3 a bushel case. 193; B.H. Pro. :p.ni..
slons. About 3 p.m. on August S3 bo saw 7-2 (V. Sleirh). 2: b.
K. Vrrno's Station. A-ii the defendant. IC. R.
Abigail, and Coleman v.in.i. rineappies. vueens, 1 10 uipirjs, 1. nerbr: I.llbridcs (3.IS r-i K. ilhrltim la.JO npanisa ii.
ncaieyi, a. otter ttartera: naaanriT WRtor and Eeweraxe Board omces. (S.4I n.m.). lwit g. (110 P-m Udy Bavena- RrftUh I British prel.
J. D. William Defendant referred to the evidence which witness bad given at the police court, and said, ease. lco ao, cnl 343, I woeks 346, caiiB LoxroaU. Mammoth 6 to 12, snail 31 to 5 a half-.
346, 6 weeks 317,, cash 344, 3441, hushel cue. (346. 344J, 346. 6 weeks 3471, cash 347: B.H. BUNICTPAI, VARKCT.
South, (n) 26S. 3H41: North B.H., 6 weeks Beery supplies of medium to Inferior citrua fruit 3071. ca.li 3ne Rltrniviin vtnn insurance policies, for 200. BANK CLEARINGS. Clearings of the Sydney banks for the week ended September 26 amounted to 12,943,107.
compared with 13,847,524 tbe previous week, and .17,550,275 for the corresponding week of last year. Clear! lira from January 1 to Sep Heffgttt, ord. You can't swear mat coieman is me man, birr, Tol d'Or, 7 i Klnthrenle wK On, 7-4: Roland 610; sZi 't? dl. 6-7. Belling: DaarrVin, 7 lilad Star, 10 Somiy Fey, ln Walk On, toll dian, uO Station.
Won by length, half a iSS Utween second and third. in, The following investment- sales were re can you?" Defendant men asaea uoicidbu to put' his bat on1, and turning to witness said, "Now, you can't awear that that was wort (3.51 v.A.T.O. Debutant Stakes: Glanr-use. Manola, J.C. COMMITTEE MEETlNli.
A a committee meeting ef the A.J.fl tenlay th. appeal of K. partle again.4 the dec jion ef the sUprudlary ble-ard acting for ong 1 era him from ri' HE lor SIX were again available yesuSrday, and prices were easier. I Tln. Aeam Kumbang, 38.
(n) 38: Kam-' Cholco navela were almost unobUlnable. b.i,,,, pi5' rwr, ol. A. 1 v. corded, and appear io listed order, morning sales first, then noon sales, preceded by tbe letter (n), and afternoon sales, denoted by Government Securities: War Loan 41 per cent.
Bonds (1026), 91, (B) 91, (a) 90189; tember 26 compare wltb those to nearest man who went tnrougn your pociow. Witness then "That is tho man all right; CUru. rlil-Lemona. choice 3 to 6f. medium (a) 271; New White Crystal, (n) Inferior almoat unssUble, Oranges, Valsncaia, 1012, la) 12.
In II: Y.nro. Minniniu T6 tn 86- lOnal. choice Gold: Hill V.nA Junellnn. i. 1A laH1.Blla corresponding dates ot previous years as hdsidsH.
I don't want you to come here eross- ioiiows: K.m K.nl.mber 20. v.u dealt tlb. It ws Irom pepieinoer examinlnr me about this matter Defendant i lii is? i 111 "'Ua' SI'' ft' ln' weeks 36, casb 3s. months b. 7,0.
-1- 265,130,607 316,2 war ixan per cent. Bonds (1937), 90i2. (n) 90126. (a) 90113: ditto, 10 Bonds, i tzz riiurii 3'b: then asked Coleman to leave, and addressing witness, said: "We bave bad lifelong rlihrnlf til- Jan. 1 to Oct 4, 19111 Jan.
1 to Oct. 1916 Jan. 1 to Oct. 1917 Jan. 1 to Kept.
30, 1018 Jan. 1 to Kept. 29, 1010 Jan. 1 to Sept. 27, ItKO decided U.
reduce the term 01 6-lOi -prlnres, Beatrire. ti Toyrd m'bS' ii. nn.1,111 Rarimr Club, suspending ng: 7-3 Inieatlgiile, 4 Cecil. Mrlancia, Ella husbei cs: Tbornryi' choice 86 to 5. medium 20 l.New (a) 29; Wtalto 903, (a) War Loan fj per cent.
Bonds (192T), 9010, (n) 9010, (a) 9010, acoualntance: can't I mako It worm your tn hair.patu: unall 38 to 3 a bithhe) case. 530,680.927 407,7.10.043 4 1. 557,322,800 while to alter your mind as I would suggest. KS from-'fldK half a lencth. n-iurwso, eiiie-j ui to 15.
Packhaiiu aud Coles 9 to 11, anutl ty to 7 9076; ditto, 10 Bonds, 9, (n) 903, (a) 903: War, Loan per cent. Bonds (1923), 94113; (n) 94113. 94136. (a) 94113; jan. 1 10 aept.
jo, wh for careless riding was uiamujeo. "5 ST ii Ml Time. Im 154. Hope, (n) 68, (a) 67J. Closlpg quotations yesterday were: Copper: O.H.A.
Mines. it; Mount Ljall, 13. 1S0; Mount Morjnin, 1341. a 13S. her-Uad: BritiBh B.n.
(old), 192, WU; Brokfn Hill .149, mnii B.H. a bushel caw. You don want to see mat poor ieuow jet Into trouble, I am sure." -Witness said bo reDlled that be would not perjure himself lor irmntnl to amend the entries 01 biino ano s.udi.u hr tho Spring Meeting on paj-nient of 1 eacn. for a meet ditto, 10 Bonds, 989, (a) 986; Peace Loan 6 per cent. Bonda (1930).
9676. (n) jiimpors lm.T-T. Bobbin Medic, by Linsrre Ro-a1 Purple, rr. Rutltr) II. Langley's Master Avingtnn, 11-7 CH.
Cainu)' Twera Banana. Wf to lit a ootrnre on'. Apples. firanny Smiths, 13 to Fire Crowns, tt ol' rttrmnmtM. 10 ta 14: Tsuimfltiian.
CroftontL defendant or anybody oIbo. S. There fa as thus boon a decrease to data of 32,483,241. PRICE "oFgOLD. Tbe Gold Producers' Association reports hi.
noiin n.ti.. ajA. HH ing of the Toolrybuc Bce Club pn oaooer ii 9689, (a) 9610, 9689; ditto, 10 7fl in 14: Kokewoods. 7 to 12; Jonathans, 8 to Sooth, 3841. ucrgusnna umcson, K.
3, Olhrr Klectrolrtlo Zinc, a -Tfl' Knar ItumiMHn. i I in. Vn.lrai O. KliiFmcni. SI in lit French 1 Ii II i.mii Tin: AiaotfatMi Kcionrl mix ou.
iiui- lolaiiF, 00; Wee Dook, 0-4; MMd ol the lieu, a Hotting: 7-4 Master Avington. Libanuf, Libmi? 12 Bettcsnn, 20 Purpii- Mnrliu. Won' br three lpneth. two lenctha bcLwcnn kJinnH iuif Crahi, 6 to 9 a nusnei ease. Paaslon fruit Cboice 14 to 18, medium 8 to' 12 a naif-bushel case.
Bonds, 910, (a) 9103. Wheat Certificates: New South Wales, 1918-16 season, (n) (10,000 bushelB), St. Bawra, shares, 124, 124, (n) 122; ditto, priority (a) 971. that the London quotation for gold on September 27 was 1101 por oz, fine, a decrease ot 8 since September 23. ClMiuallncations incurrea inrougn saains iu.
rcgistercl meetings were removed from II. Uoherty and tho mare Lady, S.vlhlon (aged), B. Perry, br Sunbeam, A. T. Channella and nr br Udv Osinan, P- A.
Mogrfdge und JUnnel llnwer, D. W. Jones and ra Sandbloom, (.. N. Bush, T.
A. Sheridan and br. Lyfort, Wm. Fuller (jockey), J. Walleraen (owner), C.
Burke (jockey) snd tie Lord U'auken, D. S. Mclntyrc. Alfred fillllgon and br rineappies. vueciis, t.
do out-- Dumbrr.l'a Bivoo. paid, S3; 29. a 3j New White Ova. tal, 12, a iS; Vegetable Crefk, Asam Kum 376 8 881 Ksmpfliff KamuntinfT, 37fl. a M6; Kota, lj I-onit, Ralrut Barin, 103: Ronn bon.
140: Tnnirtcah irorKniif 9-, 11 Time, 2m 12a. To J. w. ADigaii witness aammoa wi there were differences In statements which he had made at the police court and the Court of Quarter Sessions. In one statement which he had dictated and signed, witness said that several alterations mado in pencil were sot authorised by him.
Witness, continuing, said that during the past six year be bad met the defendant In the streets on four or five occasions, but could not remember the substance of any of the conversations ho bad bad wltb htm. Mr Ahiraii had not concluded his cross- Manunoth, 0 to 10, smaU 3 to 5 a haU-biwhel case. rj jii' i 1 ti. neanPBaitT, Ood: CbrfftmaK Gift, paid, 4. a 4fl; peep Levels, IthereniiB.
Jas. JOVC.e ana nr likik-. i n. filnw. II.
Croenter and Followlnir were the wholesalo raiea at tha fruit nanus: commercial Banking syaney, 19126; Union Bank; (a) 1276. Steam: Sydney Ferries, 203. Insurance: United, (n) 13. Gas: Australian, (n), 5186, (a) 5189; North Shore, 196. Brewery: Toohey's.
123: Tooth and aim. io, ilti tsiinnairai ivinc LONDON" FINANCIAL CABLES. COMPANY STOCks. LONDON, Sept. 27.
On the London Stock Exchange to-day the n.l, AnnlM. ffnnd to cbnire estlnff. 7 to n.l. Paid, SI. a fin tin la.
l- Unrnhv and hr SlUUlVOke. J. h. Atit. AI In 11 Ta.mani.n.
6 tn Kl nr. till! Central, r. irk. lltll ana vjonwm, n. Tallllglit, It.
Gslll (trainer), K. B. Newton Oockej). llaringa, H. K.
Harris (jockey), E. A. lllckey and Rumrarliv. Tbos. fcanith and case; to 201 per double case: Marshall's Hill End.
32, a 35; Mount Dudley, 17. lemons, Victorian, 5 to II: mandarins, New South in, New Gibraltar, a SI: Wales, 8 to 11; oranges. Miklura 8 to 10, New Catncart littery, 31; New Ungi Loiran, 119, a 12: Edna Slav (nlnl im va examination of tbo witness when tho hearing (a) 256. following; stocks were quoted thus: P. and O.
deferred stock, 370, 380. Australian Mercantile, Land, and Finance 4 Dor was adjourned until to-day. Miscellaneous: Aerated Broad, (n) 46; Bri South Wales 6 to 8, navels 11 to lo per case; pine. Ill 1X1 Model. Edwd.
Kavanagb, br Mist, A. Coppock and cb Carroll Loch. UvcK 18. tish Tobaoco. ord.
(a) 6 days 3341. caBh 336: apples, 0 to 11 per double case. cent, debentures, 6810, ditto, 1741- (a) 174); Colonial Sugar CASUALTIES. ROSEBEKZ RACING CLUB. VEGETABLE MARKET.
Tanliflnwrr afaovad a decided fall in criors tm. SCHOOL SP0ETS. ARMIDALrT. WedneidiT. Arniir.ale School held its 2th annual rruiiioo terday by sports, and a ball at night There nj large fltlcndan at thn lanic, old boya fron.
all of the State beinc prewrit. Tbe 'sports mm leld In lino weather. Following wcro the remits ol tbe principal athletic events; Ktceplechaee Clwinpionahip. Moffatt, Siiut, Steeplechase championship (under Mi: RoiCr, Hid, 2. Broad jump championship: Croft and bbtj (equal).
31ft fliin. Broad jump (uader 16): Slit, Magoffin, 17ft lOlin. Putting shot L-hampionship: Croft, Moffatt. 31ft 9 in. KSOyda ban-iiiap: Hot.
(att, Barton, 2ra 19 3-s. High jump ctumpion-ship (under 14): King, Mallam, tit 4tin. 100 yards championhhip: SUo', 10 4-js. 100 yards (under 16): Uaiigodin, UZ-os. 100 nth Championtibip (under 14): Braund, Us.
IftOrdi ctma-pionship (under 12): WUeoh, 1.1 120yds bantls champlonehip: Stacy, 4ft Sjbo. oncn cbarnpion thip: Stacy, 2 Is. 220yda championship (under W): Magoffin, 'J6 l-Ss. 20yda chumplon.sl.ip (under It): Brsund. 30 220vds onen baudtcan; WhH.
(fiji) (nj sioe3; Cimmerian" faper, 156, (a) 156: English Electric, 193: dlttb, rights, 43, (nr 490 shares 43, (a) ordinary parcel 43: Goldsbrough, Mart, 33; Goodlet LONDON SHARE MARKET. LONDON, Sept. 27. fy North B.H. sold at at it mni Propertlea Eighteen races were run off at the Itosebery pony and galloway meeting yesterday.
The toUlisator re terday, choice aelling (or lb. Choice cabbages on commmjcial: THE MA.KKRTS. ttAILWAT FETTLER'S DEATH. Th. nil.
r.n.onar Mr. Jamteson) conoluded and Smith, 18; Henry Jones, (a) 313; Harri cords were: rauoocK, wiu, Details: TfanHiun ot 156. 61f. First dlvi tne outer nana inctxiuca' rviMwvm ua oaions still remained the same, and also most of the bunch lines. There tvero no river beana oo band.
Quotations were: Hor.i innalR 901 to 25: peas. Wosdera 13 to 15; son, Jones, and uevun, (n) 22, (a) Zir, u. WIlliamB, (n) 116; Kandlos Cement, (a) slon: Kaugb-a-Ballagh, by Charlemagne II. (imp.) There was a steady distributing demand for Torlubires. 10 to 12 per bushel; cabbages, 12 to his Inquiry ye.terday Into the death of Charles Withers; 61, a tattler In the Railway Department, wbo died from Injuries received through being knocked down by a train near Illawarra Junction on September 16.
jchemlcals yesterday. Business was transacted 2210J; Meggltt, (n) 139; Paul and Gray, 19, (n) 193; Peters, 12; Perpetual Trustee, 406, (n) 406: Port Jackson. Investment, 146: ura, 03TB, u-3 w. a. aiuonaia), o- Red Triangle, all.
71b, carr. 7-3 (A. Het-tcrick), 3. Other starters: Oahy Deslys, Bunny Marsh, Ortan. Mercia's ToiTenc.
Cesar ionl ike. Swal CARPATHIA 1TN-MIMNO T.L. C.thl. ahareholdera of the N.L., yesterday, several r3. LeVf" 11,0 Wcli the com.
hlf conducted during tho past six Stor 1 In BiMnnnt I in cream or. tartar at from iioB to 2, and low Clardc, Miss Bavetstock. Betting: li Merck's Th. rrn.nn.r mund, mat wiuieni aiea iruui Perdrlau Rubber, (n) 203; Robert Reld, 1st (n) 179; Barents, new, 186: "Sun" irom to 3 was paia ior curie acia. Tartaric acid was worth from 19 to 2.
The goueral Quotation for boraoic acid wan 128. inluries. accidentally received through being Daughter, 4 Gaby Desbvs, Bunny Marth, 0 Red Triangle, 8 Cesarlonlike, 10 l-'augb-a-Ballagh, Overlee, 20 others. Pniidrw'k. 347: fiivs.
for 10. 3156. Newspapers, cum rights, 264, (n)263, (a) 9j-ds, Cameron, 41'du, 2: 2." l-fts. 100yds haadicip of directors, the chair Was taken by knooked down ny a.train..' r. jumnwn mum that he was satlsied that the Railway Department had taken every possible precaution to ztto; winencomoe, carson, (a) wuoaer-llch.
23. (n) 23. (a) 23; ditto. 1st Holders of white and grey arsenic were firm at 70, and It was difficult to secure Hulle's strychnine under 06. Borax was worth from 141 cauliflowers, cnome is, meaium io potatoes, Tasmanlan, Brownella 116, IMunketts 116, 116, Melbourne varieties 7 to 10; local varieties 6 to 10; onions.
Swedes, Bf to 10 a cwt; sweet potatoes 16; lettuce, 8 to 9 per bag, 2 to 3 per dozen; celery, 6 to beetroot, 26 to parsnips, 8 to fi: carrota, 3 to S6; turnips, 26 to If; leeks, 2 to 2fl; cress, 4 to herbs, spinach. 2 to 26; eschalots. 3 to 86; mint, parsley, 8 to 4f; radish, 0d to 16; horseradish. 7 to 8: tomatoes, 18 to 20 a half -bushel case; rhubarb, 3 to 46. CALF SALES.
Calves vcre in beavr supply at the Abattoir sale- 18; W. T. Waters, 20; W. H. Soul, (a) 436.
safeguard, Its employees. 1180. and 126. Won by a neck, bead second and third. Time, lm 10s.
Second division: AntilJa, by Cetarlon (imp.) lafldy Lyon, 4yrs, 7-13 (V. Murray), St, Ursula, all. 71b, carr. 7-5 (W. Porter), ilorven Lass, 7-13, inc.
Sib ne or tno other three directors 5, "nd "ed Mr. Manson, rnm tt'lJ "unfoetunlto'for S.JT!?MT hS director could be found to attend the meeting." They should get a new board 62 to 64, and alum from 33 to 38. Blue-Btone brought anything from 4110 to 50, coal: Beiiamni, an, in) 207; Mount Kemnia, 169; North Bulll, (a) 88. BOT KNOCKED DOWN BY MOTOR CAR. Cnkim.
azed 6. ot Mitchell-Street, sodas were quiet. EngllBh caustic 98 per the nriinl "ot deal from over m. KmIUKI i. unier emrvura.
Liaiuica "Bui, waa onerea at rrom to 4,56. al vaiuanift nrnnnpl-v Day, radtero, Henry, maximum, ucsarion vueen, Alice tunaer itf: Rtnir, ovds, Vtnifman, 6yds, v. 100yds handicap (under Ifl): Croft. 3yds, Ij Brawn 18yds, 11 l-fts. JuOyds open handicap: Moore, IZyit, Cameron, 3ds, 2: 10 4-os.
High jump champion ship: Livingston, Sft '2'w. 'JSOvds handicap (under if): King, lthds, -1; lister, 9yds, 27 IWydi oli boys handicap: Livingston, 1 lingers, 2: 11 l-5t 440yds championship: Stacy, 53 l-i. 440yds handicap (under 16): King, 'JOyds, lyisler, 20yds, 61s. ShOvdi championship: Magoffin, Sladr, 27 Mile championship: Saint, Mulligan, 5m 27s. Milt handicap: Moore, AfIi, 4m i2 Kicking foot ball: eTunlor, Dowe; senior, bLicy.
Junior champion-ship: Slade, 1: Magoffin, 2. Cndtr 1l championship Braund, Mallam, 2. Form challcogo cup: Form to points. L7Jf The chairman offered Eaton. Betting: 7-4 Antilla, 7-3 St, Ursula, 4 dirctorV absence, and wh mum- Morven Lass.
14 to 20 olhcra. 1'aAiock. 113910: though 70 per 72 per cent, was available at 30. Soda crystals brought 810. ull hmVii thre ever 'been 17, and 96.
Won by half a length, short aoda ash 15, and bicarbonate of soda from Olebe, was knocked down by a motor car in Wattle-street yeetorday when in the act of jumping ott a motor lorry. The Civil Ambulance conveyed him to Sydney Hospital, where he was admitted by Dr. Jeffcry, suffering from severe Injuries. varilH vefiterdar. The neiinlnns totalled about 1.100.
JUS to 19. Thero were sellers of Sicilian INTERSTATE EXCHANGES. ADELAIDE, Wednesday. To-day's invesbnent sale, included: S.A. wheat, 13 5-l.
l3i. 1.11. 13 1-18. 131. 13 3-16.
131: Mahin ine negative. Mr. bead second and tnird. uime, im 11s. nnlS That JhiB is of the Flying Handicap of 325, about division: during, the past hajf-yr.
the budneai Lord Liddo. bv Sir Laddo 6y. flowers of sulphur at 32, and common powder and consisted chiefly of bobbies. The general quality Hinged from fair to pood. Tbe usual buyers were in attendance, but the.
heavy supply proved more than sufficient for requirements, as competition was ir- I c7I, ,8 nianaged satirfaotoriJy." 3, car. 7-9 (J. Corbett). Colis, all. 3.
car. 7-13 four Uu was lost bJ votes' (E. r'rost). 2: All Home, 8-5 V.T. Varley).
3. Other rcBiilar. and tne market Generally easier. Prime ing my beat to get the Commissioners rc-t peal the regulations complained of. Mr.
Weaver reminded the House that every step taken by the Government had roaoted upon the poorer section of the It was now tlmo tho Miniuter ceased behaving like a rubber stamp and showed some In-, to rest In tho community's welfare. Price said they wanted the Kail way Act carried out without Interference, yet, In the same breath, they were now asked to say that! the Minister should interfere. I Dr. Arthur eald the Railway Commissioners were faced with a big, deficit, and it was a question of either the travelling public or the I general taxpayers making it uj. Dr.
Arthur went on to suggest that the Cabinet should glvo most serleuy considers-! tlon the coming award of the Board of Trade, and, if possible. Intervene beforo the award was given. Tho board1 should re- consider the basis on it mado Its awards. Already, Judgo Beoby had aug- gested. aB far as rural awards were Conner nod, that the Board might make representation to tho Government and It waa quite passible that they would bo prepared to mako representations In this Instance if Invited to do so.
Otherwise, the House' was simply wasting time in hoping for any reduction of charges. In rant, freights and fares would have to go up with serious results as 'far as primary production was concerned. If the basis of the basic wage was altered. It would mean a saving to the railways of probably two million pounds tn wages, and there, would at en co be a corresponding reduction in freights and fares. Ho would cut out payment for supposititious children.
After further debato the motion was formally negatived on the voices. BILLS THROUGH PRELIMINARY STAGES. Tho following bills were passed through tho purely preliminary stages, paving tho way for oxpediency resolutions, without debate: 1 Pplice Appeal Board; Weights and Measures; Making and Sale of Bread; State Industrial Enterprises; South Maitland Coalfields Hallways; River Murray, Lake Victoria, and other Waters (agreement between States): Motherhood Endowment; Sale of Seeds and Plants; Stock Branding: Plant or Fruit Diseases; Coal Mines Act, Amendment; Destruction of Wild Dogs in tho Western Division; Licensing and Regulation of Real EBtato and Stock Agents. HA WKESBURY COLLEGE. Mr.
Dunn moved that the question of providing additional laboratory accommodation at Hawkesbury Agricultural College should 1e referred to the Public Works Committee. The existing laboratory accommodation, he explained, was hopelessly Inadequate, being the same as was provided 40 years ago. Last June there were 175 studcntB at the eollego, and the attendance at the science lectures at least thrco times as great as wbon the laboratory was constructed. The lack of space had now become a scandal so serious that if increased accommodation wss not provided tbo standard of the curriculum would bave to'be loworod or tho number of students restricted. On tho motion of Mr.
Oakcs, discussion on tho proposal was adjourned. RETURNED SOLDIERS' PREFERENCE. The Opposition called for a division on a resolution moved by Mr. Cann (Minister for Labour) that tho would on next sitting day consider tho expediency of bringing In a bill to amend the Returned Soldiers Act by limiting Its duration. The resolution was carried by 31 votes to 20.
MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE. On Mr. Dunn moving that consideration should be given on next sitting day to the expediency of bringing tn a bill to extend the electoral franchise In municipalities and shires and amend tho Local Government Act, the Opposition entered a protest against the measure being Introduced, and again divided tbo House, but tho Minister's motion was carried by S3 to 19. REAL PROPERTY BILL. Tho Attorney-General (Mr.
M'Tlernan), In moving the second reading of the Real Property Amendment Bill, explained that it had been before the Legislative Council last session, and had received vory careful scrutiny by that Chamber before bo Ing Tbo measure, a very technical one, makes provision for bringing certain properties under the Real Property Act; for simplifying procedure in respect to certain clasBes.of ap-WicaUoDB for registration, and for correcting anomalies in regard to tbo giving of mortgages and encumbrances. Mr. Walker said that, as far as bo could soo, it appeared to bo a very good bill, although it waa essentially one for commtttco. Subsection 4 provided that If thero was somo doubt as to a title nome legal estate might be outstanding the Registrar-General, by imposing an adoquate fee, could allow the land to be brought under tho Act, but there was so reason for thus further penalising, people If they already had good holding titles. Thero should not bo any additional fee, or there should bo some limitation as to the amount of It, Tho charge of id In the in respect to tho assurance fund, in the case of people wanting to bring their land under the Act, -if it could not bo wiped out altogether, should bo reduced to In tho Mr.
Loxton congratulated the Attorney-Ccncral on bringing tho bill forward. Ho could Dial rom us nrr fctarwrs: taiicatioo, Lora iai me state1 eround that two onlv nf Shekel. Mv Bobby. Briehtaere. Chancel.
Private Kine. bobbies made un to 50. odd metier, eood to 34, weedy CAUOHT IN MACHINERT. BATHURST, Wednesday, ciimninff was worklno on a chaff- CRICKET. sorts from 10.
Heavy calves wcro not noted. Commonwealth Bonds, per cent (1027), 006; 6 per cent (1937), 9010, 006; 5 per cent (10SX), 0410, 9476; 6 per cent (1030), 0576, 036; National, 6126; Adelaide Electric, 8 per cent, 2.16; S.A. Cas, 208; Ellis, Limited, 16, 166; Wilcox, jloSlln, 208; S.A. Gas, 8 per cent. ed suipaur cnangea nanas at xioio.
when tbo last maU left New York the chemical market was passing through a period ot seasonable dullness, with little or no quotable change In priceB. Caustic soda was slightly easier, and quotations could bave been probably shaded against firm offer for round amounts. frT rlni eir dibapproval. I'hast Dream, Tulkit, Lord lUno. Coldstreak.
Night Time. B-nttinir: Mv Hobby, Lord Ballantrae. Lord Rino, 7 Shekel, All Home, Colis, 8 Phat Dream, 15 cutter at White Rock when bis clothing was caught in the belt leading from the steam englno to tho macblno. Ho was dragged along Lord Laddo. Ih-W others.
I'addocK. 661 no: aivs. The following pbyers will repreient the Suln-ff Church of England Crammar School OH Boys Unios against tbe School, it Hie Northbridgn CTouad, to 314, l4'G, and 16. Won by a nock, bead second UU30. BRISBANE, Wednesday.
To-day's investment isles included: City Electric There was a quiet intorhouse bouse inauirv ould PVy rdTvS "tl.e dhTS ii." er 200 per ton. The directors' report waa ndopteil, and a vol. it sympathy to Mr. Clark. BROKEN H1T.L SHARES.
MELBOURNE, Wedneslar nooS ru i "cerUined ttlTiftcr. ana inim. lime, im us. Second divUion: Dave WliiHon, by Sir Whit ton (imp.) DeceiL. aced.
8-1 (H. Cook). 1: Trnis. 7-12 (V. morrow: A.
ts. t. wnite. ti. 1.
siawn-. a. Wolatenholme, N. Y. Heanc, K.
C. M- Bojce, M'Lachlan. O. Cadwalladcr, U. S.
lFolromV, K. S. Pluv-tol-- A. A. Heath.
Hivi K. N. WcUc yesterday for certain lines ot manufactured metalB. Amonest the rjarceln ntrnrmA tn Light, ordinary, 223; Commonwealth Loans, 6 per cent (1023); 045; ditto, -4i per cent. (1027), James), 3: Ina Katon.
8-1 (0. Walker), 3. Other wholesale bouses were 26-gauge Dolphin cor to tne nywneei or u. ZZXZ caught between the wheel and the body of the engine in close contact with a steam plpo on one side and the moving By wheel on tbe other. Gunning, however, maintained wonderful presence of mind and called out Instructions to an assistant for the turning off Kmcrgenciea: ,1.
M. "Wooils, E. Cleggo. Tlay -fll fctartr.rs: Tuncurry, Lightnin, Hurry On, BaengaITJ, Sir Lyon, Bonnie Chance, Hispano, Sorter, fircen Frog, commence at io.v,n. rugated gaivanisea iron at 40, Belgian black steel sheets at 35.
T.U.S. shenn nh.mr at. Wo; aiuo, per com. ui.iu, 10, 6 per cent (1023), 986; 4J per cost (1025). 01.
MELBOURKE, Wednesday. To-day's investment sales included: Commonwealth Oovernment loans, 44 per.xent. (102i), 01, 00; ditto, rrcsasc, Aixatie, nailing: uave nouion, iruia, Ina Kuton. 7 Sartor. Arcade.
10-20 ethers. Paddock. 64, English hard rolled brass sheets at from 17 to zl American mild teel rounds at LATH MH. C. T.
STASm, of tbe steam. The assistant eventually inch ed the tap ana "ZJTTC" 534101 15, 14, and 0. Won by a neck, tbrce-ouarters length second and third. Time, lm 14s. Third division: Stetson, bv Bfurilla '(imp.) Blargaroo, yrs, 7-11 (A.
Kulin), Desert Queen, 7-11 (V. Hax-ton), Couer de Mnincaii, 7-11 (8. Kearey), 3. iZ3, Key brand horBOshoe nails at 27 i per cent, on tbo list nrlco. British stnnrtnerf Th estate of tho lato Mr.
Charles Timothy to a standstill, uunuim self, and was found to be suffering only minor thread W.I. galvanised ntolne. aerewnd nnfl 41 per cent (1027). 0010; ditto, 5 per cent (102.1), 04716, 94176; ditto, 6 per cent (1027), 90AO; ditto, 6 per cent (1030), 0676, 0576; Ooihmer. cial Bank, 28; ditto, 514: National, 186; Victoria, 587; Bawra, shares, 12L 123; ditto, priority cerMScaUs, 07, 98; Goldsbrougb, Carlton Brewery, 2o; Australian 0SS.
222; Other starters: Miiia alido. ljflv FTavard. Lauxcldene. Bocketed, at old list, less 5 por f.o.b. Rartelle.
Sir Wad dell. Baneosa. llonri. Frinira Net. meiuourno, jjyaprooK's tinpiates, singles, at 276.
doubles at 60: Kellv'a flint riz nnH Bandbox, Lindsay, Haloleila, Duke Uooreflcld. Bet reriect axes at 120; galvanised hoopiron at Australian faper, zi; narnet uiaw, i lon. 20: Hackett. nref- 176: Wheat Victorian o.ou: A.0.1.1N. Bneiiac at 4 aSnanlnt.
ntiirtr- 3i; ditto. month IH; ditto, 16, 16J. ting: 2 Stetson, 3 Miss Valldo, 7 Cour de Moineau, Lindsay. Ijaureldene, 10 Desert Queen, 10 to '2f others. Paddock, 810; 1, 1146, and 1.
Won by two lengths, neck second and third. Time, lm 1.1$. Fourth division; Miss Wedirewood. br Tom Wedee- Bllver at turpentine at 76; English whlte- Injuries. BOY DROWNED.
BROKEN HILI Wednesday. A boy named Sydney Jewer (13) In a dam at the racecourse. With six others he was swimming In the dam. FARMER KIL.L.ED. NARRABRI, Wednesday, a well-known farmer, ot Bul ieaai in 011, at a-eo: "u- craae rosin at 2.1.
INTEHSTATE EXCHANGES. ADELAIDE, Wednesday. To-day'a sales and ouoUtions were: Wallaroo, 29, 286. a 29JL SUyjr: Broken Hill ProprieUrv, 339, S57J. 'm7 34.6, 349; Block 10, 12: tflock 14, a 76 ffSf" M.
311 Britiabrold, 1947 198. nWi19'' 307; So41. SoltbA J8' WTj Zinc Corpora' OoW: Sales, Edna May Deep Levels, 169J; Murrin Proprietary 211, 210. MELBOURNE, Wednesday. To-day's mlnlnir mIm tnr i.H.ei.
financial: grade at 27, WO. at 2810, W.W. at wood (imp.) Mackreel, aged, 710 (W. Jones), Millie ana maureBS nore for indent at i7i. 7-iu (J.
varieyi, yuse, i-iu in. Other starters: Kinir Curio. Creolin. lelix Nella. Starker, ol Chatswood, retired chartered ac-countant, has, for probate purposes, been valued at 21,288.
of which 10.125 represented mortgages, and 6208 shares in public companies. The testator, who died oo July 19 last, appointed tho Permanent Trustee Co. of New South Wales, his daughter. May Florence Leonard, and William Henry Flavello, blB executors and trustees. He bequeathed 500 to his Grandson, Cyril Ambrose Leonard, as some compensation for the loss and injuries sustained by him In consequence of his having gono to tbo late war; subject to that legacy and a number ot specific bequests, he devised and bequeathed his cstato to his trustees upon trust.
He directed them' to divide tbe estate into 100 equal parts, 35 of which were to bo paid to certain children and grandchildren; with regard to tho remaining 65 parts, the income was to bo paid to hia daughter. May Florence Leonard, dur STATION" PRODUCE SALES. The Sydney Wool-selling Brokers report: Koxskins: 4187 vera forward. In keeping with the deterioration in quality of the offerings values were distinctly lowef. Tbe decline was felt moat on best lines, which were 20 to 40 per dozen lie-low late rates.
Opossunukius: 27,481 wcro These 'descriptions also showed a falling-off in 'quality, ami prices, in consequence, were lowor. Blues were 15 to 30 per dozen, reds 6 to 16, and rumpcra 6 to 16 per dozen below last sale's rates. Kabbittkinti; wcro forwurd. There was a full muster of buyers present, aud a strong general inquiry prevailed, especially for winter descriptions, which bhowed an advance ranging from 3 to 0 per lb. Outgoings and first heavy pells were from par to 3 dearer, aud other sorts were 0i to fl per lb higher.
i Quotations: Koxskins, tops to 166' per large winter 125 to 145, medium winter 100 to 120. small winter 60 to 90, first autumn 70 to 84, second autumn 20 to 60, first summer 25 to 34, second sum-mer bf to 15, first greasy 80 to 120, second greasy 30 to 60, third greasy 6 to 15, first damaged 60 to So, second damaged 20 to 40, pupa 1 to 10, badly damaged If to bf. Opossumskins. Top blues 180 to 12 per first blui 150 to 175, second blues 110 to 130, third blues 80 to 100, top reds 85 to 01, first reds 70 to 80, second reds 69 to 66, third Teds 45 to first rompers 42 to 40, second rumpcra 23 to 28. third rampera 11 to 16, rough 45 to 65, smalls to 6, torn and weevily to 136.
Hares: Best 10 to 126 per medium if to 66, inferior 6 to 10. Rabbitskins. Supers to 60 per lb, first winters SO to second winters 33 to 38, first outgoings 22 to 27, second outgoings .121 to 20, racks 8 to IO, first heavy pelts J5 to 171, second heavy pelts 8 to fl0, first milky does 14 to 16J, second milky does to 9J, kittens and smalla 2 to fi, damaged 6J to first blacks 25 to inferior blacks 8 to 20, fawns 20 to 27. HOUEBUSB TRUCKING9. There are 49,857 sheep and 2628 cattle listed for today's sales at Homebush.
Following are tbe truckings booked for forthcoming SptTmber 39. 522 sheep vans and 281 cattle waggons. October 4: 16S sheep vans and 122 cattle waggons. October 6: 466 sheep vans and 226 cattle waggons. October 10: 151 sheep vans and 58 cattlo waggons.
SYDNEY FERRIES. The position of the Sydney Ferries In Rellbitd, Stand Out, Prince Elect, Orient Peart, King Bar, Lord Disgrace, Patliacre, Bobador, Plume, Cold Brick. Betting: 6-4 King Curio, 4 Stand Out, 5 Felix Nella, 6 Millie 8., 10 Miss Wed wood. 12 la wa Creek, while trying tbe pace of a young borse on Friday was thrown heavily. He sustained concussion and has died in tne LONDON METAL QUOTATIONS.
Following are the official London (middle) quotations for TueBday as roceived by the Australian Metal Exchange: CayuFe, 10 to 20 others. Paddock, 210, 116, and 166. Won by a neck, half lenirth second and" third. Time, lm His. Silver-lead: Electrolytlo Zinc, 14S; ditto, sir weeVs 148; A gamated Zinc, 162; ditto six weeks, 164; Broken 1IU1 Proprietary.
31. 3ia. 3371. sua, Mtn Encourage Stakes of 215, about 6f. first division: ion.
Onpper, spot ..,.6813 Unchanged. Copper, 8 mos. 08176 Bias 18. tuspltal. He naa leu six join, SUDDEN DEATH AT TENNIS.
INVERELL. Wednesday. h. Crann. a resident of LlndSeld, died tlx weeks.
34. 844), 837fr, 347j; South, Jiorth I-0" Albion, by Aurofodina-Seasbore, 4yrs, 8-5 (J. 30U, 304J; ditto, six weeks, SO0. Tyler), 8-12 (E. Henry), Funny HUtrh, a-iziu 10 7iin juFper.
jiouni, iyeii, i7. -( w. uoox), a. utner siarwrs: upsiarr, uop un, Tin: Tongkah Harbour, 35, Lilao Domino, Lilabrook, Eppiroo, Lame, The Prince, relation to the agitation which is now proceeding for tbe reduction of fares is worth while considering. Tno people who are agitating should remember that they have to do with the position ot the company as it is today, not as it has been on any day during the past twenty years.
The shareholders have changed time and again during the last twenty years. They have bought and sold in accordance with and under the protection of and tho guarantee of the law of tbe land. A shareholder buying twelve months ago, wttb tho money ho paid for hie' shares bought also his proportion of the -reserve- and bo paid also for anv reserves which in tbe past may whilst Dlaylns tennis on (told: Islington, lfi; White Hope, 60: Badak. nafd Klbex, Stand Vbast, Pep'ita, Brown Urcad. Dark Gold! '3, 12; Mutooroo, 17; Edna Deep, 19; Lun Loiran Betting: 7-2 Lord Albion, 6 Lilac Domino, 6 Canard.
Ccippsr, elect wire ban Conner, best selected ing ber life, and after her death equally among South, 40; New Laniri. 12. isa. is Li? Funny Stitch. 7 Elbex.
8 Hop Off, Upstart, 14 to 20 her throe- children. On the death ot the last 9 the public courts. iae Inverell a woek ago, and took over tho management of Ross, Umited's, store as rcllovlng in s-s tn A jm if tea mi pr mm its i.wLv.fi. iff Ill Ktel 111 III ell IK fig ill if 4 II II; 11 mm: mk mm ft I i mm III is sii 1 in I IP I i Iflii- I mi. til Mr mil mm Ml MRS mttn innnth WA.
nths-rs Pariiinnlr B7H rfiva fl flH utirt m. nf annh two till nil I 111 ron nn liiramA others. S7S; 18. and survivor of such the income Lend, forward grandchildren, was to be paid to the trustees ot Ht Paul's Church of England, Chatswood, in augmenta APiajgamaied, manager. npeiier, spot Spelter, forward Tin, spot 7310 to 7410 70 232 2117 26 2910 1575 15076 Oz.
S7J 37 S10 13-16. Unchanged. Unchanged, nine 10. Fall 26. Fall 26.
Rise 76. Rise 76. Fall 76: -Fall 10. Rise 2d. Klse lid.
Rlss lid. Rue 2 1-ISd. ku. a i-j tion ot the stipends or tho rector ana curates, truch fund to bo called, "Tho Charles T. Star- im, mos, havo been converted into share capital.
There OBITUAEY. 8llTer, snot Silver, forward KUVM An. Paddock, 10. 176, Won by a nock, length second and third. Time, lm 14s.
Second division: Cortil Moore, by Trencbmore Coral, aged 8-2 (0. Walker), LenJtaa, 8-2 (G. Brown). Cautious Boy, 8 (K. Henry), 3.
Other starters: Tardia, Lonely Maid, Colgate, Merolid, To-lofa, A bee, Tearl Thain, Aymeralto, Ladv Waac, Flavour, I-eaf, His Skill, Pcidrow. lt Sunbeam. Belting: fi 6 Tolofa, Colgate, Pearl Thain, 7 Lonely Maid, 8 Cautious Boy, 10 Lenitas, Coral Moore, 10 to 20 others. Paddock, 70610; 3140, 2f, and 186. Woo by a neck, length accond and third.
Time, lm 13s. Third division: Klnvarv, by f-lavfnius Kallary, 4r, 7-11 (II. Cook), Malpalquet, 7-12 (V. Murray), la a demand that, in considering the matter of fares to bo charged, tho amount of reserves taken into capital account should be passed in ravfaw. That would be most uninst.
It Silver, fine! forward i ME. E. p. CHAJtBERS. 310 American electrolytlo copper, 121 ccn La per lb.
The funeral of Mr. rhump n.A.t. would mean the confiscation ot a portion of tho key's Rector and Curates' sustouution runa ot St, Paul's." In tbo event of a certain contingency arising, the testator directed that tho incomo from tbe 65 parts should be paid to tho Sydney Hospital Saturday Fund tor distribution anions such institutions as tbe committee In tbelr judgment elected or chose, other than any hospital or institution carried on either dlroctly or indirectly under the control or supervision of tho Roman Catholic Church, or any body connected with that church, such fund to be called. "The Charles T. "O.O.J.": Pure white entente en a of the Lands Department, Sydney who recently retired from the Public Service after over 43 years' service, tonic niarn nnntrBrAAi LINNEAN SOCIETY.
PAPER BY LADY SCIENTIST. Mr G. A. Waterhouse, who presided at the meeting of the Unnoan Society last night, said that the members welcomed an interesting paper by Miss Marjorie I. Collins.
I on the "Mangrove and Saltmarsh Vegetation near Sydney." Miss Collins, who explained that she had given special attention to Cabbage Tree Crook, Port Hacking, described the developmental phases of the formations of sheltered tidal flats. powdered, is quoted in distributing lots at capital of those who had bought snares sinco those reserves had been converted. If it is determined that a publto utility shall be limited to a prescribed maximum dividend on the capital actually subscribed, then the basis nr the subscribed canlfal should be the pre on Monrjav. Mi Somerset. unities, W.
VUITI TH4UL4ClDi lit, career occupied many impoi- Dom-s Dauirtater, Euberous, Udy Pop. Betting: 7-4 tant poBltlons, notably 10 the local land board Ladv Pop, 5 Soment. Malpalquet, 7 Whey, Eubmtw, INTERSTATE MAEKETS. ADELAIDE, Wcdnenlay. sent capital.
It would be provided then that Starker Hospital Saturday Fund." no conversion of reserves should be in future --anuinvitu wu vuuuia, ana us urown icrB uuj ia riavary, iv ai oioera. raoaocK, vuai vviiiuiuru Biui, now 0 i.e.D, Witb oats and allowed. To refuse to recognise reserves ai-roadv converted to share capital would be tan pracuuiir Doming uotnir, and priwa were unchanged. Field pear wcro wtakenin. parceli stair atvint TIQ tn ai rTJT INDEX.
Ma.ua ageni at juoree ana corowa. In 1902 he waa recalled to head office to take charge of tho occupation branch, and ln July, 1911, was promoted to the position of clerk ln ChrarKO Of tho BaleR rl.vlA.nn vril.K ui.b., jou. hiiu jiw, nun ay nau a length, neck second and third. Time, lm 13a. Fourth division: Sinn Kein, by Featherstitch (Imp.) Love Hope, 6y, 7-10 (H.
Cook), Tertian Fire, 7-10 (W. Moore), Odd Winjf, 7-10 (J. Varley), 3. Other starters: Shipley, LaUy IS' in, Lunana, Aria. Golden At Cabbage Tree Creek, she said, drift sand had beon raising tbe level of tho marsh for tamount to repudiation ot the lawB under which such conversion was not prohibited.
It is also aliened that the Sydney Ferries charge trade 5s trucka at II lie End, baga included. Com. Backs were firm at fi6 teason'a dclivcn-, Onions NEWS. linuea tO bold Until Januarv In At. vhi ho Flash.
Fire Ball. fUno-M- ntnk. Hivhall.t. Phdn Wll, a higher tare for tho passage to Mtlson's Point nBea i ruin to Adelaide market. 1 fin? i i blDluuu, t0 Ml Plneapplea, some years, and nan orouaut of one formation upon another.
Junce-tum, the marginal association of the invjtriinff Sallcornletum, tbe lat IMsr. not agroo with Mr. Walker's suggestion that Pagj V. IttitfhM Armaments tnan tne extremely neavy iramo mere warrants, so as to enable it to charge a relatively BRISB.WE, Wcdneaday. entered upon leave prior to' retirement Dur- )lflrn'8 Voote, Merino, Honodorous.
Betting: 6 4 Aria, l.ng tho latter yoara of his aervlco he was 7Jina Fein' ,8 Merino. Odd AmoniT thOSe Who Attended tho funeral wnrii ll.nrl. ItnAt Jit oicrt 1 Prices for lucerne chaff eaaed, sales 73 to 319. Pola- tAM war in mrut.ral. msmIh low faro on servlcos Where tho traffic 1s not so heavy.
One section of the people benefits at tho expense ot tho otber if that la so. But MTMT BOIADJIEFFS CONCEBT. Ulss Mlmt Boiadjleff, young singer with a pleasing platform presence, from tbe studio of Mr. Leonard Mars, gave a vocal recital at St. James's Hall last Thursday, before a Urge audience.
Tbe new singer opened with Gounod's 'Sappho's Farewell," in which she declaimed with spirit the fine recitative-, and in the beautiful aria revealed itill further the excellent quality of a rich mexo-eoprano voice, adequately inspired by the pathos of the music A double encore followed, leading to the addition of "Comln thro' the Rye" and tha catchy Neapolitan air, "0 Solo Mio." The latter waa given In English with piquant expression as "Beneath My Window." Later In the evening Miss Boladjreff contributed two numbers from Amy Woodforde-Klndon's song cycle, "Lover of Damascus," These largely derived their charm from their Oriental character; and the mezzo waa then encored for her buovancy of style In Nerin's joyous ballad, "One Spring Morning.1' The encore was the same composer "The Rosary." A further success waa made in "Ah, con lul mi fu raplta," which was not at aU in Puccini's modern emotionsl manner, the name, being an aiensable misprint for the old operatic composer Pacini. The evening dosed with a further group, headed bv "Softly Awakes My Heart," and in response to the enthusiasm the extra numbsr took the popular form of "Annie Laurie." Mr. Charles Bmythe, Mr. Warwick Mackenzie. Mr.
Harry Thomas, and Mr. Vern Barnett strengthened the programme as usUting artists. nil "--s- "(ili IIU W'lU Bt ZfO IO tifl. i ccndtlcrabt' being bought up qufck- Mr. 8.
Chambers (boo). Messrs. Chnmhpra slon: Black Fanny, bv Herman Yeiitol. s.a On the Land rrlrcirr Producers Asrlcul tural Shows Opposition Ferries Parliamentary Intelligence Personal Paddtngton Price Fixing Itallwa. Fare.
It Is done In every traffic business. Take tho fnenhewnl. Tlnrrnft. urn a a v.nw (J. Maxwell).
1: SchnaDtw. 8-11 (,. MrKoin R1anfH railways. The trafflo to Ashfleld enables a (brothers-in-law), Dare, Norrlo and tlim.r'82 St: Cailinn)t 3. Other sUrtera: Queen im hi TT hi, 'naiunir so, muoul 50, sciierr Idcaa hlgber: malie rrulet, Meady, flat red 48: peaa nominal.
relatively low charge 10 oe maae ior tno iaro to The suburban traffic as a whole bear a considerable part ot tho charge ot tho country services. Wool, it Is believed, nave In nart for wheat. Those wbo are dis trie assurance fund, should be reduced, and said be had had no oxperienco of applicants fibjoctlng to tho payment of Jd In the which was a small sura considering tho value of tho properties involved, Mr. Bavin said be thought tho measure, was a good one. and the law would bo Improved by its passage.
The question of whether ltwas necessary to continue building up the Land Assurance Fund at tho prose nt- rate should, however, receive con side rati ok though he quite agreed with the AttoraenVheral that the security offered by tbo funtfbught not to be diminished. Tho bill was road a second tlmo without dls-tlslon, and taken Into committee, when progress was reported, and further consideration of the measure in committee adjourned. M'Master (Western Land Board). Black Fanny, Little Bunda. 10 to SO others.
Pad. A.L.P am) O.n.U. Exhibition Adult 8uffrngo Rubonic Plagu. Cablegrams Casualties Daring Jlobbcry Five Federal Session Golf Competitions Insult to France Ireland King Kdward Imw and 1'ollce leaders, etc Local Government Lord NortncltlTc Late T. J.
Ryan Iai. W. Howard Smith Monetary and Com- mrrefal Mining Intelligence nuns per nnsnel. cnaB alow, 315 to 476: BTPe ilrtt, laral 410 in Snneal.u tfiitnt ter consequently showing signs of arrested development. in hiB notos on what he described as some of the most valuable timber trees of Australia, Mr.
O. T. White, F.L.S., presonted a revised list of the Genus Fllndersla (1(14) species and varieties, including the teak tree of Now South' WalcB and tho crow's ash of Queensland. As at present constituted, he tho genus consisted. of 18 species, 15 of which' were found In Eastern Australia, and ono each' In New Caledonia, New Guinea, and Anibolna.
Dr. A. B. Walkora dealt with fossil plant, which Sad been found In the lower coal measures of New South Wales. A largo epeclmcn was exhibited, showing radiate ar Adrian, willcoxson, Cooke (Lands Depart- J.v V3VW' Dividenda, 3, 12.
and Pfl, llerAidlallon Bill Solicitor Charged Shipping, ele. iiporting Story Stair Mlno Closed merit), Daly (Publio Service Board), Burt, quiet, unchanged. 'uw satisfied are taking the' right step in starting ana uaie. Time, lm 10J. Second Division.
Roy Balfour, by Balfour Corp-modoro mare. 7-ll (F. Hood), Undershoot, an opposition company. To aaK. tno uorern mefit to ask the Court to make further- In VICTORIAN LIVE STOCK VARKKT.
n. WedncsdsT. mi. carr. loroeu).
Ijfltle Mi mer, 8 (G. barter), S. Other starters: Bush Toy, Footprint. Mist ypjp. Lady Blair, Precious Baby, Bopeep, Duco, Pintv, Jetting: Even Undershoot, 6-2 Roy Balfour, fi Little -orneij, ijtuie Ml mer, tu.
liv Bel The aluer The School. The Mails Unemployment Women's Column Status qulrles Into tho fares question is asking -the Oovernment to put pressure on the Court. It Is no different from a trade union insisting on getting Ha own way in tho matter of wageB, srd, when ono tribunal will not grant tbo Mtmer, 15 to 20 others. 415: d.vMM.Hft- FIirjJ the "ket wu dull and unsteady at The House, at 8.30 p.m., adjourned until, im. P.
G. BLACK. Tho remains of the lato Mr. P. O.
Black, a director and general manager of Burns, Phllp, and who died recently at Cairns, bave been brought to The funoral will take place at South Head Cemetery to-morrow afternoon, and will start from Wood Coffin's prlvato mortuary, 810 George-street, at 2 p.m." rangement or me leaves. j. ar tO 14 KhnW hullsvlial VII. I ii.m. wuay.
I LEGISLATIVE ADVEBTIsem*nTS. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. medlunl and lighter, 8 to 10; Inferior from. 6 prime pena of cows, 8 to 0S extra prime, 010 to I (rood, from 1 Only 40 fat calves wcro penned. There was an Improved demand throughout at slightly advanced rates.
advance, making hbcii a piague 10 mo uo-vernment, until a special tribunal is appointed with orders to grant what Is asked for. The cabins tell ub of wldo movements of thn mark In forehrn' tertian oft. On Tuesday UOUSfcS ANO IAND. 126, d6, and 106. Won br a length and a half, a head between necond and third.
Tim', lm 12. nosebery Handicap of 62S sovk, diWslon: Promised Land, by nark Ronald -Olenboom, aaed. all 31b, cam 8-1 Frost). Caylv, 7-11 (0. Brown).
Hyplane, 7-7 (H. Cook), S. Other starters: Ro-a! fialute, Miirlan, Sir Frit. Ballanto, Prince Marvelock, Rawden Ijim, Pensive, Heavy Fire. Black ChW.
Bet-tinfr: 3 Ruwdcn Uis, 4 Promised Land, 7 Sir Frit, Murlao, 8 Pcnslro, 10 Caylev, it) Hvplane, 10 to 1,1 others. Paddock, 868; 166, 17 and 1116. Won by two lengths, halt second and third. Time, 2m SSe. Second division: Persian Nan, by Persian Knlfiht (imp.) Bernard, 6yrs, 8 (II.
Mean), Brhrhtirraft, 7-12 (W. James). 2: Svbveil. 7-13 fA. Kuhnl.
3. Oth-r 11AIKK and tbe Rooma, at 11.30, clly and Suburban Properties. A. 0. JENKINS and CO.
A. LITTLE. At tbe Rooms, at 10.30, Furniture, GOLF COMPETITIONS. LADIES' CHAMPIONSHIP. MKIMURKE, Wedoesds.
In Ih. round ol the. tidlM (mlf champlohihtp' was played on Uie Sandnnchjim link. to-dy, Hie le.lur. of the round the uic-row of Mlfi Hay, ehamnlon of Victoria, and Yullle.
rhamplon ol N.w Kouth WalM, who had fall.d on Mn. Yullle'. grow of was the bent total of Ui. round, and It Improved her noMtlnn from eighteenth til fifth on the 1it. Mix 0.
Barclay, lormerlv champion of Tasmania, returned the next hrt eard, ahowlng 8.V Mlw.M. Uaeleod aeored an, and with her flral round of ahe headed the Hat wltii an asorrcate of 173. Uiu Hay waa Ave behind It ran from' 20 to 470, and closed at 460 mar fen to To biir view this Is one of tbe rare cases where a currency has a pronounced dual valuo, an internal value, and an external valuo. Such a variation In valuo as ttm Ftp. Motor Cars, Blcrcla, eta Musical Instruments Office, to Let, Wanted, ole Partnerships, Agcfl- clea, etc I 'Personal and ItusiiK Friend Positlona Vacant Position.
Wanted Poultry, Dogs, ete. I Irsdefc etc. I Publio Notices R.sl Estate Auelloa Sale. Re.ldentlal Fists at 12, l'lance, etc. J.
TL LAWSON. At the Rooms, at 11, Furniture, etc. The Simply Bill was received from tho Legislative Assembly, and the Standing Orders were suspended to permit of Its passage through all stagos during oue 'sitting. In the debato on tho second reading, Dr. Nah said It appeared that tho Government intended to spend 7.000,000 of loan money-during tho present year.
The public debt of too country-amounted already to 168,000,000, and the Interest bill each year was in 1bo neighbourhood of 71,000,000, or, roughly, .110 per head of tbo population. Taxation had risen alarmingly. In, 1913-14 tho taxation per head of tho people was 6189, the 'DAIRY. "fcGGS DEMAND. starters: (Hnaer, Ford Shop, Rena Whit ton, Horaoe 1L D.
VALANTWE and CO. At SIS Clarence-street, at 11, A. E. STUTCIlBtiRY and CO. At Wit Anzac-paradc, inc egg market waa hutv VHi.wia ir foreign exchange shows would never take.
T2? M. end good sales were made, not onlrfor Mr. Tom Bkeyhfll, In an address to tho members of tho Y.M.C.A. laut night on the "New Elizabethans," gavo a ptcturcBquo and scholarly study of tho lives, Ideals, and works of the soldier poeta of the great war. "Wltb my own eyes," he said, referring to bis experiences in Europe, "I havo Been dhe dying struggles of an old order and the birth of tho new, and I am tearful lest that new order will be stillborn, for clvllleatlon Is face to face witb a supreme crista and humanity stands hesitant at tho crossroads of destiny.
placo Internally In tho course of a day. There would.be no saying what tbo prlc of any commodity could be placed at. All tho ex South Kensington, at ii, Furniture, etc. POWELL and UANTWKLL. At ia) Nere Oantertmrj.
mail, Hurlstene Tark, at 10.S0, Fiirnllure, elr. 1L STELB and CO. At Keed and Florence atreets, I rvrmnrnr. at Furniture, etc. Page.
Amusem*nt. 2, 3 ALartments, Board and Residence 8 Auction Sales Births, and Deaths Building Materials 1 Business Announce ments Businesses for Sale or Wanted It Dress, Fashion, etc 2 Educational Florists 1 For ssl. tl Funerals Furniture, ete 9. II Gorenunent Railways. 1 Horses, Vehicles, and Live Stock 3.
Holiday Resort. It Hotels 11 House, and Land for Sal. 10 Land, Farms, Wanted 10 Legal Notices 6 lat and Found fl Machinery 1 Vedloal, Chemical, etr). 6 Meetings 4 planations furnished by the cable are qulto feasible. a to tno soiling or marss nei-j abroad.
It will bo rempmbervd that wbon Ber. CKAin, SMITH, and the Rooma, at ltn exchange was -first quoted after tho 2.30, Marhlnrrv, Furniture, elo. DAY and Macquarie and William streets, conclusion of peace there was a rush, espect-allv In neutral countries, to Invest In Ger iinniciiiaie ronsumptuin, but alio for cold aterlng. S2 eoaiminded to 16. Butler waa firm at 11 7" rrtel that the Melbourne market had been rrduced a further per lb.
There aa nn change In the position ol cheese and bacon. Quotations 168 per cwt. l0' Un m- "TcU1 ha' 10 land. Bulk, ffl) to In parketa to no per Ih. "3 "Iddle.
14, fo 16, anouldem 17 to 18, In aeed 110 per lljn.y.--60lb tins, New Houfh Wales, choice IU. good dark from per lb. to 2 per lb. Eeirs. Hrm N.tv.l.lrl.
1A. Mnplk.n, UIM i. MIm Uaeleod, having compiled 8S In tne nrtt rotinn. MIm U. lseeUea, who led at the end of the And round with waa off her game, and ah.
flnUhed In PI. Ml Macleod plaved en eicellent game, eonnlderahle Improvement In her putting. Her long game waa perfect. Her card showed In 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 5, Total V. i 68 Ilmrrlinn, who flnlKhed third with Mix nl.vr.
sh. nl.verl eteadllv Religious Announor- ments Situation, scant Shipping Announce. ments Situation, Wanted Stations, Farms, and Stock Stork, Shares, and Money Tenders To Lei BMW etc. Wanted to Purchsss on'iK-v'. oir nuraar, i ei-em-jemmie, tlpum Albert, Nell Ray, NHwrwl, Lea' and Perrln.
Bettfnjr: I Oinfrer, 9-2 Rene Vhltton, Svbveil, 6 Persian Nan, A nrighttrraft, Tcl-em-Jemmie. 10 tn 20 otbers. Pad dock, 70210: .126, lf.6, and 13. Won by short head, length Mcond and third. Time, 2m 401s.
Fourteen-two Handicap of HW. about af, Flrrt division: RriKht Beam, by Malt Klni Sundream, 6y. OS (J. Homery), IrWi Jack, 0 (Alf. Stanton), First 7, carr.
d-18 (A. Oilei). 3. Other atart era: My Nancy, Why Why, MIm Rlrstone, Phut Orell, Mn Boorlntra, Pmkerte, Aalita, Oo Eay, Rhule A aria. My Winnie.
Rettinr: 6-4 Bria-ht Beam. 6 Whv Why, Misa Boorinjra, Mv Nancy, Phaat Orell, 15 frtsh 20 First Pip, 1A to 20 othtrrt. Paddock, 67710: 1. 396. and 1146.
Won by three-quarters of a lenirth, half a length be twcMi second and thinl. Time, lm ib Hecond Division: Wad. by Popinjay Musette, 4v, MO (W. Sullivan), Pebbles. 7-H (H.
Mran). 2: lndy Butler, 7-10 (E. Henry), 8. Other startKrsi Lord Burrli Qulckstrp, Roae Pay, Owenelle, Queen ef Clubs, Golden Lass, Tennis Court, tady Field, Ruby Katon. Tonsure, pliant Queen.
Benin: 7-4 Quick, ftlrp. 6-3 Wad, 4 Fehblet, 14 Udy Butler, 10 to 20 otti-r. paddock, 44310: l1. 117. Won by halt a Irncth, a neck behrstn second and third.
me. lm l.Ms. man marks, which were then at what was thought to be an absurdly low value, from to 100 marks to 1. It was believed tbat tho mark would within a couple of years regain Its par value, and so tbe speculators would make largo sums. Instead the mark bae been steadily detuning, though with occasional There Is too much greed and avarlco, too much bate and mistrust lo Europe, and there can bo no hope of Improvement until tha faith, hopo, and charity embodied ln tbo eight beatitudes of the Naxarane come into their own." Tho great principles of those beatitudes, he continued, were embodied in the Imperishable wnrkB of twenty young soldier-poets -who went to the front, and ot whom only four came back.
They numbered among them Rupert Brooke, Allen Beeger, John cnsiswona, ai n- rumiiure, nr. 'J. MvbH, SON, and CO. At 60 Camhrldge-ttnet, Stan-I more, at 11, etc. A.
(1. and CO. At Hoomi, at 11 and 2, Clothing, etc. J. P.
LISTER. At the Rooma, at 11, Clothing, elc. at 8. Jewellery, ele. itf.
I.F.VY, At the Rooma, CTothmg, etc. BTOKKS and CO. At the Rooms, at 1, Pianos, Furniture. eli. 8.
MURPHY and CO. At the Rooms, at 3, Furniture, I Drunerr, R. DWYEH. At Camlnrie, at 3, Furniture, ete. for a round of fA Mrs.
'Yullle excellent total of upward movements. It may bo that snocuK South Coast and railways, 12 duck, new-laid, 1s to iM Included four three. A sliced drive at tne second reunited In lx llng reeordetl. At. th third a sued from the rou.h.
five resultlne. tors have got tired of holding, and that they io, csae ii a aoren. Suburban consignmenle.Ronstertl Prime young lo 176, good 126 te 14, medium, light, small, ami MeCrae, Joyce Kllner, and the Australian. FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Three pntta nauiird another sit to appear In the card a the fourth.
At the eleventh and seventeenth tlves were slso recorded. After a good drive at the 11. eneil imposing autitoritica boing tun-Federal io-vrnninnt, tbo State Government, and local government. In 1019-20 the taxation amounted to 1433 per head. llo was sorry, in see the Labour party embarking upon a policy of squander; It was quite contrary to the principles of the old Labour members, who cams Into Parliament 30 years ago.
Tholr oveTv Jng prlnelpto was tbo safety of the fcSUtot tbo present Labour party appeared to hove 1b principle of tho safely of one party, and there was danger of over-taxation by reason of the amount of mouey spent each Th buius proposed to bo spent, according to the fcchoriulft to tho bill, showed no. sign' of economy on the part of tho present; tlovern-rntnt. and the present scale of spending was altogether too great for tho ax paying classes of the country io hear. Mr. McOowcn claimed Hint BlthouRh.
tbo public debt was we had security fur every ponuy of that debt In our railways' tind tramways. If Ihoy were put up for sale they would realise at least Ho alxo claimed that we had assets such as no other country In the world show. The frrnnri reading of the bill was agreed to, and the mensuro was taken through Us remaining stages, The Prerldent, at O.Cn p.m., left the chair, Wtil halt-raat 3 o'clock this afternoon. om iron, ncn. i mme nervy JIOSSMAN, ELMS, sn thrlr at lWtirs, Butter.
Hone 1 at 3, tiuckcra, Pork, Vl '0' tn the) "Now EllMbothanll," iieon rvf mcoium, -i, uiruiiim, are throwing-their marks on tne marKet, With a plentiful supply the valuo has tumbled down. 1 ARTHUR co*ckS AND CO. Tbo report of Arthur Cooks aod Ltd. iiarn, ana small irotll VI. Drakes: Muscovy prime jrmimr te aft, mvyl in eleventh weas seconn lounu uuu.r, m.
lh. mM In four two Dutta fnllowcd. An CO, medium, and email frnm 0. Ducks: Muscovy, Indifferent third shot, at tho seventeenth caused spirit loving their country proud of their PR1.M1F.R CO-OP. CO.
At Municipal VarkeU, at 1, Novice Haedlonp-of 17. division: Millie roiMtrv, r.trgi, eic. 0. J. Tl'RNKR.
At the Roomi, at Duckllnn, fldrka. at 1.15. 'Kara, Poultry. eovorloff thn year anded July 31. dlecloaea a urey, ny raontngton ftmp.i i-aoy urty, 7-s i-t, TvUr).
1t Ttr. flJI I'll. r'rvf. 9i ft.1 fV trouble. Tho card readi ii Out ft.
fl, 6, Ii, 6, 4, tt-rtn In 6, t. 5, 3, 4, Total, at. Vh. n.H nf tlM, leedln. ntavera w.
re: Mil. M. Jamett). A. Other ftartn! Abbe Rrrfbe.
Rernori. race, worshipping their Ood, and over nco*k-Ina romance and adventure. At tbe Town Hall to-night Mr. Bkeyhlll will deliver a Ircture. entitled, "The Babylonian Plngor Writes Again," and will dencribo Russia as be saw it.
While admission will be free, a stiver coin collection will he made w. iM.r.ia ana ai ine wasy-aireec laras, at )i, Mllrh Corrtj. TO-DAY. Crltsrirmi "Paddy the Next Bast Thing," J. Malesty'u "Maid of the Mountains," ThMtr.
Royal! "Ob, Lady. Lady," 8. Valao: "Te for Three," S. Tlvolh New Vaudeville, J.30, Grand Opera llouae: Nsr Melodrama, 8. 1 Fuller's Thratrea: New Vaudeville, L'nlon Picture Theatres.
Strand Thealrei First National EnterUliUMa i Her Malesty'a: "Merchant of Venice," 8. "rona-rvalorlum: Brahma "Requiem." King's nail i Mr. Orm Darvall's Concert, rk-uool Iruperlors' Corferencel Murtlon.lllUl Town Ilsll i Tom Skeyhlll's Lecture, 8. f'-ofnblnaror, Priftadale, Qitlnilla, lrd Flippant, Miss piim. DlinaT io njoo ix is, mlltuo shil small fmm 0.
Kngllsh, prime younir fo 14, Rend 10 in 12, medium and mall from 8. Turttrys: nehblere prime b-sry fo 5, noed 40 te ftO, medium snd small Irom AO; hens, prims heavy lo SO, good 18 fo 367, medium and smsll from Is8, Gem. fo 178: ffirmeafnwls tn 128 plg-eona, young and old from S8 to 4 a pair, FORAGE AND GRAIN. ftjflend rVlct. 1st ronnd 87: Snd.
Bni total, 17a. Miss ueuo. wonoun, uny uiow, mis iunir. net profit ot 17,168, and with 8:39 brouKht forward la available Out of the profits of the year a dividend oo preference share. (Including Interim dividend) at the rate of 7 per cent, aoeounts for 1603, a dividend at the rate of 10 tier cent, on ordinary share, absorbs Hay ir, m-litl u.
ijasceiie. tvir.i, U.rriMin fTax.1. M. VM79: Mrs. HORSES, VEHICLK8, AN ft HAflVRSS.
W. tNCLm and HON, At their Baxaar, at Uoraei, Vi-hlclm. and Hirnem. n. Abn Hcrine, irtc, a af till' cirey, nnrts-date.
7 fVrnora, A Lcnltatt. It to to others. Pad- dork. AI7 10t 10, 14, and 37. Won Vullle (N.N.W.), RflW: Mrs.
1. A. Hay fVlcl, On. Mxiai: Mrs. fiatehouse (Vic), BO, IW lMi MIm G.
tbt funds of the blinded soldiers. B. (. the Beomi, it Motor Cars, Oelea. ete.
the on bob air or hy a lenitth, umo second and third. Time, lm Kali war Comm I (doners, a cordl.il (I nil reaterdar. Tbe bett fmlha frnm OnloiM E10.S41, a sum. or C5i7 is transinrrea to tne reserve fundi' and 7M4 Is carried forward. 4H.
Second' dlvlnton: Paul Pit. hv Va Prince flmn.) Invitation If extended to all railway and wmcKixAXKorH. Burclw f- 164: Mlsa Y. Bethrrsa 7. Klnlnmonth tawisfi MnC Bra (Vic), ftt.
WWIi; Mlsa N. O. Murdoch ThuM victoria wrre on.rta at rmm no to a'stln It Is exolalned that the total value of thn Harrison, of tho C. MWHimiT. -At Ulrhbar.li, at 11.
Wuildlnx tramway men. Professor inqinhHivfi jiiw. )v. it, Murray1, won narv, vat ffoml demand for potatoes al unaltered let els. There were IS truckloads ol dreuood subniilled at 01-1801 ilia OuUirle (U, slock carried throufh tho various brancbos Is M.itciljU; at Prtcnhum.
al UulMliis MjteiUh. University, will preside. an. car, i-s Virijnij, nannny, ia (r WIS.